Three times table multiplication worksheets.
Differentiated three ways.
Three times table trick worksheets with arrays.
Skip counting by 3s worksheets with hundred square, groups of dice, skip counting practice.
Made for my grade 3 class who are just starting to formally learn their times-tables.
Highly visual, interactive slides with arrays of dots, hundred square, step counting, various sum flashcards, animated finger trick illustration, and slides showing some of the patterns for the nines times table.
PowerPoint activity/presentation progressing in this slide order:
Counting in steps of nine up to 216 from 0.
100 square count in steps of nine with pattern being revealed (1.5 seconds each step).
9 times table in order with array
9 times table in order with no array
9 times table out of order with no array - 12 questions
9 times table out of order with no array - 24 questions
9 times table - see answer - give sum, out of order, no array, 12 questions
9 times table in order with finger trick
Animated slide that shows that the digits of the answers to nines times table sums always add upto 9.
Animated slide that shows that the tens digit goes up by one, and the ones digit goes down by one when the nines times table is recited in order.
With PDF to support 8) and 9) above.
Visual Multiplication. See video.
This PowerPoint is designed to introduce young students to multiplication visually with the use of multiplication input tables.
All facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables presented plus 16 other mixed facts. A total of 43 multiplication examples.
Different clipart themes for each of the 43 examples allowing for different story scenarios.
(e.g. 3x5 uses 3 types of birds with 5 birds in each group)
Matching turnaround facts are linked to from each slide.
Chosen facts can be directly jumped to from menu slide.
Multiplication sum, movement of items from small groups to one large group, and answer controlled by click of the mouse.
Designed by a teacher and used in real grade 1 and 2 classrooms.
Includes 11 multiplication resources
Mental Multiplication Strategies = for multiplying by x2/x3/x4/x5/x8/x9/x0/&x1
Using Place Value to Multiply with Arrays PowerPoint
Doubling and Halving Strategy to Multiply PowerPoint
Nine times table tricks and patterns
Division and Multiplication / Combining and Sharing Objects
Division - Think Multiplication Strategy
Also added a cool multiplication wheels powerpoint
plus some editable speed maths worksheets and multiplication certificates.
Some of my best multiplication resources. I have found them extremely useful and clear to help students gain a deeper understanding of multiplication knowledge and skills.
Think Addition Strategy to do Subtraction mental math 2 Presentations & 8 Worksheets -
Think-addition-to-do-subtraction is a mental math strategy that introduces students to the concept that there is an inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. You think of an addition fact in the same fact family. For example, you can solve 10 - 4 = ? by thinking 4 + ? = 10 and knowing that 4 + 6 = 10.
I made these two PowerPoints to help my grade 3 class (ages 8 & 9) with the think-addition strategy. Many of my students this year are slow to recall number-bond facts, and therefore this has hopefully helped them to see the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. Could well be used in earlier grades.
1 PowerPoint of 25 sums with matching circles being added and taken away: mainly for subtraction sums between 10-20, but also has 4 slides for facts to 10.
Slides can of course be hidden and order rearranged.
2nd PowerPoint of 20 larger sums with no circles: variety of examples within 100.
Comes with seven subtraction think addition worksheets in PDF format of increasing difficulty, and 1 editable microsoft word worksheet.
A set of carefully designed resources to introduce multiplication to children, and to help them to progress to trickier skills.
Helps to clearly introduce repeated addition, multiplication as groups and multiplication as arrays.
Includes 8 large PowerPoint files all with menu pages and clear, careful, fun and logical slides and numerous activity sheets (worksheets, cut & stick activities, a booklet etc.)
(Nearly) Everything you’ll need to help young students understand and get to grips with the concept of multiplication.
Total price of bundled items : £22.40
8 Mental Strategies for Multiplication
These thoughtfully made PowerPoints are carefully designed to help students grasp commonly taught multiplication strategies ( and tricks) for x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x8, and x9 times tables. Ideal for years 3 and 4, but also helpful for year 5 and 6.
To multiply by 2 = double the number
To multiply by 3 = double the number and add a set
To multiply by 4 = double, then double again.
To multiply by 5 = multiply by 10 then halve
To multiply by 8 = double-double-double
To multiply by 9 = use your fingers/ the digits of answer added = 9
To multiply by 0 = the answer is always 0
To multiply by 1 = the answer is always that same number.
All the PowerPoints include examples to 12 and extensions to large multiplications to show that the strategy really comes in useful for doing tricky mental multiplication.
Please see video for a taster.
All slide animations are activated when you click the mouse, giving teacher and student thinking and explaining time. Video is sped up to get through the examples.
Includes some supporting, differentiated worksheets
This interactive (click to show answer) Multiplication Wheel PowerPoint covers all the times tables from x2 up to x12.
Includes A5 multiplication wheel booklet.
