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Mummy, wife & MFL Teacher in Hampshire, UK || Author of 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers - Outstanding MFL Lessons || Check out my blog - morganmfl.weebly.com




Mummy, wife & MFL Teacher in Hampshire, UK || Author of 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers - Outstanding MFL Lessons || Check out my blog - morganmfl.weebly.com
Spanish: Independent Learning Folder

Spanish: Independent Learning Folder

Sheets I have used as part of my 'Independent Learning Folder&'. Each sheet photocopied several times and laminated. If students are struggling to act on feedback given they find the appropriate sheet in the folder to help them. Giving opinions, adjectives, connectives, time, frequency phrases, giving extra details, how to form and when to use the different tenses\n\nLet me know what you think and if you spot any errors!


PowerPoint which includes jobs with both masculine and feminine and how to say what your parents do. Could be used as a mini whiteboard game, students write the correct answer on their boards. Answer appears on click.
French Tenses Bundle

French Tenses Bundle

A selection of resources for practising French tenses. All resources can be used alongside the Independent Learning Folders https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-independent-learning-folder-6424089 (free download) Bundle includes: -Tests and answer sheets for the following tenses: Present, perfect, imperfect, future, near future, conditional -Colour coded excel spreadsheet tracker (with instructions) -Pupil reflection grid -Useful links for teaching tenses Hope they’re useful Dannielle
French: Technology Vocab Cards

French: Technology Vocab Cards

Technology vocab cards to be printed onto card and cut up. Print each set on different coloured card - makes it easier when they all get dropped on the floor!
Perfect tense

Perfect tense

For 'avoir' we only did '-er' verbs! The groupwork doc is to go with the MS VAN DER TRAMP slide - as there are only 'etre' verbs. I have also attached the sheets that I used for the 'etre' game which you will need to cut up. I also printed out the picture on slide 5 for them to stick in their books (I found the picture on the internet). Slide 8 onwards - students write the correct sentence on mini whiteboards (correct answer should appear when you click next).
French: Improving your work - Independent Learning

French: Improving your work - Independent Learning

Sheets I have used as part of my 'Independent Learning Folder&'. Each sheet photocopied several times and laminated. If students are struggling to act on feedback given they find the appropriate sheet in the folder to help them.\n\n-Giving opinions/adjectives/connectives\n-Time/frequency phrases\n-Giving extra detail
Quien quiere ser milionario? PowerPoint.

Quien quiere ser milionario? PowerPoint.

I didn't actually make this! (I downloaded it from here and edited it slightly - credit goes to the people who made it originally, they spent a lot more time on it than I did). Spanish 'who wants to the be a millionare?'.
School Subjects

School Subjects

Taught to my year 8 bottom set. School subjects J'adore, j'aime, je n'aime pas, je déteste Pourquoi Parce Que Reasons The sens ou non sens game on SB - students decide which sentences don't make sense and change them so that they do (the second part of the incorrect sentences can be moved. if the sentence is correct the ending won't move). I also did an activity where students had to write a j'adore etc sentence on their mini whiteboards then read them out to the class, if someone else had the same sentence they had to wipe theirs clean.
French and Spanish Displays

French and Spanish Displays

Twitter board, levels sheets, a range of vocab etc. Challenge capsules - to be printed and cut out and put into individual tubs - you can get packs of tubs in most pound shops! When students have finished their work they choose a challenge capsule and complete the task. Phrase of fortnight - write a phrase on board in each lang each fortnight. If students use this in context they are given a raffle ticket. Choose a winner to win sweets each fortnight. Hope you find it useful
4 Pictures 1 Word - French

4 Pictures 1 Word - French

PowerPoint based on the app '4 pictures 1 word'. \n\nVarious vocab covered including family, descriptions, where you live, colours.\n\nIn French but could be adapted for other languages.\n\nThis one is mainly for Y7 but could be used for other years to recap vocab. I have done one for Y8 and Y9 as well.\n\nCan be used as a starter activity.\n\nStudents try to guess the word from the pictures and the letters given.
KS3 French BANG Game

KS3 French BANG Game

General vocab such as intros, adjectives, colours, common words and phrases. Print onto card and cut up and stick so that you have French on one side and English on back, then put cards in a tin. Can be played alone but probably better in pairs or groups. Students pick a card from the tin and translate word into Spanish/English. Then check it is correct by looking at the back of the card. If they get it right they keep it, if they get it wrong they put it back in the jar. If they get a 'BANG&' card they have to put all cards back in the tin. Hope that makes sense! Dannielle
French Food

French Food

A few Powerpoints (breakfast, lunch, shopping). Also there is a 'bataille navale' battleships sheet. Some of these I took from TES and modified them a bit, so thank you to whoever it was that uploaded them originally!!!