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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Realist Criminology

Realist Criminology

Objectives: That the Right Realism developed out of a failure of sociology to explain and solve the problem of crime. That Right Realism sees crime as stemming from the greedy nature of people, poor socialisation and too easy opportunities. That Wilson 's 'broken window thesis&' argues that minor incivilities, if unchecked, quickly lead to more serious crime. That Lea and Young developed Left Realism as a response to Right Realism and the neo-Marxist ideas of Radical Criminology.


This resource includes video clips and sound files that encourage discussion in pairs/groups. Schemes of work containing suggested activities are included for each section. The resource is split into three sections * Cyberbullying * Social Networking * Chat
Sociology of education

Sociology of education

This resource is a sequence of fifteen PowerPoint lessons designed to be used on their own or with the Sociology e-book on this site. Each lesson has objectives, activities, stimulus material, research summaries and assessment material. It covers the main topics of the WJEC specification in GCE AS Sociology for the topic Understanding Education on the SY2 paper. Teachers may download and edit the material or adapt it for use in a VLE.
Key Skills in Retail

Key Skills in Retail

A comprehensive set of resources for Key Skills inside Retail, also suitable for the learner in the Workplace. These resources can support the learner in developing and applying the skills and knowledge required for applying Key Skills in a Retail context. They cover teamwork, approaching the customer, sales and window displays.
National Identity

National Identity

What is a nationality? Upon completion of viewing this slide show on National Identity the student should be aware of: How national identities are formed. How much control people have in shaping their own national identities. The uncertainties about national identity that exist in the contemporary British society. The use of symbols and rituals in constructing and reinforcing national identity. How globalisation is affecting national identity.
Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Psychology

This is a series of separate files, worksheets and activities to introduce students to the cognitive approach to psychology.
Immobilised Enzymes

Immobilised Enzymes

This PowerPoint relates to the Immobilised Enzymes section of the BY1 specification. Students learn about the: Determination of water potential by measuring changes in mass, and solute potential by measuring the degree of incipient plasmolysis. The permeability of cell membranes using beetroot.
The Nuremburg Laws

The Nuremburg Laws

Document packs - Unit 5, route 2 - for 2006. Background information on NAZI GERMANY c. 1933 - 1945 and THE NUREMBERG LAWS.
Social Construction of Crime and Deviance?

Social Construction of Crime and Deviance?

Following this Slide Show you should: Be able to define deviance and crime. Be aware that both deviance and crime are social constructions. Be aware that deviance and crime can vary between cultures. Be aware that deviance and crime can vary across time. Be aware of Howard Becker's view that no action in itself is deviant until defined as such. Be aware that deviant and criminal behaviour are controlled by rules, social mores and sanctions.
Examination Support (2010)

Examination Support (2010)

A series of resources to support the teaching of the WJEC GCSE Sociology course (2010) including examination and revision techniques and sample answers.
Education and Inequality

Education and Inequality

How equal is the education system for children in Britain? Aim of this unit: To investigate whether all children have an exactly equal chance of doing well in the education system To notice that not only are patterns of inequality present, some have changed significantly, while others have remained static – there are trends and patterns in the data Key skills: Numeracy Communication Examination skills practice.
Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety

Read the teacher notes to gain maximum effect for the lesson. The resource is listed in the most effective order to conduct the lesson.These resources are for a Cybersafety and Cyberbullying lesson. The resources will enable you to: highlight the effects that Cyberbullying can have on an individual; provide information on what to do in cases of Cyberbullying; provide greater awareness of the risks that may be encountered when using the internet; give basic tips on ways to keep safer online. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Key Skills in Supporting Communication

Key Skills in Supporting Communication

A comprehensive set of resources for Supporting Communication in Key Skills. Includes ‘How To’ worksheets for the following occupations: Care, Hospitality and Catering, Wood Occupations, Motor Vehicle, Travel These resources can support the learner in developing and applying Communication skills and knowledge within a workplace context. They include ‘How To’ guides for the main components of the Key Skills in Communication. These will help apprentices to acquire and practise their skills as a natural part of their day-to-day work.
Interactive Spanish

Interactive Spanish

This resource consists of a series of drilling activities and games to introduce new Spanish vocabulary. The unit covers: Transport Weather School Subjects School items Objects/items in the bedroom Pets