Each times table has 9 different multiplication wheels on 9 separate slides (linkable from a menu page):
MISSING PRODUCTS (click inner number to reveal outer answer)
1) Wheel in order from 0 start
2) Wheel in order from 2 start
3) Wheel in order from 4 start
4) Wheel in mixed order, mix version 1
5) Wheel in mixed order, mix version 2
MISSING FACTORS (click outer number to reveal inner number)
6) Wheel in mixed order, mix version 1
7) Wheel in mixed order, mix version 2
MISSING PRODUCTS AND FACTORS (mixed missing inner and outer numbers)
8) Wheel in mixed order, mix version 1
9) Wheel in mixed order, mix version 2
Each slide can link back to main menu, or to that specific times table menu.
Could be used as whole class quiz, warm up, game or as an individual program on a laptop for students to work on independently.
ALSO INCLUDES MULTIPLICATION WHEEL BOOKLET. Two wheels on each A4 page, all times tables from 1-12, print back to back, fold, assemble in order, fill in the answers. Editable Word format and PDF included.
My students love making these little books every year.
Hope that you will use the 2 PowerPoints and booklet time and time again.
Three rimes table trick with arrays to help with the three times table multiplication strategy .
This clear, step-by-step and helpful PowerPoint will help students learn that multiplication by 3 can be done by doubling and adding another set.
e.g. to calculate 3 × 14:
first double 14 getting 28, then add another 14, (to get 3 times 14) which is 42.
21 Examples are presented (from 3 x 2 up to 3 x 21) in order, or from a hyperlink menu.
Each slide shows the sum and a confused face,
Then two lines of the matching array (showing the doubling array)
Then another set (another line of the array) is added
Whilst the matching thought process is shown with clear sums.
Finally everything apart from the x3 sum and array dissolve out, leaving just the sum, the answer and the x3 array.
Each part of the thought multiplication strategy is presented when you click the mouse, giving students time to work out and explain each step.
Includes 3 level differentiated mathcing sylte worksheets and skip counting x3 worksheets.
Also see my Multiplication Strategies pack which includes this trick and other common multiplication strategies
An introduction of the ‘think multiplication strategy’ to help with division.
An animated, interactive PowerPoint presentation with arrays of dots to help students visualize related multiplication and division facts.
A partially covered array showing only the number of rows in an array, but not the number of dots in each row is shown, along with a matching fact statement (e.g. “Altogether there are 40 dots”)
Students are encouraged to give the multiplication sentence AND related division sentence using the information shown (total number of dots & number of rows/groups) that helps work out the array proportions. e.g. 5 x ? = 40 and 40 ÷ 5= ?. 14 example arrays.
Includes 3 level differentiated division / multiplication worksheet in same style, plus colour matching facts for all tables x2-x10
Grid Method / Place Value PowerPoint uses arrays and smiley faces to show the mental multiplication strategy of using place value and knowledge of multiplication to work out a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number - with exchange (such as 8 x 35, 9 x 33 etc.).
No text to read or get distracted by.
12 examples which build from 4 x 18 & 3 x 22 on the first two slides up to 9 x 33 & 8 x 83 on the last two slides.
All slides follow the same animations:
*Array and multiplication problem is shown.
Confused smiley bounces in (teacher explains that if you don’t know your 83 times table you’re going to be confused)
*array changes to show place value calculations.
*Confused face is replaced by a happy face as he can now do the multiplication problem.
12 examples clearly help grade 3,4 or 5 students master and understand this important skill.
With matching differentiate worksheets for multiplying 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.
A PowerPoint which introduces the ‘Doubling-and-Halving Strategy for Multiplication’.
This PowerPoint uses an array to show the multiplication strategy of doubling one factor and halving the other factor to help to work out some multiplication problems. Doubling and halving is therefore related to thinking that ‘restructures’ an array to make it more manageable to multiply (e.g. 3 × 18 = ___ can be rewritten as 6 × 9 = ___).
Very visual resource which helps students see that the total number of circles in an array (the product) stays the same when an array is cut and rearranged.
No text: so recommend that the teacher walks through the first couple of example slides and then students verbally explain the following examples to their peers.
Order of animations:
Tricky array and sum is shown.
Confused smiley bounces in. (explain here that if you don’t know your 15 times table etc. this could be hard)
Scissors appear and cut the array - array restructures into simpler array (double of one factor/half of the other)
New corresponding sum appears - click & answer is shown
Array restructures to first formation and tricky sum is shown again
As the total number of circles has remained the same throughout the sequence the answer should be obvious :-)
I use it alongside other strategies so that it is presented as an option for mental computation involving multiplication.
Made for my grade 3 class who are just starting to formally learn their times-tables.
Very visual resource using arrays with dots, hundred charts, step counting and various sum flashcards.
PowerPoint activity/presentation progressing in this slide order:
Counting in steps of two up to 120 from 0.
Count to 24 in steps of 2 with array being built.
100 square count in steps of two with pattern being revealed (2 sec each step).
100 square count in steps of two with pattern being revealed (1 sec each step).
