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Stuarts - Was James I a Popular King?

Stuarts - Was James I a Popular King?

This lesson contains: Background information about James’ ascension to the throne and some of the issues his reign might cause, such as him being Scottish, the son of an executed traitor, having a wife that favours Catholicism and his beliefs about Divine Right of Kings. Students discuss each point as you move through the slides. An activity to study two quotes by different historians who see James differently. Students will return to these quotes later as they decide whether James was a popular king or not. A short video from YouTube about James’ life and reign for background information. A main activity for the students to study a double sided information page containing lots of information about James. Students complete the worksheet to show his policies and decisions about different matters. This task is extended by considering things that would have made James popular, and things that wouldn’t have. A plenary to return to the quotes and to choose which side they are on by writing up their own judgements about James. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Normans - The Feudal System and Domesday Book

KS3 Normans - The Feudal System and Domesday Book

This lesson contains: A starter to consider the role of hierarchy in a school and comparing to society. A YouTube video that summarises the aftermath of Hastings and how William increased his control over the country. This is followed by a gap fill exercise which can be printed and filled in from the handouts provided. An overview of the Feudal System and its uses. Students write down the new hierarchy and then answer questions about the advantages for William by using the information provided. An introduction to the Domesday Book and the reasons behind it, including a short YouTube video and then information which students use to complete follow up questions about why and how the survey was carried out. A plenary to consider the method which may have had the biggest impact. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 1 x Publisher File
KS3 Normans - William's Motte & Bailey Castles

KS3 Normans - William's Motte & Bailey Castles

This lesson contains: A starter to consider what a castle means to the students. Two images are used to get a discussion going. An introduction to castle building and locations. The students debate which place they would build their castle and why. A background into William’s intention of building castles, where they were build and how. Students read about the Motte and Bailey and label their copy of the castle with the correct features. A task to determine the advantages and disadvantages of Motte and Bailey castles. An overview of where these castles were build and what the spread (on the map) shows about the danger areas. A plenary quiz to test student knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File
KS3 Romans - Was Rome’s Founding Truth or Legend?

KS3 Romans - Was Rome’s Founding Truth or Legend?

This lesson contains: A starter to discuss the image of Romulus and Remus being nursed by a wolf. Students make judgements based on this. A task to consider what a legend is, using examples on the board, and drawing out the meaning to work together to form a definition. Students then get background, on the slides, of where the legend of Romulus and Remus takes place and how important ‘origin stories’ are to cultures. A video from YouTube recounting the story, followed by an activity to read the story and answer questions down the side. Students must consider what parts of the story are truthful and which fall under the definition of a legend. A plenary to consider Bettany Hughes’ view about the story being false, and asking students to support or reject her view based on their learning. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
KS3 Medieval - Consequences of the Black Death

KS3 Medieval - Consequences of the Black Death

This lesson contains: A starter to get students talking about why diseases spread, and then hopefully they will apply that to this lesson about the Black Death. A background info slide about the spread of the plague. Students then use on-board images to discuss what actually caused the spread. There is a gap fill exercise which can be completed to consolidate the knowledge. An on-board discussion about how people attempted to stop the plague. Students are asked to complete a small, optional sheet (it could just be a discussion, up to you) with each, matching them with the associate image, then decide the the one that they think would work the most, and which would not. A few slides with sources about the impact the plague had on England. Students read and discuss what they think each author is saying about the impact. A card-sort activity where students are given lots of small statements about the plague and they have to separate them into positive and negatives. Then they choose the 3-4 best the write about in their books. This can then be extended into a writing task to make a judgement about whether the Black Death was terrible for everyone. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 1 x Publisher File
KS3 Normans - Who Should be King 1066?

KS3 Normans - Who Should be King 1066?

This lesson contains: A starter to study a picture of Edward the Confessor dying and to interpret what is going on. An overview of the issue in 1066 with the death of Edward and an introduction to the three claimants - Harold, Harald and William. A YouTube video is used to give some insight into the problems between Harold and William and students discuss what the main arguments are. A research task to study information on 3 different cards, one for each claimant, with them talking int heir own words why theys hould be king. The students complete a mind map (images to be stcuk in and annotated) with the positives and negatives of each person. A writing task at the end to consolidate their thoughts. An optional extension, if you wanted to go into a 2nd lesson or wanted to give something for homework, for students to write an organised piece of writing and study an exemplar and critique it. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Word Files
GCSE Medicine L17 - John Snow & Cholera

