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AQA GCSE PE NEA Coursework Guide - Analysis Section 4 (Skill Weakness)
This resource includes;
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for section 4 (Skill Weakness) the AQA GCSE PE coursework task.
A step by step guide, containing sentence starters and checklists to help students structure and keep track of the tasks they have completed.
This exemplar uses the sport of netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.
Planes and axes of movement
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 2 - Movement Analysis
Lesson 1 - Lever systems
Lesson 2 - Mechanical advantage
Lesson 3 - Planes and axes of movement
Lesson 4 - Movement Analysis
Christian belief on the Afterlife
KS3 Philosophy and Ethics - Unit 3 - Life after death
Students will be able to:
To explain the Christians belief on the afterlife
To explore why Christians hold these beliefs
To evaluate how these beliefs influence Christians today
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons in the Science and Religion Scheme of Work!
When Does Life Begin?
KS3 Philosophy and Ethics - Unit 5 - Sanctity of Life
Students will be able to:
To define the key terms related to this lesson (conception, ensoulment, sanctity of life and abortion)
To consider when life begins.
To summarise religious beliefs, teachings to the beginning of life.
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons in the Science and Religion Scheme of Work!
Euthanasia - Part 2 - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 2: Thematic studies
Theme B
L1 - The origins of the universe and life (Christianity)
L2 - The origins of human life (Christianity)
L3 - The Origins of the universe Religious - Islam
L4 - Abuse of the environment
L5 - Abuse of animals
L6 - When Does Life Begin
L7 - Abortion - Controversy
L8 - Abortion Religious Viewpoint
L9 - Euthanasia Controversy
L10 - Euthanasia Religious Views
L11 - The Afterlife
L12- Assessment
Self-efficacy and Confidence
Chapter 12.1 - Psychological factors that can influence an individual in physical activities
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To identify the factors affecting self-efficacy and confidence
AO3: To analyse both Vealey and Bandura’s models on sports confidence
AO3: To discuss possible strategies used to develop sport confidence
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
Church Growth - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices
Christian Practices
L1 - Forms of Worship - Part 1
L2 - Forms of Worship - Part 2
L3 - Prayer
L4 - The Sacraments - Part 1
L5 - The Sacraments - Part 2
L6 - Baptism + Eucharist
L7 - Pilgrimage
L8 - Celebrating Festivals
L9 - Role of Church
L10 - Church Growth
L11 - Poverty and Charities
L12 - New Testament Responses to Persecutions and Reconciliation
L13 - Assessment
The Mosque - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices
Islam Practices
L1 - Five Pillars - Part 1
L2 - Five Pillars - Part 2
L3 - Five Pillar - Part 3
L4 - Shia - Ten Obligatory Acts
L5 - Shia (Contrasting Beliefs)
L6- Jihad
L7 - The Mosque
L8 - Festivals (Eid-Ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha and Ashura)
L9 - Assessment
Divorce and Remarriage - Christianity - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 2: Thematic studies
Theme A
L1 - Human Sexuality
L2- Nature and Purpose of Marriage
L3 - Sexual Relationships before and outside Marriage (Cohabitation) - Christianity
L4 - Sexual Relationships before and outside Marriage (Cohabitation) - Islam
L5 - Nature and Purpose of Families
L6 - Contraception and Family Planning
L7 - Divorce and Remarriage - Christianity
L8 - Divorce and Remarriage (Islam)
L9 - Gender equality and prejudice (Christianity)
L10 - Assessment
L11 - DiRT
The origins of the universe and life (Christianity) - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 2: Thematic studies
Theme B
L1 - The origins of the universe and life (Christianity)
L2 - The origins of human life (Christianity)
L3 - The Origins of the universe Religious - Islam
L4 - Abuse of the environment
L5 - Abuse of animals
L6 - When Does Life Begin
L7 - Abortion - Controversy
L8 - Abortion Religious Viewpoint
L9 - Euthanasia Controversy
L10 - Euthanasia Religious Views
L11 - The Afterlife
L12- Assessment
Nature and Purpose of Marriage - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 2: Thematic studies
Theme A
L1 - Human Sexuality
L2- Nature and Purpose of Marriage
L3 - Sexual Relationships before and outside Marriage (Cohabitation) - Christainity
