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Average Rating2.72
(based on 30 reviews)

I have a wealth of resources that are aimed primarily at KS4 and KS5; however, there are some useful KS3 tasks that have been uploaded this year. Topics at KS5 include: Russia and its Rulers, 1855-1941; Later Tudors, 1547-1603; Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries; Italian Unification, 1830-1870; and Germany, 1890-1990. As well as History, I also have a few resources relating to Geography and ICT that some users may find helpful.




I have a wealth of resources that are aimed primarily at KS4 and KS5; however, there are some useful KS3 tasks that have been uploaded this year. Topics at KS5 include: Russia and its Rulers, 1855-1941; Later Tudors, 1547-1603; Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries; Italian Unification, 1830-1870; and Germany, 1890-1990. As well as History, I also have a few resources relating to Geography and ICT that some users may find helpful.
Geological Time

Geological Time

Brief PowerPoint presentation on geological time to be used alongside the Geog.1 text book for Year 7 pupils (although, it could be adapted for a Science lesson on evolution). Students are asked to define 'eon' and 'era' and use their traffic light pages in their planners to answer questions on a timeline digram (found in the text book). I've also included a lesson plan.
Earth's Story

Earth's Story

A challenging worksheet focusing on 'Earth's Story' and what order things first appeared on Earth. This was used as an introductory lesson in Year 7 Geography; however, it could certainly be incorporated into Science SOW on Evolution, or as an introductory History lesson on chronology! The first half of the worksheet is relatively straightforward; however, some students may need supporting with the final question (Earth's story as a 24hr clock) as it is a tricky concept for some to get their heads around.