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Mr Morton Science

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(based on 260 reviews)

Full time science teacher, taught science in the UK and abroard for 13 years at many schools and universities. Currently teaching Chemistry in Qatar.




Full time science teacher, taught science in the UK and abroard for 13 years at many schools and universities. Currently teaching Chemistry in Qatar.
Mammals of the UK

Mammals of the UK

A great resource accessible directly from youtube or from this ppt. mammals of the UK are shown including extinct and invasive species, A great settler or plenary activity. Accompanying quiz is included in the pdf. Extinct, mammals, classification, invasive, predator,
Graph Peer Assessment Checklists

Graph Peer Assessment Checklists

Simple checklists that can be used by pupils and their peers alike to mark or assess their own graphs, I am using this early on with my year 7s so that they can form good habits by the time they are doing ISAs.
AQA C1.6 Plant oils and their uses

AQA C1.6 Plant oils and their uses

A collection of resources to help with teaching AQA C1.6 Plant oils and their uses. Includes card sorts ready made in small and large - print these on coloured card and laminate for the best effect. Includes mini test for a starter to judge prior knowledge, or used as a summative activity at the end of the lesson. Includes: AQA C1.6.1 Vegatable oils AQA C1.6.2 Emulsions AQA C1.6.3 Saturated and unsaturated oils
AQA C2.3 Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry

AQA C2.3 Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry

A collection of resources to help with teaching AQA C2.3 Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry. Includes card sorts ready made in small and large - print these on coloured card and laminate for the best effect. Includes keyword glossary sheet - this can be given to pupils at the start of a topic or made available during revision as atopic specific resource. Includes mini test for a starter to judge prior knowledge, or used as a summative activity at the end of the lesson. Includes: AQA C2.3.1 Atomic structure AQA C2.3.2 Analysing substances AQA C2.3.3 Quantitive chemistry
Investigating our Lungs

Investigating our Lungs

A practical worksheet that has pupils look at data collected by another pupil and to rewrite their experiment and draw their own conclusions. Includes HSW and can be used to construct graphs. Respiration, lungs, breathing, health, investigation, HSW, graph, lung capacity, tidal volume
Hazard Symbols

Hazard Symbols

All the modern hazard symbols covered by the curriculum gathered into one place. Images should be large enough for printing for displays. Check out my other resources for power points and worksheets related to these hazard symbols. display, safety, practical
Energy in the Home

Energy in the Home

Explain how heat is lost from the home or how heat enters the home when we don’t want it to. State ways we can reduce heat transfer in the home. Explain how cavity walls and double glazing reduce heat transfer


To describe materials as insulators or conductors and give examples. To make a prediction with reasons with respect to best insulating material. To describe heating and cooling in terms of heat energy being transferred to or from surroundings.


To explain radiation using the particle model. To explain in detail how energy is transferred by radiation linking ideas from particle model and energy i.e. kinetic energy of particles. To relate the radiation properties of shiny, matt, dark light surfaces.


To describe hot objects getting colder in terms of heat going out of the object To describe hot objects getting colder in terms of heat energy being transferred to surroundings To describe the relationship between energy transferred and increase in temperature
KS3 Writing up practicals Levelled Markscheme

KS3 Writing up practicals Levelled Markscheme

Pupils are given this guide to writing up practical investigations. They can tick off each section after they think they have answered it, identifying what they need to do for each mark. Includes all common sections of a write up including hypothesis, method, diagram, graph, results table, context, analysis and evaluation. The resultant marks are added up to give a pupil a sub level based upon the number of marks they have achieved. This works very well for independent working as well as peer and self assessment after they have finished. I also find it very useful myself when marking.
Homeostasis 4Words1Pic

Homeostasis 4Words1Pic

A nice starter or plenary where the pupils have to guess the word from the images and letters given. Pupils love this game.
Socrative Quiz: Year 7 Cells and Organelles

Socrative Quiz: Year 7 Cells and Organelles

In this activity plan you will find the SOC codes to import my quiz to your Socrative room. This is a great revision activity that you can use with the whole class as starters, plenaries, or to consolidate learning on Cells and organelles! If you are not familiar with Socrative, I explain the key steps of this great interactive teaching tool.
Telescopes card sort (Btec UNIT 3: 2C.P9

Telescopes card sort (Btec UNIT 3: 2C.P9

A card sort activity designed to allow pupils to decide which are advantages and negatives of the different methods of observing space. Used as a started before pupils evidence this themselves in a poster. Starter, challenge, engagement
Investigation of Reflection

Investigation of Reflection

Pupils have an investigation written for them and will follow the instructions to produce their version of the experiment. This can be used as an introduction to the practical or after they have carried out the practical themselves. Depending on how you use this it can take from 15 minutes to 45. Also suitable for homework as everything is included. literacy, method, practical, experiment, reflection, graph, conclusion


All of the syllabus converted into easy to use objective slides. Copy and paste into your own power points or give to the pupils to use for revision.
Healthy Diet Scavenger hunt activity

Healthy Diet Scavenger hunt activity

Made for Btec 6.1 but suitable for a range of levels.\nIncludes powerpoint, question sheet and information sheets.\n\nFirst activity was a brainstorm on healthy, unhealthy foods and activities. \nFor the main activity:\nText used is challenging for many pupils, do not be surprosed if they struggle for a few minutes before they get started.\nPut the information sheets around the room, put the pupils into groups and had them try to answer questions and win points for their group.
Modern Periodic Table & Atomic Structure

Modern Periodic Table & Atomic Structure

Includes full lesson with starter, plenary, timings and AFL. Look at the periodic table, subatomic particles, and electronic configuration. Use the PDFs to produce electron configuration whiteboards for immediate feedback from the whole class. Use the simple periodic tables and pupils can look up their own data for quickfire assessments.\n\nperiodic table, electron shells, energy levels, assessment