New Resources Coming soon!
PFR resources have been designed to ensure good quality teaching is not compromised by printing restrictions or buffering videos. Lessons that include worksheets have been created for teachers to print at least two copies to an A4 sheet.
New Resources Coming soon!
PFR resources have been designed to ensure good quality teaching is not compromised by printing restrictions or buffering videos. Lessons that include worksheets have been created for teachers to print at least two copies to an A4 sheet.
This bundle includes all the resources required to teach unit 2D for the new Pearson BTEC applied science specification.
Learning aim D: Review personal development of scientific skills for laboratory work
All lessons have been created in accordance to the specification requirements. Videos have been embedded for ease of use and printer friendly resources attached. Search the individual lessons for more information on the lesson content. Save 22% by purchasing this bundle.
Lesson 1-Personal responsibility
Lesson 2-Interpersonal skills
Lesson 3-Professional practice
Assignment template Gravity lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1) to taught over two lessons or in a double lesson starting with gravity.
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, and worksheet with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email Resultant forces (Higher tier content) lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1).
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, and worksheet with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email
(HT only) A single force can be resolved into two components
acting at right angles to each other. The two component forces
together have the same effect as the single force.
This bundle includes the BTEC Physics C1-unit for the new Pearson BTEC applied science specification. C1-Working with Waves.
Everything you need to teach the C1 module has been included in this bundle. All lessons have been created in accordance to the specification requirements. Videos have been embedded for ease of use and printer friendly resources attached. Search the individual lessons for more information on the lesson content. Save 25% by purchasing this bundle.
Lesson 1-Introduction to waves
Lesson 2-Displacement and phase difference
Lesson 3-Longitudinal and transverse waves
Lesson 4-Diffraction gratings and path difference
Lesson 5-Quantum physics-photon
Lesson 6-Emission spectra
Lesson 7-Stationary waves and resonance
Lesson 8-Musical instruments Resultant forces lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1).
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, and worksheet with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email
Stationary waves and resonance lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This is the seventh lesson in the physics C1 working with waves topic.
*NB: This resource has been edited and now includes 3 more slides on resonance + uses*
The new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, embedded videos (incl. URL in slide notes) practice questions with answers on slides and real world applications.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 69-70
The following areas have been covered from the specification in this lesson.
C1 Working with waves
-Understand the concept and applications of stationary waves resonance. Contact and non-contact forces lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1).
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, and homework with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email Scalar and vector quantities lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1).
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, and homework with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email
Quantum physics and introducing the photon lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This was my fifth lesson in the physics C1 working with waves topic.
*NB: Although it's not completely apparent in the specification it is very relevant and provides a scaffold for the emission spectra lesson.*
The new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, embedded videos (incl. URL in slide notes) practice questions with answers on slides and real world applications.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 65
Musical instruments lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This is the final lesson in the physics C1 working with waves topic.
The new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, embedded videos (incl. URL in slide notes) practice questions with answers on slides and real world applications.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 70-
The following areas have been covered from the specification in this lesson.
C1 Working with waves
-Understand the concept and applications of stationary waves resonance.
Musical instruments.
Be able to use the equation: calculation of speed
Praise 10 students with just one A4 print! These praise cards look good in both Colour and Black & White and are completely Editable and paper friendly. Simply include your Schools logo, add your name. To save time, print in advance.
For general enquiries please email me at
Follow me on Instagram for updates @Paperfriendlyresourcesuk
Displacement and phase difference lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This is the second lesson in the physics C1 working with waves topic. The new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, practice questions with answers on slides, interactive review of the topic so far and homework (calculating wave speed) + MS.
NB: The features of a wave have been covered in the first lesson, this lesson focuses on displacement graphs, explains how rotating vectors generate sine waves and phase difference.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 58-59
The following areas have been covered from the specification in this lesson.
C1 Working with waves
Understand the features common to all waves and use the following terms as applied to waves:
-Graphical representation of wave features.
-Understand concepts of displacement and phase difference.
Types of waves (Transverse and longitudinal) lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This is the third lesson in the physics C1 working with waves topic. The new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, embedded video, practice questions on worksheet with answers on slides.
NB: Practical opportunity-Demonstrating transverse and longitudinal waves using slinkies. I've also included a verbal AfL sheet which you can use whilst students are conducting the practical, it includes the correct answers.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 60-61
The following areas have been covered from the specification in this lesson.
C1 Working with waves
Understand the features common to all waves and use the following terms as applied to waves:
Understand the difference between the two main types of wave:
Diffraction grating and path difference lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This is the fourth lesson in the physics C1 working with waves topic. The new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, embedded videos (incl. URL in slide notes) practice questions with answers on slides and real world applications.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 61-65
The following areas have been covered from the specification in this lesson.
C1 Working with waves
Understand the features common to all waves and use the following terms as applied to waves:
C1 Working with waves
Understand concepts of displacement, coherence, path difference, phase difference, superposition as applied to diffraction gratings.
Wave introduction lesson created in accordance to the Pearsons BTEC national specification for applied science. This is the first lesson in the physics C1 working with waves topic. The new specification requires students to sit an externally assessed examination in January. Includes slide animations, embedded video, practice questions with answers on slides and a worksheet.
Relevant chapter: Principles and applications of science. Pearson Applied science (Student 1) textbook-Page 57-58
NB: This lesson is packed full of key definitions, i would recommend printing the slides as handouts (6 to a page).
The following areas have been covered from the specification in this lesson.
C1 Working with waves
Understand the features common to all waves and use the following terms as applied to waves:
periodic time
Unit 2-Practical scientific procedures and techniques
Learning aim D: Review personal development of scientific skills for laboratory work.
How did i teach this?
This assignment allows students to review the skills they attained in this unit. It also reiterates the importance of H&S as well as professional practice. Before setting the assignment i first taught three lessons covering the content in Pearson BTEC national-Applied science-Student book 1. Due to the complexity of this assignment i provided my students with a template which covered the P/M/D criteria (download the free template). This prevented students from going off on a tangent and also ensured they had mentioned the key skills for both assignment B and C.
NB: Professional practice is the third lesson of the three.
Worksheets attached and videos embedded for ease of use.
I've attached an applied science-revision checklist. It's essentially a copy of the Pearson applied science specification-I've just broken it down and chunked relevant topics. I have handed this to students so they can use it as a revision tool. Hope it helps. I've also made a checklist for the biology and chemistry unit. Resultant forces (Higher tier content) lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1).
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, and worksheet with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email
(HT only) Students should be able to use vector diagrams to
illustrate resolution of forces, equilibrium situations and determine
the resultant of two forces, to include both magnitude and direction
(scale drawings only).
6.5.2 Work done and energy transfer lesson created in accordance to the NEW AQA Specification (9-1).
Includes: slide animations, embedded videos, and worksheet with answers as well as a interactive review task. If for any reason the video link does not work, a URL has also been included in the notes.
For further enquiries please email