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KS3 & KS4 MFL resources & more...

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MFL resources you can trust! Where? Here...in Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance! If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.




MFL resources you can trust! Where? Here...in Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance! If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.
Food vocab' booklet

Food vocab' booklet

An aide-mémoire! Lists of food and drink to use with any year or ability. Plenty of space to add more vocab’ as pupils come across it. Print double-sided to make a booklet. NOTE: my PC has corrected the French “vanille” to the English, “vanilla”. Can’t yet find a way to change it back: please get your students to correct it! I might do this by asking them to find the deliberate mistake… :)
Blank jigsaw pieces

Blank jigsaw pieces

Blank jigsaw pieces to complete with written personal information. If cut out, the pieces should tessellate if turned around. Could make an effective activity for lower ability groups...
Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad

Christmas word search in Spanish. Translate the vocabulary into English. There are other Christmas resources in Spanish and French. Take a look here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/es-navidad-12039093 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/c-est-no-l-12030325 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/c-est-no-l-12012314 If you like this, have a look at my TES shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott
Saint Valentin: Mots Cachés

Saint Valentin: Mots Cachés

Saint Valentin: Mots Cachés. A straightforward wordsearch with upwards differentiation e.g. translate the words. See also second page for ideas: you may not want to print 30 of these so only print page 1 :)
French Easter

French Easter

French Easter Card Game A set of resources to bring in Easter vocabulary whilst revising Year 7 / sixth grade basic French: name/description of character, size/colors/age/name. 16 different ID cards about pets create a stimulus for a variety of activities: see the ideas sheet on the last page!
French Halloween Activities

French Halloween Activities

Halloween French Vocabulary A range of vocabulary-based activities on Halloween words in French. 28 pages repeated with and without graphics. Includes: simple matching dictionary work crossword word search quiz/puzzle If you don’t have space to fit Halloween into your Scheme of Work, maybe it could be a HW / French club activity / extra for keen beans? :) If you like this, take a look at my other French and Spanish Halloween resources here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/halloween-spanish-vocabulary-11760072 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-halloween-vocabulary-12407086 For many other resource on a variety of topics, take a browse in my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
Intensifiers/Time Phrases/Conjunctions/Opinions: French Classroom Display

Intensifiers/Time Phrases/Conjunctions/Opinions: French Classroom Display

A useful classroom wall display in French. WYSIWYG! Print in colour on A4 and cut to the shapes. Organise the words under the correct word type heading and use the images to help understanding. They can then be used during lessons by students and you as the teacher can draw your attention to them to show how to improve speaking and writing skills.
French Valentine's Day Year 8 La Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day Year 8 La Saint Valentin

Your learners will love this multi-purpose booklet for St. Valentine’s Day. 10 French Valentine’s activities including word matching, hidden word puzzle, sticky notes reading, secret codes…a truly engaging work booklet. Learners will be expected to research vocabulary independently to complete tasks, but a list is given to cover Valentine’s Day in French which includes amour/chocolat/adorer/cœur/chéri(e)/aimer/cupidon/rose/bague/destin/fleurs/rouge/hibou/fête/siècle/célébrer/foncé/clair/colorier/comme tu veux/violet/forme/palome/autres/est mort/devenu(e)/exprimer. That way you can build your learners’ vocabulary by completing the given tasks and also using the vocabulary list for other activities such as Valentine’s cards or display work. This is a flexible learning booklet for your students to learn vocabulary for Valentine’s Day, building on the Year 7 work booklet but will work if they haven’t completed this before. A bilingual vocabulary list is included and answer pages where appropriate. Actvities are varied, with a focus on comprehension skills and vocabulary research. amour chocolat adorer cœur chéri(e) aimer cupidon rose bague destin fleurs rouge hibou fête siècle célébrer foncé/clair colorier comme tu veux violet forme palome autres est mort devenu(e) exprimer envoyer bonbons entre eux offrir commencer carte de vœux apr. j.c. flèche calin affection ventre flamme folie timidité rêver For the full range of my Valentine’s resources, click here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott If you like what you see, come and look at my full shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources. Click the link below. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]
French Personal Information ID Cards

French Personal Information ID Cards

French Personal Information ID Cards An engaging, fun 60 page resource (including cover pages, TOU and instructions) lots of activity pages for your learners which you can assign carefully according to ability, based on reading and writing skills Each page has jolly Christmas characters. We use their ‘cartes d’identité’ to discover lots about them and then use it as a basis for 1st person and/or 3rd person writing using personal information. Vocabulary is based on simple personal information but learners may need a little research on some items (e.g. beignets) Language covered: first name/last name/birthday (number/month)/where they live/siblings/pets/likes and dislikes This Distance Learning Pack can be used from home but equally would work well as printables for consolidation or revision of personal information. It could be used for cover lessons if you as the class teacher have already covered the basics. Alternatively, you as the teacher could print or assign sheets as bell tasks or homework. Answers are included The first 6 cards are in colour, then they are repeated in black and white. There are also A5 versions. You could print and laminate the A5 ones and use them as permanent resources and perhaps use them in conjunction with the question sheets. Further development: Once learners have filled in their own carte d’identité they could use 3rd person to write about a classmate.
French Valentine's Day Year 9 La Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day Year 9 La Saint Valentin

