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Tug of war game - numberline to 50
This resource is a variation of the ‘Tug of war game’ available on the Nrich website. The resource includes the Board and instructions on how to play the game.
Estimate numbers on a numberline to 50 worksheets
The worksheet includes different activity sheets to allow the pupils to consolidate estimating and identifying numbers on a numberline to 50. They can either write the numbers, draw it or cut out the pictures and stick in the correct place.
Estimate numbers PPT slides (numberline to 50) - Year 1 WRMaths Spring Blk 3 - NPV within 50 Step 7
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 7 - Estimate numbers on a numberline to 50 - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 NPV within 50.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Estimate numbers (numberline to 50) - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 3 - NPV within 50 Step 7
This is a fully resourced lesson for Estimate numbers on a numberline to 50 - Step 7 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 - NPV within 50.
It uses concrete and pictorial aspects to develop and support the children’s understanding of identifying and estimating the position of numbers within 50 on a number line with different starting points.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Tug of War game board and instruction
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Representing number cards (11 - 50)
These cards have visual representation of numbers 11 - 50 and can be used in many different ways in the classroom. They go alongside Year 1 Number and Place Value within 50 but can also be used for other year groups.
Numberline to 50 (identify) teaching slides - Year 1 WR Maths - Spring Block 3 NPV 50 Step 6
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 6 - Numberline to 50 (identify) - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 NPV within 50.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Numberline to 50 (identify) - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 3 - NPV within 50 Step 6
This is a fully resourced lesson for Numberline to 50 (identify)- Step 6 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 - NPV within 50.
It uses concrete and pictorial aspects to develop and support the children’s understanding of identifying numbers within 50 on a number line with different starting points.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Representation cards
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Partition numbers within 50 (10s and 1s) worksheets
These worksheets are useful in consolidating the understanding of place value of numbers within 50. It allows children to visually represent the numbers as jottings and record as addition calculation.
Partition into 10s and 1s (50) teaching slides - Year 1 WR Maths - Spring Block 3 NPV 50 Step 5
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 5 - Partition into 10s and 1 - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 NPV within 50.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Partition into 10s and 1s - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 3 - NPV within 50 Step 5
This is a fully resourced lesson for Partition into 10s and 1s - Step 5 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 - NPV within 50.
It uses concrete and pictorial aspects to develop and support the children’s understanding of place value for numbers within 50 and partition it into tens and ones using the part whole model and addition calculation.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Place value mat
Game board (race to 50)
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Tens and ones cards (base 10 and objects) - within 50
Different number representation within 50
The resource consists of two parts -
1 - Tens and ones (base 10) cards - These are cards that has five pages of different representations of numbers 11 - 50 in base 10, words, numerals and tens and ones calculation. This can be used as matching activity or any other way.
2 - Tens and ones (objects) cards - These are flashcards that can be used to consolidate children’s understanding of groups of tens and ones. Each card has pictures in different groups of tens and ones.
Groups of tens and ones teaching slides - Year 1 WR Maths - Spring Block 3 NPV to 50 Step 4
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 4 - Groups of tens and ones - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 NPV within 50.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Groups of tens and ones - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 3 - NPV within 50 Step 4
This is a fully resourced lesson for Groups of tens and ones - Step 4 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 - NPV within 50.
It uses concrete and pictorial aspects to support the children’s understanding of grouping a set number of objects into tens and more to describe the place value of the number.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Tens and ones mat
Tens and ones cards (base 10 and objects)
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Tens and more cards - within 50
Each page in the resource consists of images in various sets - Chn can draw to group the objects into tens and more, write the correct number and fill out the stem sentence.
Grouping into tens and more - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 3 - NPV within 50 Step 3
This is a fully resourced lesson for Count by grouping into tens and more - Step 3 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 - NPV within 50.
It uses concrete and pictorial aspects to support the children’s understanding of grouping a set number of objects into tens and more to find out the number of objects.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Cards for counting and grouping
Fifty frame board
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Group into tens and more teaching slides - Year 1 WR Maths - Spring Block 3 NPV to 50 Step 3
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 3 - Grouping into tens and more - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 NPV within 50.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
I have used the ‘Playpen Sans’ font which is easily and freely downloadable from Google:
Multiples of 10 to 50 - Representation card - cut and stick activity worksheet
The resource consists of worksheets to practice and consolidate the different representations of multiples of 10 to 50. Children can cut and stick the different representations - ten frames, bead strings, objects and fingers.
This resource goes well with Step 2 - Multiples of 10 to 50 - Year 1 Spring Block 3 - Number and Place Value within 50
Multiples of 10 to 50- Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 3 - NPV within 50 Step 2
This is a fully resourced lesson for Multiples of 10 to 50 - Step 2 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 - NPV within 50.
It uses concrete and pictorial aspects to support the children’s understanding of representing the multiples of 10 to 50 in different ways.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Representation boards and worksheet
Representation card activity sheet
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.
Multiples of 10 - 50 teaching slides - Year 1 WR Maths - Spring Block 3 NPV to 50 Step 2
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 2 - Multiples of 10 to 50 - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 NPV within 50.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.**
Counting to 50 game boards
This resource consists of 3 game boards - Race to 50, Count and race to 50 and Battle ships 50!
It consolidates counting to and from 50 giving an opportunity for children to have fun whilst learning.
This resource goes well alongside - Step 1 of Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 - NPV to 50.