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I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered




I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered
Transportation - Longshore Drift

Transportation - Longshore Drift

The sea sources it materials from various places: cliff erosion, constructive waves, carried down rivers to the mouth and transported by longshore drift. Some beaches have beautiful golden sands whereas others have less attractive shingle, but there is a reason why beaches look as they do. The reason is longshore drift. These worksheets help students to understand the process of longshore drift and the ways sediment is transported by waves and tides.


This worksheet helps students to revise how to calculate division with simple clear instructions and examples


Spits are extended stretches of beach material, such as sand and shingle which project out to sea, joined to the mainland at one end. A spit is formed due to the coastline changing direction – Longshore drift is the main source of material build up as it brings materials up from further down the coastline. These worksheets look at how spits are formed and the processess, inputs and outputs of spits.
Iguazu Falls, Africa - Field Sketch

Iguazu Falls, Africa - Field Sketch

The beautiful Iguazu Falls are also known as the Iguassu Falls and the Iguaçu Falls. The magnificent display of these 275 individual drops has awed tourists and locals alike for centuries. They originate from the Iguazu River and are situated on the border of Brazil and Argentina. The falls are what divide the river of the same name into its upper and lower portions and have given rise to several myths and legends as to their origin. This river forms the boundary between Brazil and Argentina, making it an important part of the political and geographical structure of the continent of South America. This worksheets helps your students to develop their field sketching skills by going through the important dos and don’ts and using the Iguazu Falls as an example
Victoria Falls, Africa - Field Sketches

Victoria Falls, Africa - Field Sketches

Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya, which translates to ‘Smoke that Thunders’ is found on the Zambia River between Zambia and Zimbabwe. They are thought to be the largest in the world in terms of the volume of water that passes through it. It is neither the highest nor widest fall in the world but it is the largest sheet of falling water. This worksheet helps your students to understand the dos and don’ts of field sketching. Victoria Falls is used as an example to help practice this important skill
Geography Of Sport - FIFA World Cup Russia

Geography Of Sport - FIFA World Cup Russia

This 32 page booklet gives students the opportunity to explore the FIFA World Cup, Russia and their connections to geography using different Geographical themes and skills. Chapters include: Why Is Football So Popular? How Is Football Linked To Geography? Who Are FIFA? Who’s Taking Part In 2018? Friendly Rivals We Are Number One! Football As An Economic Activity Flag Crossword Getting The Vote What Do You Know About Russia? Where In Russia? Population And Nationality Country Climate Seeing The Sites What Have We Borrowed? Build A Brand Knowing The Neighbours Football Acrostic How Is This Omar Linked To Football?
National Days Of Celebration 2018 - 2019

National Days Of Celebration 2018 - 2019

This booklet lists important days of note or celebration throughout the year which could help with lesson planning, assemblies or tutor/registration times If there are any dates I have missed and you feel should be included please don’t hesitate to contact me and I shall add them in :-)
Halloween History Quiz

Halloween History Quiz

Nine quick multiple choice questions covering the history of Halloween and why it’s celebrated. Perfect for a lesson or assembly introduction, or for tutor time. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Discovering Africa - Dr Livingstone

Discovering Africa - Dr Livingstone

As one of the first medical missionaries to arrive in southern Africa, the first in central Africa, Dr Livingstone was frequently the first European the tribe’s people met. Their trust was won as he was a healer and medicine man and his reputation spread so far he had to restrict himself to treatment of those with only serious illnesses. These worksheets look at Dr Livingstone travels to Africa, the students discuss what they would have packed to take with them, how they would have traveled there and the discoveries made there and how they would have helped the British Empire.
The Great Wall Of China - Field Sketch

The Great Wall Of China - Field Sketch

For more than four thousand miles The Great Wall of China winds across the Chinese countryside. The Wall is listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is the longest structure made by man. It stretches across the mountains of north China, traveling north and northwest Beijing. Constructed of masonry, rock and packed earth the thickness of the Wall ranges from four and a half meters to nine meters and is up to seven and a half meters tall. Today it’s a famous tourist attraction and important symbol of China. These worksheets help your students develop their field sketching skills by explaining the dos and don’ts and using the Great Wall of China as an example
Christ The Redeemer, Brazil - Case Study