Looking to love a resource? You’ll definitely love this multi-purpose learning booklet for St. Valentine’s Day in French. 10 French Valentine’s Day activities including a song, poems, word matching, text message reading…a truly engaging work booklet. Learners will be expected to research vocabulary independently to complete tasks, but a list is given to cover Valentine’s Day which includes amour/chocolat/adorer/cœur/chéri(e)/aimer/cupidon/rose/bague/destin/fleurs/rouge/hibou/fête/siècle/célébrer/foncé/clair/colorier/comme tu veux/violet/forme/palome/autres/est mort/devenu(e)/exprimer. That way you can build your learners’ vocabulary by completing the given tasks and also using the vocabulary list for other activities such as Valentine’s cards or display work. This is a flexible learning booklet for your students to learn vocabulary for Valentine’s Day, building on the Year 7 and 8 work booklets but will work if they haven’t completed those before. A bilingual vocabulary list is included plus extra vocabulary when needed and answer pages where appropriate. Actvities are varied, with a focus on sentence level skills and vocabulary research. amour chocolat adorer cœur chéri(e) aimer cupidon rose bague destin fleurs rouge hibou fête siècle célébrer foncé/clair colorier comme tu veux violet forme palome autres est mort devenu(e) exprimer envoyer bonbons entre eux offrir commencer carte de vœux apr. j.c. flèche calin affection ventre flamme folie timidité rêver For the full range of my Valentine’s resources, click here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott If you like what you see, come and look at my full shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources. Click the link below. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]
French Valentine's Day Year 10 La Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day Year 10 La Saint Valentin

Love ready-made resources? This is a great multi-purpose booklet for St. Valentine’s Day in French. 10 Jour de Saint-Valentin activities including a variety of word puzzles, future reading comprehension, secret codes, describe the picture…a truly engaging booklet. Learners will be expected to research vocabulary independently to complete tasks, but a list is given to cover Valentine’s Day which includes amour/chocolat/adorer/cœur/chéri(e)/aimer/cupidon/rose/bague/destin/fleurs/rouge/hibou/fête/siècle/célébrer/foncé/clair/colorier/comme tu veux/violet/forme/palome/autres/est mort/devenu(e)/exprimer. That way you can build your learners’ vocabulary by completing the given tasks and also using the vocabulary list for other activities such as Valentine’s cards or display work. This is a flexible learning booklet for your Year 10 students to learn vocabulary for Valentine’s Day, building on the Year 7, 8 and 9 work booklets but will work if they haven’t completed those before. A bilingual vocabulary list is included plus extra vocabulary when needed and answer pages where appropriate. Actvities are varied, with some focus on higher level skills such as reading, writing and vocabulary research. amour chocolat adorer cœur chéri(e) aimer cupidon rose bague destin fleurs rouge hibou fête siècle célébrer foncé/clair colorier comme tu veux violet forme palome autres est mort devenu(e) exprimer envoyer bonbons entre eux offrir commencer carte de vœux apr. j.c. flèche calin affection ventre flamme folie timidité rêver For all of my Valentine resources, click the link and browse. [https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=232746&q=Valentine&shop=Polly_Glott] If you like what you see, come and look at my complete shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources. Click the link below. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]
French Valentine's Day Year 7 La Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day Year 7 La Saint Valentin

What’s not to love about this multi-purpose booklet for St. Valentine’s Day in French? 10 French activities including word searches, the history of St. Valentine, word matching, word puzzles…a really engaging booklet. Vocabulary included amour/chocolat/adorer/cœur/chéri(e)/aimer/cupidon/rose/bague/destin/fleurs/rouge/hibou/fête/siècle/célébrer/foncé/clair/colorier/comme tu veux/violet/forme/palome/autres/est mort/devenu(e)/exprimer. Full list below. A flexible booklet for your students to learn vocabulary for Valentine’s Day. Bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate. amour chocolat adorer cœur chéri(e) aimer cupidon rose bague destin fleurs rouge hibou fête siècle célébrer foncé/clair colorier comme tu veux violet forme palome autres est mort devenu(e) exprimer envoyer bonbons entre eux offrir commencer carte de vœux apr. j.c. flèche calin affection ventre flamme folie timidité rêver For the full range of my Valentine’s resources, click here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott If you like what you see, come and look at my full shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources. Click the link below. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]
Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y9

Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y9

An engaging Spanish Easter booklet which will liven up any Year 9 Spanish lesson. Easter in Spanish can run alongside your Year 9 SoW. Here are 11 Semana Santa activity pages including word puzzles and reading tasks, a Spanish torrijas* recipe reading*, word sodoku plus Easter cards to create. Vocabulary includes Easter words, opinions plus much more so that the resource can work alongside your every day teaching. This resource works well because it’s a really engaging work booklet which will liven up any Spanish lesson it is flexible: starters/whole booklet/cover/homework it is accessible a full bi-lingual vocabulary list is included the answers are provided or model answers where appropriate B&W version is provided for those (everyone??) on a tight budget The booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are therefore un-editable. Vocabulary unos chocolates un conejo un huevo un cordero una campana un narciso un pollito una canasta una cruz una iglesia buscar pintar encontrar la fiesta de Pascua la procesión de Pascua la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua rezar dulces flores recoger felicidad Cuaresma liebre sol regalos primavera en la imagen se puede ver veo puedo ver a la izquierda a la derecha la torrija el pan la leche frito servido el azúcar la miel la specialidad bañado sobre todo más grande que empapar vamos a sacar hervir blandito aplastar darse vuelta ponemos la leche cazo (m) una rama la canela cortamos (en rebanadas) una barra de pan cuanto más reciente sea menos el tiempo deberá estar sumergido una vez que llegar la ebullición volcamos un plato hondo batir calentar una sartén el aceite encharcar mojar poco a poco coger rebozar freír dorado por un lado esperar dorarse el otro lado una vez tostado el papel de cocina escurrir espolvorear There is a full set of Spanish Easter learning booklets available for Years 7 - 11 so you won’t need to rummage around for something different every year. If you like this resource, please ►►►►follow my store on Instagram and Facebook. Also, come and have a look at my shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources and lots more! Click the link below. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
Semana Santa Easter Spanish Y10

Semana Santa Easter Spanish Y10

Liven Year 10 Spanish lessons at Easter time! Spanish Semana Santa tasks including* word puzzles* and reading, photo description, a Spanish torrijas recipe reading, word sodoku plus Easter cards to create. Vocabulary includes Spanish Easter words, opinions plus much more so that the resource can work alongside your every day teaching. This resource works well because ☛ it’s a flexible 11 page learning booklet for your Year 10s to learn vocabulary for Easter in Spanish. ☛ it’s a really engaging work packet which will liven up any Spanish lesson. ☛ the booklet could be used for in-person printables distance learning starter tasks homework cover lessons ☛ it’s low or even no prep’ for you ☛ it can run alongside what learners are already doing to aid reading and deciphering skills e.g. photo description ☛ a bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate. ☛ a black and white version is also included Vocabulary really is comprehensive in case learners are unable to look up words easily, so you may wish to remove this section if you prefer a more difficult booklet! Booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are un-editable. Vocabulary unos chocolates un conejo un huevo un cordero una campana un narciso un pollito una canasta una cruz una iglesia buscar pintar encontrar la fiesta de Pascua la procesión de Pascua la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua rezar dulces flores recoger felicidad cuaresma liebre sol regalos primavera torrija pan leche frito servido azúcar miel specialidad buñuelo pestiño crujiente trozo aromatizado anis glaseado juntos amable pensativo temporada tras una puerta cerrado un desfile un baile transmitir un deseo un alimento hecho una semilla tostado molido un edificio un contenedor unas tiras entrelazado una caña un alambre pequeño generalmente unos familiares ovalado romperse facilmente lindo peludo una estrella caliente el cielo una trompeta en forma de encontrar alguno una tienda vale la pena la emoción llena pasear un santo un pueblo decorar la calle necesitarse un descanso dirigirse cercano tomar una cerveza unas tapas despedir oficialmente espectacular una tamborrada cientos de un baterista reunirse mediodía crear un evento estruendoso unos tambores unos platillos unas cornetas todo parecerse venerado comenzar terminar caer algunas partes completar bendecido un sacerdote puesto sus pies sencillo mientras que una cinta un callejero conocido a menudo durar hasta las altas horas la madrugada enorme extenderse millas recordarse sufrimento There is a full set of Spanish Easter learning booklets available for Years 7 to 11 so you won’t need to scrabble around each year for something different. If you like this resource, please follow my shop and have a look at lots of no or low prep’ resources and much more! Click the link below. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
Voyage à Paris

Voyage à Paris

Originally a simple booklet made for Year 7 trip to Paris. Could also be used for Paris projects where, perhaps, Parisian landmarks are researched or creative writing is done. Booklet is A4 but designed to be reduced to A5 by your clever repro' bod.
Spanish: Mi ciudad writing frame with vocabulary

Spanish: Mi ciudad writing frame with vocabulary

Writing frame to help write a description of your town in Spanish with plenty of vocabulary for support on the second page. Provided in PDF and Publisher format. Shows examples of what to write for Intro’/Main part/Conclusion Sample vocabulary Voy a quiero quisiera Me gustaría escribiré decidiré qué xxx! ¡qué bien! ¡viva! ¡caray! No está bien la cultura la polución El centro de la ciudad Las afueras la zona peatonal Un aparcamiento ¿Me gusta mi ciudad o no? ¿Bradford es un lugar donde se debe vivir? Bradford es una ciudad que vale la pena visitar?
Au collège

Au collège

Reading comprehension/gap-fill/matching exercises. May help with reading and listening tasks you will do or can be a stand-alone document to go alongside what you already do. Contains some higher level language. Tip: set short time limits per block of questions and go through them with the class when the time's up! Then move on. Keeps them on their toes and avoids inattention and lack of motivation if they find a particular task hard. Or, use the sheet as starters over a series of lessons. The bottom exercise has one answer missing: hopefully superlearners will spot this ;)