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I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered




I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered
Desertification - Do They Know Its Christmastime?

Desertification - Do They Know Its Christmastime?

Using the lyrics to ‘Do they know its Christmastime?’ by Band Aid, your students look at whether the descriptions in the song are correct in referring to Africa. They go on to explore the human and physical effects of lack of water, examine some long and short term solutions to desertification and put forward their own ideas and opinions of short term solutions offered by Water Aid.
Country Dingbats

Country Dingbats

It's that time of year again where a bit of fun in the classroom wont do any harm but to keep it topical here are some country dingbats to try on the students...


Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. ‘Ori’ is Japanese for folding and ‘kami’ is Japanese for paper and its day is celebrated on 11th November. This craft can be used as a fun activity during tutor time, for example
Conspiracy Theories: What Do We Belive In And Why? (Grade 6th-10th)

Conspiracy Theories: What Do We Belive In And Why? (Grade 6th-10th)

This unit helps students to explore what they and others believe and why. The difference between urban myths and conspiracy theories is discussed in conjunction with primary and secondary sources and their dependability. The students investigate a myth or theory of their own choosing, citing evidence for and against and considering the reliability of the evidence which helps to develop their debating skills. How we decide what we do and don’t believe is examined with the repercussions this can have in our everyday lives. The unit closes with the students inventing their own myth, theory or legend and creating a booklet advertising this to visitors to your town. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Is It Okay To Buy A Christmas Tree?

Is It Okay To Buy A Christmas Tree?

This activity is a fun way to finish off the term but to keep it topical. Suggested use: in groups, half have to argue the case for an artificial tree and the other half have to argue the case for a real tree. The additional information (about Hazel etc) should help them to understand some of the reasons people make choices (i.e. not always for environmental reasons)
Maths Booklet (Grade 6 - 10)

Maths Booklet (Grade 6 - 10)

This 30 page booklet is designed to help students and parents when with mathematical questions within their class and homework be it in Maths, Science, Geography, etc.. Topics Include: Key Terms Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Order Of Calculation (BIDMAS) Estimating Time Distance, Speed, Time Fractions Percentages Ratio Proportion Information Handling With Graphs Coordinates And Bearings Perimeter Area Circles
Drawing Graphs (Grade 6th - 10th)

Drawing Graphs (Grade 6th - 10th)

This booklet introduces students to the essential graphs used in most subjects including Maths, Science and Geography, and how to draw them. Graphs discussed are: Line Graphs Bar Graphs Divided Bar Graphs Pie Charts Pictograms Proportional Arrows Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
National Days Of Celebration 2015-2016

National Days Of Celebration 2015-2016

This booklet lists important days of note or celebration throughout the year which could help with lesson planning, assemblies or tutor/registration times If there are any dates I have missed and you feel should be included please don't hesitate to contact me and I shall add them in :-)
What Are The Roles Of Space, Place And Power In The Creation And Maintenance Of Division?

What Are The Roles Of Space, Place And Power In The Creation And Maintenance Of Division?

This powerpoint looks at how those with a disability need to negotiate the everyday world which those who are able bodied may take for granted. The term ‘disability’ is discussed, as well as restricted power and space, the built environment, accessibility to public and private transport as well as jobs and housing. Disability in the arts, perception in the media and political correctness is also looked at. Slide Eleven refers to the scene near the end of the film Notting Hill when William is trying to locate the conference Anna is in. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Communicating Effectively With Parents

Communicating Effectively With Parents

One aspect of teaching we will all need to tackle at some point will be an angry or annoyed parent or guardian. By being open, inviting and personable your students’ parents will be impressed with you and the way you manage your classroom. A miscalculated response can backfire, fan the flames of an upset parent and burn the bridges between home and school. This in turn can cause a lot of damage whether there was a basis for the anger or not. So this encounter needs to be turned into an opportunity for everyone – parents, student and teacher. Although much of this is common sense I have pulled together this ten page booklet with some suggestions for successfully defusing such a meeting before, during and after it arises.
Christmas Trees - The Real Or Fake Debate (Grade 6 - 10)

Christmas Trees - The Real Or Fake Debate (Grade 6 - 10)

This booklet is designed to help students distinguish fact and opinion and offer both positive and negative arguments to real and artificial Christmas trees. They discover the history behind the origins of the Christmas tree and discuss why they think it’s so popular. The social, economic, and environmental implications of each type of tree are discussed and analysed to aid the students in deciding which they think is more appropriate. Their task is to use what they have learnt to design a leaflet highlighting their opinion to help the public decide; this is then peer assessed. The lesson concludes with the students designing their own alternative Christmas tree using their hobbies as inspiration. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
National Days Of Celebration 2016 - 2017

National Days Of Celebration 2016 - 2017

This booklet lists important days of note or celebration throughout the year which could help with lesson planning, assemblies or tutor/registration times If there are any dates I have missed and you feel should be included please don't hesitate to contact me and I shall add them in :-)
How To Revise A Case Study

How To Revise A Case Study

Case studies can appear overwhelming at first when faced with a large amount of information, particularly as this is generally needed to answer the highest mark question in an exam. This revision aid helps the students to understand the case study, condense their notes and memorise all they need to know. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
How To Write A Persuasive Speech Hnadout

How To Write A Persuasive Speech Hnadout

There are a number tricks of the trade to help you write and deliver a confident, convincing and persuasive speech to win over the crowd…you just need to make sure you go for a walk through A FOREST… Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
How To Google More Successfully

How To Google More Successfully

Today if we want to know something we usually have the internet at our fingertips to discover it, however sometimes it’s not as straight forward therefore here are a few tricks to help use Google to its full potential. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Beating The Bullies - Work Booklet

Beating The Bullies - Work Booklet

This worksheet booklet begins by looking at the statistics of bullying and asking the students whether anything surprises them. They are asked to identify what they believe a bully looks and sounds like, which can spark an interesting discussion. We debate what is considered bullying as well as the primary types of bullying; physical, verbal, indirect and more commonly today, cyber. Why people bully and who they target is considered in conjunction with how a bully could be helped, and whether being a bystander makes them as responsible as the bully. Following on from discussing where to go for help and advice both in and outside of school, the students take part in a group project to act out a television or radio advert to give advice to these being bullied, these are then peer assessed. The booklet concludes in a class debate as to whether head teachers should be able to discipline students for cyber crimes which occur outside of school. A range of individual and group activities are incorporated within this booklet, including sharing their own thoughts and ideas from their own experiences, comparing their own ideas with others, working as a group on a collective task and assess these in an appropriate manner. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
National Days Of Celebration 2017-2018

National Days Of Celebration 2017-2018

This booklet lists important days of note or celebration throughout the year which could help with lesson planning, assemblies or tutor/registration times If there are any dates I have missed and you feel should be included please don't hesitate to contact me and I shall add them in :-)
Are There Monsters In Our Mountains?

Are There Monsters In Our Mountains?

We all believe in something. It may be one thing; it may be lots of things. Some may be easier to believe than others, but this is down to each person’s opinion. These worksheets help students to question what they believe and why, and which sources can be used upon to support those opinions. Using the legend surrounding the reported sightings of an ape-man roaming the snowy wastes of the Himalayas, the students research the evidence behind the myth and assess them for their reliability. Discussions are also held regarding how we decide what we believe in. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
How To Draw A Pie Chart

How To Draw A Pie Chart

Pie charts can sometime appear to be complicated to draw but by following these instructions your students will be able to eliminate their fears and find it quite easy.