
Little People, Big Dreams - Musicians Book Bundle by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
This resource is a book bundle with activities to do based on the following picture books by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara:
Little People, Big Dreams - David Bowie
Little People, Big Dreams - Dolly Parton
Little People, Big Dreams - Ella Fitzgerald
Little People, Big Dreams - Aretha Franklin
Little People, Big Dreams - Bob Dylan
Little People, Big Dreams - Elton John
Little People, Big Dreams - John Lennon
Little People, Big Dreams - Prince
Little People, Big Dreams - Stevie Wonder
Little People, Big Dreams - Elvis Presley
All of these resources are available in our store to be purchased individually but purchasing them together in this bundle is a significant saving.
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The First Fleet Book Bundle - Worksheets for 10 Picture Books
This resource is a bundle with activities to do based on the following books which support the teaching of The First Fleet:
What’s Your Story? by Rose Giannone
Beth: The Story of a Child Convict by Mark Wilson
The Unlikely Story of Bennelong and Phillip by Michael Sedunary
Young Dark Emu - A Truer History by Bruce Pascoe
Never Lose Hope: The story of Australia’s first school by Mark Wilson
The Little Wooden Horse by Mark Wilson
The Rabbits by John Marsden
Waves by Donna Rawlins
My Place by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins
The First Fleet by Alan Boardman
All of these resources are available in our store to be purchased individually but purchasing them together in this bundle is a significant saving.
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Little People, Big Dreams - Sally Ride by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
This resource is an eight page PDF document with activities to do based on the book Little People, Big Dreams - Sally Ride by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara and Alona Millgram. This document contains six worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension questions, a sequencing task and research activity plus a fill-in puzzle. The first six pages of this resource are for student use and the last page is a teacher answer page for the puzzle.
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Finding the Titanic by Robert D. Ballard - 6 Worksheets
This resource is an eight page PDF document with activities to do based on the text Finding the Titanic by Robert D. Ballard. This document contains six worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reinforce their understanding of the story of the Titanic and Robert’s story of finding it by completing activities that work with this text. There are comprehension questions and writing activities plus a research task on Ruth Becker.
Some of the activities in this resource may be suitable for teachers who are teaching students about the story of the Titanic but do not have this particular book to use.
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The Eureka Stockade Teaching Pack Bundle - Australian History - Gold Rush
This resource is a bundle of PDF documents featuring the following resources available from Education Australia:
Gold Rush / Eureka Stockade title pages
The Eureka Stockade Story and Worksheets - Gold Rush - Australian History
The Eureka Stockade Fold-a-Book Activity
The Night We Made The Flag by Carole Wilkinson Worksheets
The Eureka Stockade Cause and Effect Activity
The Eureka Stockade by Alan Boardman and Roland Harvey Worksheets
The Eureka Stockade Quiz - iDoceo Grade Scanner
The Eureka Stockade Puzzles
Eureka! A Story of the Goldfields by Mark Wilson
All of these resources are available in our store to be purchased individually but purchasing them together in this bundle is a significant saving.
If you would like more information about these resources, please visit our store to see the individual listings.
This activity was written to use with the Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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The Eureka Stockade Cause and Effect Activity - Australian Gold Rush - History
This resource is a two page PDF document on the events of the Eureka Stockade in 1854.
The first page is a cause and effect activity for the students to complete and the second page is a teacher reference sheet of the activity with an example of the type of answer students would be expected to give.
This activity was written to use with the Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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Martin Luther King, Jr. by Kitson Jazynka - National Geographic Kids Reader
This resource is a seven page PDF document with activities to do based on the text Martin Luther King, Jr. by Kitson Jazynka. This document contains six worksheets for students.
This text is a National Geographic Kids Reader. The book we used was Level 4 however we understand that some levels differ depending on the country where the text is published.
The activities allow the students to reinforce their understanding of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. by completing activities that work with this text. There are comprehension questions and a timeline activity plus a then and now task. There is also a biography pyramid and recalling facts activity.
Some of the activities in this resource may be suitable for teachers who are teaching students about Martin Luther King, Jr. but do not have this particular book to use.
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Tupaia, Isaac and Cook by Mark Wilson - 7 Worksheets - Captain Cook - Endeavour Voyage
This resource is a nine page PDF document with activities to do based on the book Tupaia, Isaac and Cook: The Search for ‘The Great South Land’ by Mark Wilson. This document contains seven worksheets / activities for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are two pages of comprehension questions, a research activity and writing tasks. There is also a QR code activity that takes students to a video titled Endeavour History.
This book is an excellent resource to use if studying Captain Cook or learning about the early mapping of Australia. It is an extremely well-written book which shines a light on the contribution of Tupaia to the success of the Endeavour voyage.
