A PowerPoint which introduces the ‘Doubling-and-Halving Strategy for Multiplication’.
This PowerPoint uses an array to show the multiplication strategy of doubling one factor and halving the other factor to help to work out some multiplication problems. Doubling and halving is therefore related to thinking that ‘restructures’ an array to make it more manageable to multiply (e.g. 3 × 18 = ___ can be rewritten as 6 × 9 = ___).
Very visual resource which helps students see that the total number of circles in an array (the product) stays the same when an array is cut and rearranged.
No text: so recommend that the teacher walks through the first couple of example slides and then students verbally explain the following examples to their peers.
Order of animations:
Tricky array and sum is shown.
Confused smiley bounces in. (explain here that if you don’t know your 15 times table etc. this could be hard)
Scissors appear and cut the array - array restructures into simpler array (double of one factor/half of the other)
New corresponding sum appears - click & answer is shown
Array restructures to first formation and tricky sum is shown again
As the total number of circles has remained the same throughout the sequence the answer should be obvious :-)
I use it alongside other strategies so that it is presented as an option for mental computation involving multiplication.
Pi Day Reading Comprehension Worksheet - Learn about the History of Pi Day
Celebrate Pi Day with this Pi Day Reading Comprehension Worksheet. This double-sided worksheet provides comprehensive information about the origins of Pi Day, including the history of Pi Day, what Pi is and how it is calculated, Pi math jokes, Pi Day traditions and customs, and fun facts about Pi.
The worksheet is designed to improve reading comprehension skills and includes two levels of differentiated questions to cater to all learners (higher: 16 questions, lower: 10 questions). Additionally, the worksheet includes a SAT-style multiple-choice question sheet.
Pi Day Reading Comprehension Worksheet is the perfect educational resource to celebrate Pi Day and learn more about the significance of mathematics and science. Deepen your understanding of Pi and have fun while doing it
Made for my grade 3 class who are just starting to formally learn their times-tables.
Very visual resource using arrays with dots, hundred charts, step counting and various sum flashcards.
PowerPoint activity/presentation progressing in this slide order:
Counting in steps of two up to 120 from 0.
Count to 24 in steps of 2 with array being built.
100 square count in steps of two with pattern being revealed (2 sec each step).
100 square count in steps of two with pattern being revealed (1 sec each step).
Double the number with numbers in random order (doubling function in-out machine design).
2 times table with sum and array in order.
2 times table with sum and array turnaround in order.
2 times table with sum but no array
2 times table with sum and array out of order.
Answer shown and student to give sum.
Also included are the x0 and x1 timetables. Often overlooked when teaching multiplication, but essential to grasping a true understanding.
First slide is ‘times zero’ times table and shows a fixed golden zero with sum twisting in and out.
Emphasizing the rule that;
“When you multiply a number by zero, the answer is always zero”
Second slide is ‘times one’ times table and shows the multiplicand (the number being multiplied) emerging from itself and sliding over to the product (the answer)
Emphasizing the rule that;
“Any Number Times One is that Number / 1 x anything = itself”
Three rimes table trick with arrays to help with the three times table multiplication strategy .
This clear, step-by-step and helpful PowerPoint will help students learn that multiplication by 3 can be done by doubling and adding another set.
e.g. to calculate 3 × 14:
first double 14 getting 28, then add another 14, (to get 3 times 14) which is 42.
21 Examples are presented (from 3 x 2 up to 3 x 21) in order, or from a hyperlink menu.
Each slide shows the sum and a confused face,
Then two lines of the matching array (showing the doubling array)
Then another set (another line of the array) is added
Whilst the matching thought process is shown with clear sums.
Finally everything apart from the x3 sum and array dissolve out, leaving just the sum, the answer and the x3 array.
Each part of the thought multiplication strategy is presented when you click the mouse, giving students time to work out and explain each step.
Includes 3 level differentiated mathcing sylte worksheets and skip counting x3 worksheets.
Also see my Multiplication Strategies pack which includes this trick and other common multiplication strategies
Compensation Strategy for Mental Subtraction.
