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GCSE WW1 Medicine L6 - New Treatment Methods on Western Front

GCSE WW1 Medicine L6 - New Treatment Methods on Western Front

This lesson contains: A recall starter task based on previous learning. An overview of the major treatments used, and students complete the questions as they work through. Students work through the methods of dealing with infection, including wound excision and the Carrel-Dakin Method. Students look at the Thomas Splint via an informative video and the use of mobile x-rays. Students then complete the questions. Blood transfusions and transfusion kits are covered, as are brain surgery and plastic surgery. There is a video about plastics before students complete questions on these methods and uses. An opportunity to do exam questions to practice on treatments. There are all different types covered. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine Industrial Topic 3 BUNDLE

GCSE Medicine Industrial Topic 3 BUNDLE

6 Resources
This bundle contains: L12 - Jenner & Smallpox L13 - Pasteur & Koch L14 - Lister, Simpson & Surgery L15 - Florence Nightingale & Hospitals L16 - The Public Health Act 1875 L17 - John Snow & Cholera The bundle’s individual cost would be £15.00 so this bundle will save you around 30%.
GCSE American West Topic 2 BUNDLE

GCSE American West Topic 2 BUNDLE

7 Resources
This bundle contains: L11 - Civil War & Railroads L12 - Homesteaders & Solutions L13 - Development of Ranching L14 - Life of Cowboys L15 - Decline of Cowboys L16 - Law & Order After 1865 L17 & L18 - Plains Indians Wars The bundle’s individual cost would be £17.99 so this bundle will save you more than 30%.
GCSE American West L9 – The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851

GCSE American West L9 – The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851

This lesson contains: A match up starter to put correct treaty to the correct date. An A3 worksheet (best in A3, works in A4) which is completed throughout each stage. An overview of the growing fears and tensions on the Plains, firstly the fears of the Indians and then the fears of the White settlers. Students have space on their worksheet. A look at the intention behind the Fort Laramie Treaty, including ensuring safe travel for Americans, but also the problems with getting this across to the Indians, such as a lack of translation and the councils not acting for the whole tribe. A task to use the information provided to note down the terms of the Treaty. An activity to determine the consequences of the Treaty on the Indians and on the Americans. An opportunity to practice an exam question for this topic. There is an exemplar to offer further support and guidance and for students to discuss and peer mark. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 Word File 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L11 – The Transcontinental Railroad

GCSE American West L11 – The Transcontinental Railroad

This lesson contains: An introduction to the America Civil War. Students learn about the two sides and why they were fighting, then apply this to a consolidation gap fill which can be stuck in their books. A discussion of the railway project to connect East and West. There is a YouTube video and students write the reasons the railroad was built. A task to stick a map of the railroad into their books and annotate from the board the facts about each railroad company and the difficulties they faced on each side. An activity to determine the consequences of the railroad on the Indians, the farmers and settlers, and the U.S. economy. This is a worksheet that can be colour-coded and stuck in. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L2 & L3 – The Plains Indians

GCSE American West L2 & L3 – The Plains Indians

This double lesson contains: A starter to consider some images of Plains Indians doing a buffalo dance and what we can learn. An introduction into the lives of the Plains Indians. Students can have a copy of the worksheet. This has always been most effective as an A3 organiser. For the tribe structure, this is done on the PPT, teacher led. The importance of horses and buffalo uses the information sheet provided. The Plains Indians beliefs is done by a YouTube video and student take notes in the relevant boxes. Then for attitudes to war, this is a YouTube video and the information sheet in combination. This will spill over from lesson 1 into lesson 2 on this topic. A final activity in which students connect the problems Indians faced on the Plains with the solution they found. A plenary quiz drawing on both lessons of this topic. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word Files 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L1 - Legacy of Galen & Hippocrates

GCSE Medicine L1 - Legacy of Galen & Hippocrates

This lesson contains: A starter to consider what we know today about what causes sickness. An overview of who Hippocrates and Galen were and why we are studying them. A study of Hippocrates from the information sheet and using it to understand his methods and noting them on the worksheet. An indepth look at the Theory of hte Four Humours and an activity to match up the right parts of the theory with the seasons, the elements and the weather. A look a Galen and his background, including his Theory of Opposites. Students use the on-board information to finish the worksheet about Galen. A plenary to review some characters with different syptoms and what the ancients would have suggested. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain

GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain

This lesson contains: A starter to put events in the correct order to practice knowledge recall and narrative skills. An overview of the satellite states and where they were, as well as the intention of Stalin to create a buffer zone. This is added to by a short YouTube video and consolidation questions on the worksheet and a map colouring exercise. An activity to use the information provided about the spread of communism throughout Europe to complete a table to show the trends of the Soviet strategy of take over. Information and a YouTube video on the Iron Curtain. Students complete questions on this. A plenary to either complete a source analysis on the worksheet provided or attempt an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
GCSE Germany L22 - Nazi Propaganda

