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Ordering decimals

Ordering decimals

Decimal representations and ordering numbers with up to three decimals - used for a year 5 class.
Soils worksheet

Soils worksheet

Worksheet in 3 sections: 1. Three types of soil 2. What soil is made up of 3. Layers of soil
Lines of Symmetry Investigation

Lines of Symmetry Investigation

Lines of Symmetry of regular and irregular polygons investigation. Children were provided with shapes to fold and mirrors. Used in year 5 class.
Adverb and synonyms for 'said' word mats

Adverb and synonyms for 'said' word mats

Two word mats (for different ability). Half shows a variety of adverbs and the other half shows a variety of synonyms for the word 'said'. Used in year 3 class for narrative writing.
Book Cover Activity

Book Cover Activity

After discussion the front cover of Varjak Paw children identified what they definitely knew, what they might know and what questions they could ask based on the cover only. Easily adapted for any book. Used with year 5 class.
Decimal Investigation (geography link)

Decimal Investigation (geography link)

Investigation used with year 5 (differentiated for lower/middle/higher): Reading information from a table Ordering decimals Greater/less than decimals Place value Converting to fractions Decimal/fraction equivalents
Translating Shapes

Translating Shapes

Translating shapes worksheet - differentiated for lower/middle and higher. Used in year 5 class.