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I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.




I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
Elizabeth I and her Government | A Level

Elizabeth I and her Government | A Level

The Tudors: England 1485-1603 The aim of this lesson is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of Elizabeth’s government. Students will analyse a number of key institutions of Government ranging from Parliament, the Royal Court and the Privy Council on a national level to Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs and Lord Lieutenants on a local level. There are a number of slides within this PowerPoint and it is therefore recommended to deliver it over two lessons. Students will also learn details of conflicts Elizabeth had with Parliament and her Privy Council, the factions which developed in her reign and how she was able to overcome these through her diplomacy and strength of character. A 20 question quiz concludes the lesson as well as some exam question practice if required with some guidance and a mark scheme provided. There is an enquiry question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning throughout the lesson and subsequent unit of work. The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and can be changed and adapted to suit. The lesson is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Black Tudors

Black Tudors

The Tudors The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the role the Black Tudors played in Tudor society. Students are given the context of the Tudor times, where they use some source scholarship and questioning to decide how and why Black Tudors came to Britain. Students then have to ascertain which roles and forms of employment they had using a dual coding activity to decipher them. There are video links included as well as a thinking quilt, which is designed to challenge concepts and judge the value and importance of their impact upon Tudor England. The main task is some research which requires students to analyse five Black Tudors in some differentiated Case Studies. The plenary concludes by checking what they have learnt in the lesson using an odd one out activity or by linking symbols and images used throughout the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Tudors Complete Bundle

Tudors Complete Bundle

20 Resources
This bundle follows the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum - the development of Church, state and society in Britain 1509-1745. I have designed these lessons to be challenging and engaging as well as fun and enjoyable. The aims of this bundle are to know and understand how peoples’ lives were shaped by the Tudors from Henry VII to Elizabeth I, how they changed the course of British history and why we are still fascinated by their lives today. Students will learn and understand key historical skills throughout; for example, the concepts of continuity and change with the Wars of the Roses and the accession of Henry VII to the throne, key historical terms such as dissolution, Catholic and Protestant and vagrancy, recognising the causes and consequences of Henry’s break with Rome, analysing the significance of the Black Tudors, Edward VI and Elizabeth I as well as evaluating sources and interpretations such as the reputation of Mary 1. The 20 lessons are broken down into the following: L1 The War of the Roses L2 Henry VII L3 An introduction to Henry VIII L4 Did Henry VIII break with Rome for love? L5 Did Henry VIII break with Rome for faith? L6 Did Henry VIII break with Rome for money? L7 The dissolution of the monasteries L8 The sinking of the Mary Rose L9 Edward VI L10 Bloody Mary L11 Black Tudors L12 The young Elizabeth L13 The Elizabethan Settlement (free resource) L14 Elizabeth and the problem of marriage L15 Elizabeth and her portraits L16 How did Elizabeth deal with Mary, Queen of Scots? L17 Famous explorers (Drake, Hawkins and Raleigh) L18 The Spanish Armada L19 Elizabeth, poverty and the Poor Law L20 Elizabethan Theatre and the Globe Due to TES restrictions on Bundles, the introduction to the Tudors, which is a free lesson, must be downloaded separately. Each lesson comes with suggested teaching and learning strategies and are linked to the latest historical interpretations and debate from the BBC and other sources. The lessons are fully adaptable in PowerPoint format and can be changed to suit. I have included a free lesson to give an idea of what is being offered. Although this bundle is aimed at Key Stage 3, it is ideal if you are studying the Tudors for GCSE as it covers the main themes, concepts and skills required.
Emmett Till

Emmett Till

American Civil Rights This lesson starts with the Bob Dylan song ‘The death of Emmett Till’. The question is posed as to why Emmett’s mother had an open top casket at his funeral? Students are given sources to piece together the story before they find out what happened to him (the story is differentiated according to ability). Embedded video footage of his short life from the time reinforces their learning. Students then have a choice of answering some differentiated questions or completing an extended piece of writing. The plenary questions the impact of his death upon the Civil Rights Movement and help is given on how students can justify their reasons. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Magna Carta

Magna Carta

This lesson aims to examine the reasons why King John quarrelled with his barons and ultimately was forced to sign the Magna Carta. But on which terms was King John forced to accept? Firstly students have to work out what the terms of the Magna Carta were. Secondly students have to evaluate the significance of the Magna Carta in the short, medium and long term for King John, for future Kings of England as well as for us today. They will use sources and video footage as well as retrieval grids and a true or false quiz to help them in their research, They will also continue to plot the power struggle between the king, the church, the barons and the people in a sequence of lessons. This lesson includes: Fun, engaging and challenging tasks Links to video footage Printable worksheets Differentiated tasks Suggested teaching strategies PowerPoint format, which can be changed to suit
Berlin Blockade and Airlift