GCSE Germany L22 - Nazi Propaganda

This lesson contains: A starter quiz based on previous course material. An introduction to the role of Goebbels as propaganda minister. A Youtube Video to emphasis the role of propaganda and its aims. An activity on the worksheet provided, with students making notes on rallies, newspapers, radio, film, lierature, art architecture, sports and censorship as forms of propaganda. A review activity to consider the most effective methods. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentations 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Germany L21 - Nazi Terror and Control

GCSE Germany L21 - Nazi Terror and Control

This lesson contains: An introduction to the methods used by the Nazis to control people. A YouTube video which summarises the main methods of fear and terror used to control the masses, including the SS, SD, Gestapo, Concentration Camps and the Courts. Students use Cornell Notes to make notes as it plays. A longer, indepth look at concentration camps, including the spread of them, the way people were treated and the badges. An indepth literacy task to write an exam-style question as the students research using the information sheets provided. This is advanced, as the students not only read the info, they have to process the info and then convert it into an exam response all at the same time. A choice of plenaries: either a comprehension quiz, or a source skills exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
WW1 L11 - What Happened at the Somme?

WW1 L11 - What Happened at the Somme?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider what the students have heard about the Somme and to look at a  picture source. A background to the battle including the purpose of the Somme attack. An overview of who Field Marshall Haig was. An overview of the plan and a discussion activity to determine what might go wrong. A brief YouTube video from Blackadder to look at a comedic perspective of the plan. An exercise to study statements about the Somme and determine which show success or failure. A judgement is then written. An overview of the consequences using an interpretation and finding arguments for and against it Haig being ultimately responsible. A plenary to consider whether Haig was guilty or not. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
WW1 L16 - Was the U-Boat Campaign Successful?

WW1 L16 - Was the U-Boat Campaign Successful?

This lesson contains: A starter to study some selected provisions of the Defense of the Realm Act and student shave fun deciding which are important and which were just inconvenient. An overview of the British blockade and its impact on Germany. A discussion of the use of U-Boats and their purpose in trying to starve Britain. Students watch a short YouTube video and discussing the impact of the U-Boats and how the British could solve the problem. An activity to learn about the home front by watching a YouTube video and completing information on the worksheet provided about rationing, allotments and the growing of food by women while the men were away. A discussion of the unrestricted submarine warfare and the sinking of the Luisitania, leading to the U.S. entry into the war. Students complete a worksheet with guided reading. A final plenary to judge whether the U-Boat warfare was successful or ineffective overall. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher File
GCSE Germany L16 - The Impact of the Depression on Germany

GCSE Germany L16 - The Impact of the Depression on Germany

This lesson contains: A discussion of a starter image of America sneezing. Students interpret the quote about America sneezing and everyone else getting a cold. A background into the situation by 1928 after the failure at the elections and the Nazis struggling. This is consolidated by an interpretations question. An introduction to the Great Depression using info and a YouTube video to discuss the impact it might have on Germany. A worksheet task to complete a gap fill diagram to show how the Depression in the USA affected German businesses, the economy and then the people, resulting in increased popularity for the Nazis. Excellent to keep in their books. A task to study reasons why people now started voting for the Nazis from different social groups. There is a consolidation task on this at the end. A plenary to argue for or against the views of two women sat at a cafe table. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L18 - Reagan & the Second Cold War

GCSE Cold War L18 - Reagan & the Second Cold War

This lesson contains: A starter to recall previous knowledge. A background of the end of Carter’s presidency and the rise of Ronald Reagan, including his feelings about Communism and using a short YouTube video to show some of the jokes he made about Communism. Another YouTube video giving a background of Reagan and his views about the USSR with a consolidation exercise using the information sheet provided. An opportunity to study Reagan’s defensive policies, studying the information and completing the given questions. A brief overview of SDI and then a longer study of the consequences using the information provided. Its impact on the USSR is covered. A guided narrative question with PPT support for it. And a plenary with recap questions. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
KS3 Medieval - Were Pilgrimages Holy or Holidays?

KS3 Medieval - Were Pilgrimages Holy or Holidays?

This lesson contains: A starter to make students consider atonement and how we try to make up for things. This leads nicely on to today’s discussion of pilgrimages. A series of on-board slides that go through the reasons that people went on pilgrimages. Students use the 4 characters on the worksheet to summarise, in their own words, the reasons people gave for going on them. A video then follows from YouTube to help visualise what the pilgrims may have seen when they finally got their destination. An activity to consider whether religion was always in people’s minds. Students study a series of sources and give examples where religion was at the heart of it, and perhaps when other things were on pilgrim’s minds, like adventure or meeting a companion. An overview of the importance of Jerusalem and why people might go that far on a pilgrimage. The on-board info has images and maps to help visualise. Students then complete an independent guided reading with questions on the worksheet about a typical journey to Jerusalem. Students observe what some of the positives and dangers of such a trip might have been. A plenary to consider whether pilgrimages were holy or holidays, answering the enquiry question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
KS3 Romans - Why is Pompeii Important Today?