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Flapper, VC by Mark Wilson - 6 Worksheets - World War 2
This resource is an eight page PDF document of worksheets and activities for students to complete based on the book Flapper, VC by Mark Wilson. This document contains six worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension questions and vocabulary activities. There is a QR code activity which takes students to a video titled War Animals and also a fill-in puzzle. A teacher answer sheet is included for the puzzle.
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The Horse Soldier by Mark Wilson - 6 Worksheets - World War One
This resource is a seven page PDF document with activities to do based on the book The Horse Soldier by Mark Wilson. This document contains six worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension questions, language and dictionary activities plus writing activities.
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Rachel's War - The Story of an Australian WW1 Nurse by Mark Wilson 6 Worksheets
This resource is a nine page PDF document with activities to do based on the book Rachel’s War - The Story of an Australian WW1 Nurse by Mark Wilson. This document contains six worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension questions, research activities and writing tasks.
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Mark Wilson Book Bundle #2 - Worksheets for 10 Picture Books - Author Study
This resource is a book bundle with activities to do based on the following picture books by Mark Wilson:
Eureka! A Story of the Goldfields
Tupaia, Isaac and Cook: The Search for ‘The Great South Land’
Ben and Gracie’s Art Adventure
Inside the World of Tom Roberts
Rachel’s War - The Story of a Australian WW1 Nurse
Journey of the Sea Turtle
Flapper, VC
The Horse Soldier
The Rats of Tobruk
All of these resources are available in our store to be purchased individually but purchasing them together in this bundle is a significant saving.
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Along the Road to Gundagai by Jack O'Hagan - 6 Worksheets - ANZAC Day
This resource is a seven page PDF document with activities to do based on the book Along the Road to Gundagai by Jack O’Hagan and Andrew McLean. There are six activities to do with the book.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension, vocabulary and grammar activities. There is also a QR code activity to use with tablets / ipads.
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Bessie's War by Krista Bell - 7 Worksheets - World War One - ANZAC Day
This resource is a eight page PDF document with activities to do based on the book Bessie’s War by Krista Bell and Belinda Elliott. This document contains seven worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension questions, vocabulary activities and writing tasks.
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Alfred's War by Rachel Bin Salleh - 6 Worksheets - ANZAC Day - World War 1
This resource is a seven page PDF document with activities to do based on the book Alfred’s War by Rachel Bin Salleh and Samantha Fry. There are six activities to do with the book.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension, vocabulary and grammar activities. There is also a QR code activity where students can scan the QR code to watch a video about Indigenous ANZACs.
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I Was Only Nineteen by John Schumann - 6 Worksheets - Vietnam War
This resource is a seven page PDF document with activities to do based on the book I Was Only Nineteen by John Schumann and Craig Smith. This document contains six worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are also vocabulary activities plus a QR code activity which takes students to a video about the Vietnam War.
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Anzac Day - 5 Worksheets
This resource is a five page PDF document with activities to do for Anzac Day.
The activities included assist students to create a glossary of Anzac terms, understand the symbolism of Anzac Day and cement their understanding of the importance of Anzac Day. There is also a QR code activity to take students to a video about Anzac Day.
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Captain Thunderbolt's Recital by Jane Jolly - 6 Worksheets - Bushrangers
This resource is an eight page PDF document of worksheets and activities for students to complete based on the book Captain Thunderbolt’s Recital by Jane Jolly and Liz Duthie. This document contains six worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension questions, vocabulary tasks (compound words, suffixes and better words than) plus two writing activities.
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Shearer by Neridah McMullin and Michael Tomkins - 6 Worksheets - Jack Howe
This resource is an eight page PDF document with activities to do based on the book Shearer by Neridah McMullin and Michael Tomkins. This document contains six worksheets for students.
The activities allow the students to reflect on the story and extend their understanding of the themes within this text. There are comprehension questions, vocabulary activities (compound words, prefixes and suffixes and synonyms) and two writing activities.
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Simpson and his Donkey - World War One - ANZAC - Gallipoli
This resource is a six page PDF document about Simpson and his donkey.
The first and second pages are the story of Jack Simpson’s life and experience at Gallipoli. There are also three activity pages included in this resource. One page is a Y-chart on Jack’s experience at Gallipoli, another is a timeline activity about Jack’s life and the last activity is a research task about a recipient of the Victoria Cross. The last page of this resource is the answer sheet for the timeline activity.
There is a book by Mark Greenwood and Frane Lessac titled Simpson and his Donkey. Although these worksheets are not written specifically for the book they would be excellent to use as a follow-on activity to learn a bit more about Simpson and his life.
This activity was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
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