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Y6 setting description teaching unit (1 week) Once Upon A Snowstorm

Y6 setting description teaching unit (1 week) Once Upon A Snowstorm

The following resources are based upon the Richard Johnson picture book, ‘Once Upon a Snowstorm’ and are pitched at a Year 6 audience. A hyper-link to the book on YouTube is included in the PowerPoint, so owning the book is not necessary. The planning is appropriate for one week, including opportunity to edit and improve, as well as publish (or extend the writing, if considering use as a moderation piece). Included in the week’s planning is a PowerPoint presentation, taking teachers through the sequence of lessons, resulting in a setting description as the children’s written outcome by the end of the week. In addition, there are two example WAGOLLs, an immersion lesson and a skills practising lesson, where children are working on figurative language. Each lesson starts with 3 GPS SATs style questions as revision. The lessons follow the following sequence: 1 - immersion 2 - vocabulary/phrase bank building 3 - write 4 - finish writing. Edit and improve 5 - publish The build up focuses on children’s oracy and development of figurative language, specifically pathetic fallacy and personification.
Year 6 Holes chapter (expected standard)

Year 6 Holes chapter (expected standard)

The following WAGOLL tells the story of what happened to ‘Barfbag’: the teenager who was a camper at Camp Green Lake before the arrival of Stanley Yelnats. In Louis Sachar’s ‘Holes’, we read that Barfbag was bitten by a rattle snake. This short chapter, writable within a week, adds the missing scene to the book. The WAGOLL would be ideal for use with a Year 6 class whilst reading the text, and would be an ideal piece for moderation. Also included is a word-bank, which includes key vocabulary as well as provides full example sentences for the children to incorporate into their writing. The WAGOLL focuses on: dialogue to advance the action shifts in formality parenthesis semi colon to join clauses (often with a conjunctive adverb - ideal for the expected standard) split speech
Year 6 non-chronological report - WW1 trenches (expected standard)

Year 6 non-chronological report - WW1 trenches (expected standard)

The WAGOLL is written at the expected standard for Year 6, and would be ideal for use as a moderation piece. It describes the life in the trenches for World War One soldiers. Also included is a word-bank which includes key vocabulary, as well as example sentences for children to use within their writing. The WAGOLL focuses on: use of headings and subheadings third person embedded clauses paragraphs for changes in topic semi colon to join clauses (with a conjunctive adverb - ideal for EXP level evidence)
Year 6 Street Child narrative (Greater Depth)

Year 6 Street Child narrative (Greater Depth)

The following WAGOLL is based on Berlie Doherty’s ‘Street Child’ and is written from the point of view of the character ‘Mr Spinks’. The narrative focuses on the scene in which Mr Spinks enters the room of the Jarvis family, demanding their rent. When they’re unable to pay, he sends them onto the streets. The WAGOLL is ideal for use as either a whole class stimulus, or for a group of more-able Year 6 children to write from a different point of view. Also included is word-bank, giving examples of setting descriptions and characters. The narrative focuses on: Switches in formality Dialogue to advance the action Creating character and atmosphere
Year 6 Street Child narrative (expected standard)

Year 6 Street Child narrative (expected standard)

The following WAGOLL is a narrative, written in the third person, describing Mr Spink arriving at the Jarvis family’s room and demanding rent. When the family cannot provide, they are sent onto the streets. Included is a word-bank, giving examples of setting descriptions, and descriptions of the family members. The WAGOLL is ideal for use as a whole class writing stimulus for Year 6 children, and would be of particular use as a moderation piece. The WAGOLL focuses on: creating character and atmosphere dialogue to advance the action shifting tone in formality
Year 6 balanced argument (Expected level) - Victorian workhouses

Year 6 balanced argument (Expected level) - Victorian workhouses

The following WAGOLL is an ‘expected’ level balanced argument on the pros and cons of Victorian workhouses. The download includes a word-bank, with vocabulary to support the children’s writing, as well as example sentences and sentence openers. The piece is ideal for use as a whole class writing example, and is of particular use as a writing moderation piece. The text focuses on: Formality of language Adverbials to create cohesion Colons to introduce a list Embedded clauses Semi colons lists Semi colons to separate clauses
Year 6 narrative - Expected Standard (Parliament)