Berlin Blockade and Airlift

Cold War The aim of this lesson is to explain how Germany was divided post 1945, as agreed at the Potsdam Conference and analyse the subsequent Berlin blockade and airlift which followed. Students learn the intentions of both the USA and USSR and how this played out in the Cold War theatre of Europe. This is a great opportunity for students to be creative as they plot the preceding events on an airport landing strip, using symbols and signs found in every international airport. They will track the obstacles thrown up by Stalin and the immediate problems this caused in Berlin as he attempted to prevent any further western moves in Germany and with his aim of starving the West Berliners into submission. Therefore this is intended to be a fun, challenging and engaging lesson to suit all abilities. The central enquiry of this and subsequent lessons is to ask why did civilians fear for their lives? Students will map out their ideas each lesson (which can be plotted in different colours or dates to show the progress of their learning and centred around the key question) and build up a picture of how these and different countries in the world responded and acted in this new nuclear age. The resource comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change and is differentiated. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson.
Mormon Migration

Mormon Migration

The American West 1835-1895, GCSE 9-1 Edexcel This lesson aims to examine the role of the two leaders of the Mormons; Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and the story of the Mormon migration West to Salt Lake City. Students learn the teachings of the Mormons and how isolationist the movement became in the face of so much hostility and persecution. Students have a choice of tasks using key questions or a story board to plot the life of Young and then annotate some text to analyse the leadership qualities of Brigham Young. They also complete a prioritisation activity as well as a planning thinking quilt of Brigham Young to ascertain his successful migration west. There is some GCSE exam question practice on the ‘importance’ question, with help if required and a noughts and crosses quiz at the end to reinforce the learning of the lesson. The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies. Some retrieval practice is also included. The resource comes in PowerPoint format is there is a wish to adapt or change.
Fort Laramie Treaty

Fort Laramie Treaty

The American West 1835-1895, GCSE 9-1 Edexcel This lesson aims to introduce the Fort Laramie Treaty and how the Government began to force the Plains Indians into fixed territories. Students have to decide and justify why conflict and tension grew between the Plain Indians and white settlers, with some red herrings thrown in for challenge. The terms of the Fort Laramie Treaty are given, which the students should learn and a printable worksheet is provided. They also have to rate the success of each term and/or fact about the Treaty by colour coding a battery and then deciding the problems each might cause. A quick fire quiz also will reinforce their learning. There is some GCSE question practice on the consequences question, with some help given if required. A play your cards right plenary (complete with music) will test chronology and understanding from this and previous lessons. The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies. Some retrieval practice is also included on the first slide on treaties. It comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
The Atomic Bomb

The Atomic Bomb

World War II The aim of the lesson is to question whether the America was justified in dropping two atomic bombs of Japan in 1945. Students will give their initial thoughts and reasons why before evidence is presented before them. Various modern interpretations suggest that Japan was about to unconditionally surrender and therefore the use of the atomic bomb was unnecessary. Therefore students are given the context of the war in the Pacific with four scary facts - the Japanese refusal to surrender in battle, the treatment of prisoners of war, the role of Kamikaze pilots and the end of the war in Europe in April 1945. There are some fabulous video links and visual images to analyse. The final task requires students to categorise information into reasons why America decided to use its lethal weapons, including a show of power to Stalin and the Soviet Union. The plenary uses a true or false quiz to check recall and understanding. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning. The resource includes retrieval practice activities, suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials, and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Mary I and the economy | A Level

Mary I and the economy | A Level

AQA A Level 1C The Tudors: England 1485-1603 The aim of this lesson is to judge how successful Mary’s economic policies were. At first glance, it would be easy for students to assume that Mary’s policies failed. Bad harvests, inflation, a sweating sickness ravaging the country and population growth characterised her reign. However, further investigation and analysis will reveal some successes and foundation stones laid for the future with the help of an able Lord Treasurer. A revaluation of the currency, a Militia Act, poor relief and the commissioning of six new ships for the navy were all to be welcomed by Elizabeth and her successors when she became Queen. The plenary is a colour coding exercise where students have to decide which key terms and Acts belonged to either Edward or Mary. The second part of the lesson focus on a mid Tudor crisis. Students can attempt some question practice with planning guidance and a markscheme provided if required. There is an enquiry question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning throughout the lesson and subsequent unit of work. The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and can be changed and adapted to suit. The lesson is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Claimants to the throne in 1066