Double the number with numbers in random order (doubling function in-out machine design).
2 times table with sum and array in order.
2 times table with sum and array turnaround in order.
2 times table with sum but no array
2 times table with sum and array out of order.
Answer shown and student to give sum.
Also included are the x0 and x1 timetables. Often overlooked when teaching multiplication, but essential to grasping a true understanding.
First slide is ‘times zero’ times table and shows a fixed golden zero with sum twisting in and out.
Emphasizing the rule that;
“When you multiply a number by zero, the answer is always zero”
Second slide is ‘times one’ times table and shows the multiplicand (the number being multiplied) emerging from itself and sliding over to the product (the answer)
Emphasizing the rule that;
“Any Number Times One is that Number / 1 x anything = itself”
Input-Output Tables to help relate multiplication and division.
PowerPoint focuses on building a connection between multiplication and division operations using an active model to reinforce the connection between the two operations.
Visual of the relationship between division and multiplication using input and output tables to show that division is sharing and multiplication is combining.
The PowerPoint is designed to encourage students to combine equal groups of clipart images to make a total (multiplication), as well as share a collection to form equal groups (division).
The PowerPoint uses a variety of public domain clipart images to act out a multiplication or division problems to encourage students to determine the total and reverse the action to determine the quotient and vice versa. Your students can make up little stories to help them understand each operation.
x3/÷3 & x4/÷4 Facts used (28 slides).
Includes differentiated worksheets for 3’s and 4’s facts
The seaside themed PowerPoint explains and shows what an array is, with fun seaside and beach illustrations, arrays using circles, clear examples, top tips for saving time e.g. counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
(Please see video for a 8 second per slide run through of the PowerPoint, actual PowerPoint is far smoother and controlled via right click to begin each animation, giving time for explanations and children to think and answer)
Also included a fun, introductory array cut-match-stick worksheet (2 version: one at a lower level and one slightly harder)
Pi Day / Math Day lesson activity.
Challenge your students to work out the mystery magic number and/or to use the given magic number to answer the questions
Mystery Magic Number Worksheets
Most of the answers to the questions on the worksheet are correct. However, 4 answers are wrong - colour these incorrect answers/boxes red. Use the 11 correct clues to work out the magic number.
When you think you know the magic number write it in the star.
Finally, using the magic number work out the answers to the 5 questions on the bottom row.
11 differentiated worksheets with answer sheets given.
Use the Given Magic Number to answer the questions worksheets
4 differentiated worksheets - teacher or learner writes a magic number in the star;then answer the 20 questions below using the magic number.
Differentiated worksheets to help with connecting division and multiplication.
Arrays hidden behind a clue - 3 levels LA x2 facts / MA x2,x3,x4 facts / HA x3,x4,x6,x9 facts.
colour match worksheets - fill in each fact. Then use the same colour to show the number facts that belong in the same family. All fact families from x2 to x10.
Tally the number of 1)shapes 2)fruit 3)stationary \n\nThen make the bar graph in the bar graph outline below.\n\n(Delete some of the clipart, or copy and paste some to change the data)
Simple against the clock sorting game for students to practice times tables.
Print onto card and get students to cut them out.
To play the game:
1) Turn cards upside down and mix them around
2) Begin turning them over and sorting them into the correct order when the stopwatch starts.
3) Record your time for each day of the week.
4) Keep cards in an envelope ready to play the following day.
I print one set for each pair of students in my class and they play as a teams against the other students in the class. (cooperative, social constructivist learning etc.) But can also be used as an individual fast finisher game.
Provided are cards for the 4 times table, as that is what my class are learning this week, but very easy to edit for any times table.
Provided three versions:
one with the 'x symbol, multiplicand. & = symbol' on one card (least number of pieces) [this version also includes 4 wrong answers to make it a little more difficult] ,
one with 2 digit product on one card (harder),
and one with each digit on separate cards (hardest, and also easiest for them to lose cards of ;-))
Visual introduction to square number patterns . Useful as a visual introduction to exploring square numbers and/or as a lesson starter.
A square is slowly built by adding the next odd number of squares to the first to make a bigger square (number).
3 animated slides (don't bore your students too much, just use 1 a lesson)
*Slide 1 uses a growing pattern of odd numbers in an addition sentence (underneath the square) to create square numbers.
*Slide 2 uses the above plus the matching multiplication sentence.
*Slide 3 uses the visual and only the multiplication sentence.
I like to show slide 1 with just the addition sentence first off and impress my students with my quick fire maths skills ;-) "1+3+5+7+11+13+15+17+19+21+23 = 135". The following day I'll teach them the trick of multiplication. A few of my higher ability will be able to answer the addition sentences on their own at the end of a lesson.
You'll need a bit of patience as the squares reveal themselves.
Hope students around the world enjoy it (?) and that it makes multiplication that little more understandable.
Please rate and comment politely, all my resources are shared freely.