GCSE Medicine L17 - John Snow & Cholera

This lesson contains: A starter to consider the epidemics studied so far on this course. An introduction to Cholera as a disease and its effects. A source is used to get students to interpret the cause of the disease. An activity where students use the information provided to complete the questions about how John Snow discovered that Cholera was caused by the waste and sewage in the water. A final task to study on-board info and determine the effect John Snow had and whether the government were responsible for the future vaccination, or whether John Snow deserves the credit. A choice of plenaries: first a gap fill recall task or second, a choice of exam questions. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L7 - Sydenham, New Approaches & Technology

GCSE Medicine L7 - Sydenham, New Approaches & Technology

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous knowledge so far from the course. An activity to read the information provided about Thomas Sydenham and his impact on medicine. Students complete a mind map about him in their books. Information on the board about the Printing Press where students acknowledge the impact. A guided reading worksheet about the Royal Society. Students read then answer the consolidation questions. A plenary exam question using what was learnt in the lesson. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
GCSE Germany L25 & L26 - Nazi Policies Towards Women

GCSE Germany L25 & L26 - Nazi Policies Towards Women

Lesson 1: A starter to recap previous course knowledge. A background to the lives of women in Weimar Germany and the new views of women in Nazi Germany, including the principles of Kinder, Kirche, Kuche. Some slides which give an insight into the Nazi views of women, with quotes from key Nazis, discussion of motherhood, girls and toy dolls etc. An activity to use a series of sources, which can be used as a carousal or in groups, which students use to extract the key information and fill in their worksheets to show attitudes and laws about work, marriage and appearance. A tick table with lots of statements about the success of Nazi policies towards women. Students judge the effectiveness of each statement, and overall. A plenary to discuss the major changes since Weimar Germany. Lesson 2: A starter with a source and a two inferences question. An opportunity to study a source from a woman at a Nazi rally, using the content, nature, origin, purpose method to analyse it. A video from YouTube to help recap the policies and lws towards women to allow the completion of stronger analysis. An exemplar is also provided for you to potentially work through with your students and critique. A final exam question asking ‘how far’ they agree with a given statement. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 5 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
What Was Life Like in the Workhouses?

What Was Life Like in the Workhouses?

This lesson contains: A discussion as a starter to talk about what the government does to help poor or homeless people today. A discussion of why there was so much poverty in Britain in the 19th Century. Students produce a mind map. A background of the Old Poor Laws and then the New Poor Law and the goals of the law. A discussion of the layout of a typical workhouse for students to analyse. An overview of the jobs people performed at the workhouse with a video from YouTube showing some examples. An activity for students to study a series of sources in groups and draw out info about life in the workhouses: food, discipline, rules, health and education. A plenary to write a short letter to a local minister with reasons why workhouses should be closed, using the info from the main activity. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File 1 x Word File
GCSE Elizabeth L11 - Francis Walsingham's Spy Network

GCSE Elizabeth L11 - Francis Walsingham's Spy Network

This lesson contains: A recap quiz about the Catholic plots. An overview of the spy network of Francis Walsingham with a video (YouTube) about the torture methods used in Tudor Britain and gives some insight and brings it to life. An additional video, this time on the use of code breakers under Francis Walsingham, which adds insight into how he cracked the Babington plot. A worksheet and activity to study the methods in more detail (i.e. spies, informers etc.) and to rate the effectiveness in keeping Elizabeth safe. A final summary activity to judge the severity of each of the plots. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
Tudors - How Did Henry VII Gain and Keep Control

Tudors - How Did Henry VII Gain and Keep Control

This lesson contains: A brief background to Henry, which is done via a slide and then an information page where students read about his early life and answer some questions on the board. A main activity to study the different ways Henry kept control and to complete a graph. On the graph, the students will make a note of Henry’s solution and write in accordance with what problem he solved. This is something that students enjoyed doing but can also be achieved by giving them a table too, or having them make notes. A judgement task to weigh up how well Henry was able to solve his problems. Students have an opportunity to make a judgement and evaluate using explanations. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 USA in the 1920's BUNDLE

KS3 USA in the 1920's BUNDLE

7 Resources
This bundle contains: L1 - The American Dream & Booming 1920’s L2 - Was Prohibition Doomed to Fail? L3 - The Rise of Gangsters L4 - Race Relations in the 1920’s L5 - The Wall Street Crash L6 - Life in the Great Depression L7 - Did the New Deal Help Everyone? The individual lessons would normally cost £16, so this bundle would save you 40%.
GCSE Medicine L16 - The Public Health Act 1875