Claimants to the throne in 1066

The aim of this lesson is to assess the validity of four claimants to the English throne in 1066. It also includes a script for those students who prefer a more kinaesthetic approach to this topic. Each contender is introduced and students have to assess who has the best claim to the English throne, which on the face of it is a difficult choice, which each having a strong argument and motive. This can also be completed by colour coding thermometers and rating them out of ten before making a substantiated conclusion. There are differentiated questions to ask the students once this task has been completed. The plenary asks them to think outside the box and link pictures to the issues and contentions raised. The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies. It comes in PowerPoint format which can be amended and changed to suit.
Health and the People Complete Bundle

Health and the People Complete Bundle

20 Resources
This is the complete bundle in a series of lessons I have created for AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People, c.1000-present. I have taught this course for more than 20 years now and have decided to completely overhaul my lessons to bring them up to date with the latest teaching and learning ideas I have picked up and with a focus on the new 9-1 GCSE. Furthermore I have dispensed with learning objectives to focus on specific enquiry based questions which address skills required for the GCSE questions. As well as focusing on GCSE exam practice questions, the lessons are all differentiated and are tailored to enable the students to achieve the highest grades. They are also fully resourced and contain easy to print worksheets. The lessons will allow students to demonstrate (AO1) knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the periods studied from the impact of Hippocrates and Galen on medieval medicine to the new ideas of the Renaissance, the laissez-faire approach of preceding Governments through to modern day Government and the nanny state. They will study (AO2) second-order concepts such as change and continuity in the development of ideas about disease as well as the causes and consequences of medical treatment throughout the ages The analysis and evaluation of sources (AO3) are used in for example, surgery, Public Health and the introduction of the NHS whilst substantiated judgements are made (AO4) on the discovery and development of penicillin, the development of the welfare state and the influence of the seven factors in medicine. The lessons are as follows: L1 An introduction to the course L2 Hippocrates and Galen L3 The influence of the Christian Church L4 Islamic Medicine (free resource) L5 Doctors and surgeons in the Middle Ages L6 Public Health in the Medieval towns L7 The Black Death and the Plague L8 Renaissance Medicine L9 Medicine in the 17th and 18th Century (free resource) L10 John Hunter L11 Edward Jenner and smallpox L12 Surgery in the 19th Century L13 Florence Nightingale and hospitals L14 Pasteur, Koch and Tyndall L15 Public Health in the 19th Century L16 Liberal Reforms L17 Medicine and war (free resource) L18 Magic Bullets and the Pharmaceutical Industry L19 Penicillin L20 The NHS L21 How to answer the factor question Please note that setting a full mock examination in class after completing each unit is strongly recommended (L1-7, L8-15 and L16-21). All the examination resources and markschemes are subject to copyright but can easily be found on the AQA website. Unfortunately TES restrict bundles to 20 lessons and therefore please download Lesson 17 separately, which is a free resource.
Cold War Revision Guide

Cold War Revision Guide

Edexcel GCSE 9-1, Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91 This 22 page Revision Guide is tailored to the above Edexcel specification for GCSE 9-1. It is broken down into 4 main sections: Origins of the Cold War, Increasing tensions, Détente and the end of the Cold War. I have been inspired to write this Revision Guide on account of the students I teach struggling with the course content of this unit and applying the skills in how to answer the GCSE questions. This Revision Guide therefore includes 21 GCSE practice exam questions and gives examples on how to answer each, using model answers. This guide will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades with clear guidance on how to achieve them. The questions target consequence, significance and analytical narrative with a focus on analysing events and finding connections that explain the way in which the events unfolded. The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students. The guide can be used for revision, interleaving, home learning as well as class teaching. For home learning, each student taking GCSE History has a copy assigned to them on a google drive and it is used frequently when using google classroom assignments such as revision for assessments. This Revision Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and can be edited and changed to suit in Microsoft Word and PDF format. Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated. Please email me for a free copy of any of my resources worth up to £3.50 if you do.
French Revolution Bundle

