
B10.2 Nervous system
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B10 The human nervous system
Lesson 2: B10.2 Nervous system
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: CNS, Sensory neurone, Motor neurone, Effectors, Receptors

B17.2 Materials cycling
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B17 Organising an ecosystem
Lesson 2: B17.2 Materials cycling
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Microbe, Decay

B8.3 How plants use glucose
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B8 Photosynthesis
Lesson 3: B8.3 How plants use glucose
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Lipids, Starch, Proteins

B3.7 Making digestion efficient
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B3 Organisation and the digestive system
Lesson 7: B3.7 Making digestion efficient
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords, Bile, Emulsify

B14.1 Variation
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B14 Variation and evolution
Lesson 1: B14.1 Variation
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Gene, Chromosome

B16.1 The importance of communities
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B16 Adaptation and competition
Lesson 1: B16.1 The importance of communities
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Communities, Interdependence

B17.3 The Carbon Cycle
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B17 Organising an ecosystem
Lesson 3: B17.3 The Carbon Cycle
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Carbon cycle, Photosynthesis, Respiration

B14.3 Selective breeding
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B14 Variation and evolution
Lesson 3: B14.3 Selective breeding
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Characteristics

B2.2 Growth and differentiation
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B2 Cell division
Lesson 2: B2.2 Growth and differentiation
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keyword: Differentiate, Stem cell, Cloning, Adult stem cell

B3.1 Tissues and organs
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B3 Organisation and the digestive system
Lesson 1: B3.1 Tissues and organs
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Tissue, Organs, Organ system

B2.1 Cell division
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B2 Cell division
Lesson 1: B2.1 Cell division
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keyword: Cell cycle, mitosis

B10.1 Homeostasis
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B10 The human nervous system
Lesson 1: B10.1 Homeostasis
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Homeostasis, Receptors, Stimuli, Effectors

B9.3 Anaerobic respiration
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B9 Respiration
Lesson 3: B9.3 Anaerobic respiration
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Anaerobic respiration, Lactic acid, Oxygen debt

B15.5 Evidence for evolution
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B15 Genetics and evolution
Lesson 5: B15.5 Evidence for evolution
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Extinct, Biodiversity, Endangered, Gene banks

B1.2 Animal and plant cells
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B1 Cell structure and transport
Lesson 2: B1.2 Animal and plant cells
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell membrane, Mitochondria, Ribosome, Algae, Cellulose, Chlorophyll

B3.5 Factors affecting enzymes
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B3 Organisation and the digestive system
Lesson 5: B3.5 Factors affecting enzymes
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Enzyme activity, Denatured

B11.2 The control of blood glucose
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B11 Hormonal coordination
Lesson 2: B11.2 The control of blood glucose
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Insulin, Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Glucagon

B9.1 Aerobic respiration
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B9 Respiration
Lesson 1: B9.1 Aerobic respiration
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Mitochondria, Aerobic respiration, Endothermic, Exothermic

B11.5 The menstrual cycle
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B11 Hormonal coordination
Lesson 5: B11.5 The menstrual cycle
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Oestrogen, Ovaries, Ovulation, Testosterone

B3.4 Enzymes
AQA GCSE Sciences (9-1)
Biology: B3 Organisation and the digestive system
Lesson 4: B3.4 Enzymes
Based on the Kerboodle Resources
The AQA Kerboodle worksheet are not included so as to be acting within the TES code of conduct.
Keywords: Catalysts, Active site, Enzymes