KS3 Romans - Why is Pompeii Important Today?

This lesson contains: A starter to study a painting of the explosion of Vesuvius. Students can discuss and debate what is going on and look at the provenance as well. Slides with background information on about where Pompeii was and what it was like. The slides take students through the explosion and there are two videos about the eruption. One of them looks at the different threats posed by the explosion while the second looks at how people tried to survive. Students can then discuss this as a group. An activity to use a series of provided sources to uncover details about the explosion and complete the worksheet. Students are prompted with what source to study and have the questions there to complete on the cause, experiences of the explosion and the importance today. A series of slides which summarise how Pompeii is today and asking students to consider why it’s important Pompeii is open to the public and what we can potentially learn. A plenary to consider the importance of the event overall. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Romans - Was the Republic for 'All' Citizens?

KS3 Romans - Was the Republic for 'All' Citizens?

This lesson contains: A starter to consider the merits and demerits of democracy vs dictatorships and what problems or benefits they may bring. This leads on to the switch today from kings to republic and how it was structured. Information about the founding of the Republic and the symbols it had. Students then consider what a ‘citizen’ is. They then summarise what a person had to do to be a Roman citizen. They also find out about women and slaves. An activity to read about Patricians and Plebs before answering consolidation questions about everything taught so far. A task to study the structure of the Republic and answer questions on their worksheet provided showing the role of the different parts of government. An activity on the Twelve Tables. Students study the information provided and answer some questions about the laws, before considering which protected the poor and which empowered the rich. A plenary to consider whether the republic benefitted everyone. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Elizabeth L8 - Why Was Mary Queen of Scots a Threat?

GCSE Elizabeth L8 - Why Was Mary Queen of Scots a Threat?

This lesson contains: A starter that looks at the family tree and as you click, it confirms why Mary has a claim. You may with to supplement this with your own activity, but I find this is really good at showing how closely Mary and Elizabeth are linked, but need to emphasise using your own dialogue that Mary is Catholic and what impact her taking the throne might have for England. A few slides dealing with the changes taking place in Scotland and the Treaty of Edinburgh. Before looking at Mary, the lesson introduces that Mary is sent to France to live and meanwhile, Scotland undergoes the change of religion and leadership. There is a video and students answer some questions on the Treaty. This sets the scene because Elizabeth is in a good position in Scotland and doesn’t want that to change. An activity to watch a short video and answer questions on Mary’s life’s ups and downs, including her various marriages. This ends with Mary coming to England. A multiple choice sheet is provided or you can set your own questions. As an alternative, you could ask them to do a timeline as the video plays. A discussion about which marriage provided different benefits or detrements to Mary. A main activity to read statements about why Mary posed a threat coming to England. Students colour-code the severity of each statement and make a judgement about the religious risk posed. A final task to study Elizabeth’s choices and the fit the ‘for and against’ statements to the different choices. Students then make their own judgement about what Elizabeth should do based on historian’s ideas that she needed to make the ‘least worst choice’. A plenary exam question if there is time. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Elizabeth L12 - Declining Spanish Relations

GCSE Elizabeth L12 - Declining Spanish Relations

This lesson contains: A comprehensive background into the war in the Spanish Netherlands for context. A discussion task about what Elizabeth should do about the Netherlands. An activity on the worksheet to study the chronology of events leading to declining relations with Spain, categorising them as financial, political and religious. A graphing activity to show the rising and falling of relations as time passed. A consolidation activity to consider which events leading to war were Elizabeth’s fault, and which were Phillip’s. A final activity to read the provided information sheet and complete questions on the fighting which took place with English troops. A plenary to plan (or write) an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
USA L2 - Was Prohibition Doomed to Fail?

USA L2 - Was Prohibition Doomed to Fail?

This lesson contains: A starter which builds on L1 about the boom. You can edit this to change it whatever you want. An engaging discussion with images of men pouring alcohol away. This gets the students thinking about the extreme reactions to Prohibition, and what Prohibition might mean. An activity to use an information sheet to complete the first part of their Cornell Notes on why Prohibition was brought into place. A task to complete their Cornell Notes either from the teacher explanation using the on-board information, or they can be printed and students can share the information in groups. This covers bootlegging, speakeasys, moonshine and other things that relate to the Prohibition era. A video and a slide that summarise why Prohibition failed. Students make a judgement about what was the greatest cause of Prohibition failing. Attachments: 1 Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files