French Revolution Bundle

13 Resources
The aims of this bundle are to investigate the causes of the French Revolution, how it changed the lives of French people and its consequences for Europe and the Wider World with the rise of Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars. I have also created and used these lessons to challenge and engage students and to show how much fun learning about this part of European history really is. By studying this unit, pupils will be able to make connections, draw contrasts, and analyse trends within this period of history by using an enquiry based question throughout all the lessons. Students will learn and understand key historical skills throughout such as the change and continuity of the Government of France in the Eighteenth Century, the causes and consequences of the execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and the similarities and differences of absolute monarchs such as Louis XVI of France, and Frederick the Great of Prussia in comparison to George III of Britain. They will also learn about the significance of the Tennis Court Oath, the Storming of the Bastille, the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte as well as different interpretations of Marie Antoinette and Maximilien Robespierre. Finally they will create relevant, structured and evidentially supported accounts in response to claims that the Terror was justified, Britain had every reason to fear Napoleon or that Louis XVI deserved to be executed. The lessons are as follows: L1 Introduction to the French Revolution L2 The French Monarchy L3 The Three Estates L4 Louis XVI financial problems L5 Tennis Court Oath L6 Storming of the Bastille L7 Execution of King Louis XVI L8 The reign of Terror L9 Maximilien Robespierre (free resource) L10 Support for the French Revolution L11 Napoleon Bonaparte L12 Napoleonic Wars L13 Legacy of the French Revolution (free resource) All the lessons come with retrieval practice activities, differentiated materials, suggested teaching and learning strategies and are linked to the latest historical interpretations, video clips and debate. The lessons are enquiry based with a key question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. They are fully adaptable in PowerPoint format and can be changed to suit. I would highly recommend assessing students at the tend of this unit of study, using GCSE style questions from your chosen exam board. If you have any questions about this unit, please do not hesitate to contact me via my shop for further information.
Holocaust Bundle

Holocaust Bundle

11 Resources
I have created these set of resources for the History Key Stage 3 National Curriculum ‘challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day. These lessons are also useful if you are studying Germany at GCSE, where never enough time can be devoted to the holocaust in depth and which students find so fascinating. The central question throughout these nine lessons is to find out who is to blame for the holocaust. They are closely linked together and students continually plot their ideas around a lightbulb, which can be referred back to each lesson (either dated or colour coded) to show progress throughout. Pupils will learn the significance and impact of the holocaust on the wider world and be able to see the causes and consequences of the systematic attacks on Jewish communities throughout Europe since the Middle Ages. They will learn key historical terms such as discrimination, persecution and genocide and understand the differences between concentration and extermination camps. They will be given sources to analyse such as the evidence from Anne Frank’s diary or an anti-Semitism tax return from Norwich in the Middle Ages and make historical inferences from them. Furthermore they will be able to write structured accounts and narratives of who was to blame from the Camp Guards or the SS, to Josef Mengele and the Einsatszgruppen units. The 10 lessons are broken down into the following: L1 An introduction to the holocaust L2 Anti-Semitism in Britain L3 Anti-Semitism in Europe L4 Extremism to Extermination L5 How was it organised? L6 Who was to blame? L7 Jewish Resistance L8 Liberation of the extermination camps L9 Diary of Anne Frank L10 Nuremberg Trials L11 The hunt for Josef Mengele Each lesson comes with suggested teaching and learning strategies and are linked to the latest historical interpretations and ideas used by current history teachers. The lessons are fully adaptable in Powerpoint format and can be changed to suit. I have included a couple of free lessons to give an idea of what is being offered. I strongly recommend using GCSE style questions from your chosen exam board and markschemes to assess the pupils at the end of this unit, which are always available on line.
Democracy and Nazi Germany A Level Bundle, Part 2

Democracy and Nazi Germany A Level Bundle, Part 2

8 Resources
AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The Collapse of Democracy 1928-1933 I have produced this bundle of resources on the collapse of democracy in Germany 1928-1933 to help A Level students gain a deeper understanding of Germany’s past and the collapse of democracy. The enquiry question throughout these lessons will be to evaluate how unstable Germany was, politically, socially and economically. Students will learn how the impact of the Wall Street Crash and the Depression a profound effect on the stability of the Weimar Republic and the significance of the rise of extremism as a direct consequence. They will also learn about the appeal of Communism as well as Nazism and how electoral support for them changed throughout the early 1930s. Students will evaluate backstairs intrigue as a succession of Chancellors failed to gain the support needed to effectively rule the country and how Hitler manipulated those around him to be appointed Chancellor in 1933. Finally students will analyse Hitler’s first Cabinet, the significance of the Reichstag Fire and how democracy ceased to exit as Nazis began to create a one party state. The resources provided include detailed lesson plans, case studies, source documents for analysis, chronological tasks and exam practice questions with comprehensive mark schemes. The lessons are as follows: L1 The Wall Street Crash and Great Depression L2 The Collapse of the Grand Coalition L3 The appeal of Nazis L4 The appeal of Communism L5 Papen’s Cabinet of Barons L6 General Schleicher and backstairs intrigue L7 Hitler’s first cabinet (free resource) L8 The use of terror in 1933 The lessons include the two types of exam question used, with examples of how to tackle them, using model answers, helpful hints and tips, structuring and scaffolding as well as markschemes. However, please refer to the AQA website for further assessment materials as they are subject to copyright. The lessons are also differentiated and fully resourced and allow students to reach the very top marks. Democracy and Nazi Germany Part 3 resources can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/democracy-and-nazi-germany-a-level-bundl-part-3-13059603 If you have any questions about the lessons, please email me via my TES shop, or any other information about the course. I would also welcome any reviews, which would be gratefully appreciated.
Conflict and Tension Revision Guide