Year 6 narrative - Expected Standard (Parliament)

This WAGOLL is written for use primarily within Parliament Week, but can be incorporated into the curriculum at any time. It is written at the higher end of the Expected Standard, so is ideal for use as a whole class resource. It follows a scene in the House of Commons, where MP’s are having to choose whether they vote ‘for’ or ‘against’. Also included is a word bank, which contains descriptive phrases for the atmosphere within parliament, as well as the politicians and your own character’s emotions. It also includes example sentences for colons subordinate clauses short, impact sentences rhetorical questions (with repetition) figurative language
Year 6 diary entry - Victorian prisoner (Expected Standard)

Year 6 diary entry - Victorian prisoner (Expected Standard)

The WAGOLL is a diary extract, written by a prisoner during the Victorian era. The content is contextually appropriate, to match the treatment of prisoners at the time. The WAGOLL is written at the higher end of the Expected Standard, making it an ideal resource for use whole class. Also included is a word-bank which contains vocabulary to describe the prisoner’s emotions, as well as descriptions of the cell and sentence examples using rule of 3 embedded clauses subordinate clauses parenthesis semi colon with a conjunctive adverb colon to join clauses
Year 6 letter - Expected standard (Holes)

Year 6 letter - Expected standard (Holes)

A WAGOLL written from Stanley Yelnats, after his first week at Camp Green Lake. The WAGOLL is written at the higher end of the Expected Standard, making it ideal for whole class use as a supportive text. Also included is a word-bank which includes key vocabulary to describe the setting, character emotions as well as example sentences for brackets for parenthesis colon list relative clause dashes for additional information semi colon to separate clauses
Year 6 Greater Depth narrative - Franklin Expedition (Erebus and Terror)

Year 6 Greater Depth narrative - Franklin Expedition (Erebus and Terror)

The WAGOLL is written to the Greater Depth standard, and follows the demise of John Franklin and his lost expedition. The WAGOLL is ideal for use for students working at the Greater Depth standard, or as use whole class as a stimulus to extend and develop children’s writing. The WAGOLL focuses on Cohesion Pathetic fallacy (with the use of snow as a tool to mirror the growing desperation of the men) Dialogue to advance the action Figurative language Also included is a word-bank which provides key vocabulary and examples of pathetic fallacy intensifying throughout the narrative, as well as figurative language.
Year 6 letter - Greater Depth Standard (Christmas Truce WW1)

Year 6 letter - Greater Depth Standard (Christmas Truce WW1)

This letter WAGOLL is written from the point of view of a soldier, who has just experienced the Christmas Truce during WW1. The soldier writes to his wife back home, recounting the event. The letter is written to the Greater Depth standard, and so would be ideal for use for higher ability children, or as a whole class stimulus to extend and develop sentence structure and vocabulary use. Also included is a word-bank with key vocabulary, as well as examples of sentences using dialogue to advance the action parenthesis (brackets, dashes and commas) dashes for additional information split speech colon list sentences semi colon with a conjunctive adverb short, impact sentences
Year 6 diary entry - WW2 (Expected Standard WAGOLL)

Year 6 diary entry - WW2 (Expected Standard WAGOLL)

The WAGOLL is made up of two extracts from a diary written across two dates - 22nd September, 1940 and 24th December, 1940. Written from the point of view of a child experiencing the WW2 air raid shelters for the first time, the tone and hopefulness in the writer’s voice shifts from the first entry to the second. The 24th December, 1940 was the night of the Christmas Blitz in Manchester. The child retells the trauma of experiencing the attacks. The WAGOLL is written at the higher end of the Expected Standard, and would be ideal for use as a whole class stimulus to develop and extend the voice of a character. The WAGOLL focuses on informal tone (whilst remaining contextually appropriate for the time period) Adverbials of time/time conjunctions Emotive language First person Cohesion within and across paragraphs