GCSE Medicine L16 - The Public Health Act 1875

This lesson contains: A key words starter which can be completed on the worksheet. An overview of why the government was worried about public health. A look, using sources, at the conditions in the major cities during the Industrial era. A task to study the provisions of the 1875 Act and then use the information provided and complete detailed notes on the key individuals, changes in Britain and outbreaks of disease - all reasons why the 1875 Act was passed. A plenary to do an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L22 - The Creation of the NHS

GCSE Medicine L22 - The Creation of the NHS

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous course knowledge and an introduction to the NHS to see what students know about it. An activity for students to note down, from the on-board images and info, reasons why there were problems accessing care at the turn of the century. A task to make notes on the reasons for the NHS being created, including the increase in democracy, the impact of WW2 and the roles of William Beveridge and Aneurin Bevan. A YouTube video covering what services the NHS offered and a gap fill exercise to consolidate its impact. A brief summary of the resistance to the NHS. A plenary that has a quote from Tony Blair for students to argue for or against, and a final opportunity to do a practice exam question. Either can be used, or both depending on requirements. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Germany L13 & L14 - The Munich Putsch

GCSE Germany L13 & L14 - The Munich Putsch

LESSON 1: An overview of the short, medium and long term reasons for the Munich Putsch. A discussion of the plans for the Putsch and a YouTube video to give a good overview of the Putsch. An activity to write reasons why it failed. A colour-coding activity to discover the consequences for Hitler and the Nazis. A plenary quiz. LESSON TWO: An overview of the events of the Putsch. A chance to study two differing interpretations on the success or failure of the Putsch. An activity to go over with students how to correctly answer the interpretations question and a guide to answer it in full. A handout with the two interpretations and space to write.
GCSE Cold War L10 - The Hungarian Uprising

GCSE Cold War L10 - The Hungarian Uprising

This lesson contains: A starter to consider some images of the uprising to prompt student guesses about the lesson content, then a quote from Obama about the uprising which can form a debate. An overview of where Hungary is and the reasons the people were upset with Rakosi. There is a brief YouTube video to support the on-board info. Students complete a gap fill using the info they hear and read on the information sheet provided. A background to the invasion and Imre Nagy’s reforms. A discussion of the reforms and which would be accepted and which wouldn’t. A YouTube video to give an overview of the events of the uprising, then a task to use the info provided to complete a timeline of the events with extension questions. A task to study the consequences of the invasion and to colour-code categories. An opportunity to attempt the narrative question, with on-board advice to help. A plenary quiz. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L8 - The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

GCSE Cold War L8 - The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous knowledge in a quiz for naming 2 of different things. A background to the Berlin Crisis, including an overview of the tensions in Berlin after the Conferences and the differences in the intentions of the U.S. and the USSR for Berlin. A brief YouTube video explaining the different paths and ways into Berlin to set up the blockade. the short and long term causes of the crisis, including the creation of Trizonia and the creation of the Deutschmark. There is a consolidation worksheet with a gap fill. Information about the blockade and a video from YouTube to bring it to life showing the airlift footage. There are questions to back this up. A main task to use the information provided work out the main consequences, including the division of Germany and creation of NATO - extra detail is also provided on the slides. A plenary quiz based on the lesson and key knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L23 - Nazi Control of Religion

GCSE Germany L23 - Nazi Control of Religion

**This lesson contains: ** A review of the spread of religion in Germany. A discussion of why Christians may have supported the Nazis. A study of the information sheets provided to complete a page of info under the following topics: Control of Protestants, Control of Catholics and those religious people who resisted. A YouTube video about Reich Church established by the Nazis. Source work on the Church and what can be learned about support for it. A plenary review with questions. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File
GCSE Cold War L17 - Afghanistan and End of Detente

GCSE Cold War L17 - Afghanistan and End of Detente

This lesson contains: A starter to give recall practice for previous course knowledge. Background information about Afghanistan’s location and history leading up the 1979 from Takari to Amin and the revolts of the Mujahaddin. The students discuss the potential Soviet reaction. A task to consolidate the knowledge so far about the reasons for the Soviet invasion using the information provided. An overview of the Soviet invasion and the events, and then the consequences including the Carter Doctrine, Olympic Boycotts and the failure of SALT 2. A plenary to consider the evidence showing that Detente was now at an end. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files