Conflict and Tension Revision Guide

Conflict and Tension 1918-1945 This 28 page revision guide is tailored to the above AQA specification for GCSE 9-1. It is broken down into 3 main sections: Peace Keeping, the League of Nations and the Road to war. This revision guide includes practice exam questions and gives examples on how to answer each. This revision guide will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades with clear guidance on how to achieve them. The questions target the four main questions in the exam from source analysis, chronology, cause and consequence, significance and evaluation. The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students. The Guide can be used for revision, interleaving, home learning as well as class teaching. For home learning, each student taking GCSE History in my school has a copy assigned to them on the google drive and it is used frequently when using google classroom assignments, such as homework and revision for assessments. This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and can be edited and changed to suit, It comes in both Word and PDF format. Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated. Please email me for a free copy of any of my resources worth £3.00 if you do.
Elizabethan explorers and voyages of discovery

Elizabethan explorers and voyages of discovery

AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England, 1568-1603 The overarching aim of this and the subsequent bundle of nine lessons is to question and explore how Elizabeth asserted her authority and control in the second half of her reign. How did we establish ourselves as a world power in the 19th Century? Who were Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins and Sir Walter Raleigh and who deserves a place in the seafaring hall of fame? These questions and more are answered in this lesson as students analyse how new navigational techniques and the brilliance of these men established unbridled wealth and power for Elizabeth at a time of great danger with her excommunication from the Catholic Church. Students learn through source and video footage and a play your cards right activity how new trading companies sprung up such as the Muscovy, the East India and Levant companies opening up English markets to good such as spices, tea, porcelain and silk. A choice of two GCSE questions for exam practice are given at the end of the lesson where students can peer assess and understand how to answer the ‘importance’ question for 8 marks. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Kennan and Novikov Telegrams

Kennan and Novikov Telegrams

Superpower Relations and the Cold War, 1941-91 The lesson aims to explore the importance of the Kennan and Novikov Telegrams. The context of the Telegrams is given at the start of the lesson, with students using video footage to explain the consequences if the atomic bomb was used. Students will also learn of the recommendations each of the foreign ministers proposed to their respective superiors and the importance of their advise. There is also a home learning challenge which the students can answer a key question and self assess themselves using a model answer. The plenary make use of an interactive connect four game, complete with differentiated questions. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout this and subsequent lessons to show the progress of learning. The lessons in this bundle are therefore linked together to build up a picture of how diplomacy, propaganda and spying led two Superpowers with opposing political ideologies to create tensions, rivalries and distrust as well as subsequently forming mutual understanding and cooperation over the time period in question. The resource includes retrieval practice, suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and GCSE question practice. It also comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Cuban Missile Crisis | GCSE

Cuban Missile Crisis | GCSE

Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91 The aim of this lesson is to be able to give a narrative account of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Students may already know some of the details of this lesson from their learning at Key Stage 3. Students are given the context of the pictures taken from the U2 American spy plane and evaluate the significance of this find, studying the photographic sources and maps from the time. They then take on the role of President Kennedy and see if they can match the decisions he made, collecting points on the way. This leads nicely into the GCSE question practice of writing a narrative account of the events, making sure they link the events together coherently and in chronological order. The plenary focuses on analysing the consequences of the crisis for Soviet and American relations. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout this and subsequent lessons to show the progress of learning. The lessons in this bundle are therefore linked together to build up a picture of how diplomacy, propaganda and spying led two Superpowers with opposing political ideologies to create tensions, rivalries and distrust as well as subsequently forming mutual understanding and cooperation over the time period in question. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials, and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.