By visually illustrating the mental subtraction strategy of compensation by using moving base ten blocks and a bin my students where able to better understand how answers are adjusted by adding back or subtracting more and therefore compensating for the rounding which made the question easier.
PowerPoint includes 5 examples with base ten blocks and 5 matching slides with matching sums but just the thought process and 2 additional examples without base ten blocks to help learners move from a pictorial representation to an abstract one.
Download includes a double sided worksheet based around the PowerPoint teaching.
Gold, silver and bronze certificates for students who have learnt their multiplication tables to different levels.
Also includes the reverse side showing test results (you just need to delete ticks corresponding to results to match the front side)
Comes with a checklist / test sheet.
Levels are;
For being able to say a complete multiplication table in order.
e.g. "One times two is two. Two times two is four etc."
For being able to give the product of the numbers multiplied together, out of order.
e.g. Q: “What is six x two?", "What is twelve x two?" etc.
For giving facts when presented with the product only
e.g. “24?” “12 x 2”
Please rate and comment if you find them useful.
Little test of key number line skills aimed at year 2 or 3.
Question 1: Identify numbers on a 700 - 800 number line
Question 2: Using relative position to locate numbers on a number line
Question 3: Working with relative position to find nearest 100
Question 4: Comparing and ordering three-digit numbers.
I will back to back print it on a three digit number ordering worksheet or a less than greater than worksheet.
Numbers words on a colourful worksheet.\nWrite each number word the corresponding number of times (e.g. write one:1 time, write two: 2 times etc) \n1-10 on one page. 11-14 on one page. 15-17 on one page. 18-19 on one page. and 20 on one page. \nShould keep 'em quiet for a while !!!???!!!
My class really like these: add together the two numbers at the bottom that are in the same colour box. Then write the answers in the boxes in the middle. Add together the two numbers in the boxes and write the total in the star shape at the top.\nDifferentiated worksheets uploaded (easy/missing numbers/DIY blank etc.) Also easy to edit.
Simple idea, simple worksheet. Students enjoy it.\nGrid format. In the space next to the subtraction sentence students draw what they like (simple circles? Sweeties?) and then cross out how many they need to take away, then count the remaining objects and write the answer into the sentence.\nEasy to edit.
Find x more than using the number line, then write the addition sentences. Find x less than using the number line, then write the subtraction sentences.\nStart number given. Students then fill in + or - and the other numbers to make the number sentences.\nPlease rate and comment.
halves. half. 1/2. \nLook at the group of fruit and draw a line to make each group into two groups of equal quantity. \nThen fill in the missing numbers below the clip art: Half of 6 is 3 etc.
Numberline. Step counting. 2's and 5&'s.\nJump along the number line in steps of 2 and steps of 5.\nAlso count the feet by counting in twos.\nNumberline jump steps can be edited by typing new numbers under the number line.\nPLUS: Counting in the stars by 2s or 5s with fireworks 2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate? The underpaid teacher!!!
Beginner division speed math worksheets introducing/reinforcing division as being the inverse of multiplication - "Think multiplication" (to do division)
Files - 'speed division inverse of multiplication_worksheet1' & 2 present multiplication turnaround facts followed by matching inverse division facts in groups of 4.
5 x 2 =
2 x 5 =
10 ÷ 2 =
10 ÷ 5 =
File - 'speed division inverse of multiplication_using multi to divide_missing multiplier2_4_6_8_9'
Present only one multiplication followed it's inverse division, in columns of facts for 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 times tables:
2s Facts
2 x ___ = 18
18 ÷ 2 =
2 x ___ = 14
14 ÷ 2 =
Other worksheet presents mixed problems with the multiplication having the missing multiplier
2 x ___ = 18
18 ÷ 2 =
Students are therefore encouraged to 'think multiplication' when doing division.
First number line addition (totals up to 20) jump making worksheet WITH FROGS!
Easy to change the questions, just edit the addition sentence and move the dot on the line and change the start number font colour.
Hope they help children learn addition using a number line.
Good luck from Cambodia.