L4 - Sexual Relationships before and outside Marriage (Cohabitation) - Islam
L5 - Nature and Purpose of Families (record via google meet)
L6 - Contraception and Family Planning (record via google meet)
L7 - Divorce and Remarriage - Christianity
L8 - Divorce and Remarriage (Islam)
L9 - Gender equality and prejudice (Christianity)
L10 - Assessment
L11 - DiRT
When Does Life Begin - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 2: Thematic studies
Theme B
L1 - The origins of the universe and life (Christianity)
L2 - The origins of human life (Christianity)
L3 - The Origins of the universe Religious - Islam
L4 - Abuse of the environment - Part 1
L5 - When Does Life Begin
L6 - Abortion - Controversy
L7 - Abortion Religious Viewpoint
L8 - Euthanasia Controversy
L9 - Euthanasia Religious Views
L10 - The Afterlife
L11- Assessment
Divorce and Remarriage (Islam) - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 2: Thematic studies
Theme A
L1 - Human Sexuality
L2- Nature and Purpose of Marriage
L3 - Sexual Relationships before and outside Marriage (Cohabitation) - Christianity
L4 - Sexual Relationships before and outside Marriage (Cohabitation) - Islam
L5 - Nature and Purpose of Families
L6 - Contraception and Family Planning
L7 - Divorce and Remarriage - Christianity
L8 - Divorce and Remarriage (Islam)
L9 - Gender equality and prejudice (Christianity)
L10 - Assessment
L11 - DiRT
The positive and negative impact of commercialisation, sponsorship and the media
Chapter 13 - Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Students will be able to:
AO1: To understand the relationship between sport, media and commercialisation in a ‘golden triangle’.
AO2: To be able to describe the positives and negatives of commercialisation in sport and the impact on the performer, coach, official, audience and the sport.
AO3: Evaluate the influence of the three aspects of Golden Triangle on the world of sport.
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons.
AQA GCSE PE NEA Coursework Guide - Analysis Section 3 (Skill Strength)
This resource includes;
A complete, top scoring, exemplar for section 3 (Skill Strength) the AQA GCSE PE coursework task.
A step by step guide, containing sentence starters and checklists to help students structure and keep track of the tasks they have completed.
This exemplar uses the sport of netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid.
Weapons of Mass Destruction and Nuclear Weapons - AQA - Religious Studies GCSE
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Component 2: Thematic studies
Theme D
L1 - Forgiveness and Reconciliation
L2 - Pacifism and Peacekeeping
L3 - Violent Protests
L4 - Terrorism
L5- Consequences and Victims of War
L6 - Weapons of Mass Destruction and Nuclear Weapons
L7 - Holy War and Just War
L8 - Assessment
L9 - DiRT
Principles of Training - GCSE Physical Education - AQA
Resource includes PowerPoint presention and differentiated worksheets for a 1 hour lesson, following the AQA specification.
Chapter 3 - Physical Training
Lesson 1 - Relationship between health and fitness
Lesson 2 - Components of Fitness - Health Related
Lesson 3 - Components of Fitness - Skill Related
Lesson 4 - Fitness Testing - Part 1
Lesson 5 - Fitness Testing - Part 2
Lesson 6 - Use of Data
Lesson 7 - Principles of Training
Lesson 8 - Methods of Training
Lesson 9 - Training seasons and injury prevention
Practical - Physical Training Lessons
Muslim belief on the Afterlife
KS3 Philosophy and Ethics - Unit 3 - Life after death
Students will be able to:
To explain the Muslim belief on the afterlife
To explore why Muslims hold these beliefs
To evaluate how these beliefs influence Muslims today
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons in the Science and Religion Scheme of Work!
KS3 Philosophy and Ethics - Unit 4 - Religion and the Family
Students will be able to:
To consider the different reasons for divorce in Britain today
To explore religious beliefs and teachings about divorce and remarriage
To evaluate whether it should be easy to get a divorce
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons in the Science and Religion Scheme of Work!
KS3 Philosophy and Ethics - Unit 5 - Sanctity of Life
Students will be able to:
To summarise religious and non-religious teachings on abortion
To reflect on the ethical implications of abortion
To formulate links between key terms (sanctity of life / quality of life) and abortion
Feedback is welcome, please check out the rest of my lessons in the Science and Religion Scheme of Work!