Christ The Redeemer, Brazil - Case Study

Looking over Rio De Janeiro from the 704 meter summit of Corcovado Mountain in the Tijuc Forest National Forest, the statue of Chris the Redeemer stands as a symbol of Brazilian Christianity. A Catholic priest, named Pedro Maria Boss, suggested the idea of a religious monument being built in 1850. These worksheets help your students to carry out a case study of the statue, giving you the opportunity of giving them the additional sheet of information or allowing them to carry out their own research.
Lake Victoria, Africa

Lake Victoria, Africa

Lake Victoria is situated between Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and 68,800 kilometres squared (about the area of Ireland). Regardless of its size it’s extremely shallow with the deepest point being only 82 meters. It’s one of the largest fresh water bodies and the largest tropical lake in the world with a shore line of 3,440 kilometres and more than 3,000 islets. Lake Victoria is a top tourist destination with the bordering countries individually embarking on aggressive marketing strategies to attract people. Tourism to the area has increased in recent years due to the improvement of the infrastructure, for example better roads, investment in the hospitality industry such as hotels, lodges and private resorts and a greater range of activities. There are now over 170 tourist sites and a substantial amount of heritage sites which outnumber other tourist circuits thanks to the fifty world class resorts set up along the shoreline and the many island around Lake Victoria. The students task is to carry out research on some of the tourist destinations and safari parks to discover what they have to offer and more about the region around Lake Victoria. They go on to design a slogan and logo for a new tourist safari park which will be used on all posters, adverts and merchandise.
The River Nile, Egypt - A Source Of Conflict Or Co-Operation

The River Nile, Egypt - A Source Of Conflict Or Co-Operation

Water is very precious but can be taken advantage of in more economically developed countries such as England or America where there is an abundant supply. It would be difficult for us to appreciate how different it is in other countries. Boutros Boutros Ghali, former foreign minister of Egypt and United Nations Secretary-General said, when talking about north east Africa, “The next war in our region will be over the waters of the Nile, not politics” Rivers can be a source of convicting and co-operating demands from different countries. These worksheets discuss the factors responsible for flooding the Nile, why the demand for water is growing in the Nile basin, the possible consequences for Egypt if water shortages arise and possible solutions. The advantages and disadvantages of living upstream or downstream of a possible dam are discussed, as well as whether developing the land at risk of flooding should be allowed and concludes with who owns the water in the worlds major world rivers.
Brazil's Climate - Climate Graphs

Brazil's Climate - Climate Graphs

Due to the country’s vastness, Brazil has a varied climate from region to region. Coastal cities such as Rio De Janeiro, Recife and Salvador are hot and sticky for most of the year, whereas plateau cities such as Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte are milder. Southern cities such as Curitiba and Porto Alegre can become quite cold during the winter. This worksheet helps students to be able to read climate graphs as well as draw and describe them.
The Great Rift Valley,  Africa

The Great Rift Valley, Africa

The Great Rift Valley is the longest rift valley in the world at 3,600 miles running vertically through Africa; it ranges from 19 to 63 miles wide and can have an elevation of anything from 1,300 feet below sea level to 6,000 feet above sea level. The valley splits into two branches, the Eastern and Western Rifts in east Africa. At that size it’s visible from space! These worksheets help students to investigate the Rift Valley in Africa by exploring how it was formed and how it may change in the future. They discuss why it is considered a geographical wonder and what they think would happen to its environment should it fill with water.
The Terracotta Army. China

The Terracotta Army. China

The Terracotta Army is one of the wonders of the ancient world and a cultural relic which many believe needs to be protected with the upmost seriousness. It’s one of the top archaeological finds of the twentieth century at over two thousand, two hundred years old and part of the world’s largest imperial tomb complex at four miles square! As recently as March 2015 an almost complete crossbow was unearthed. The bow back, string, crossbow body were all well-preserved. These worksheets help your student to discover more about the Terracotta Army and who discovered them, local farmers who were digging a new well. Their task is to write a letter to their family as one of the farmers who first discovered the Warriors or a report for a magazine as one of the archaeologists who helped unearthed the other pits.
Eurovision: Geography In Action (Unit Of Work)

Eurovision: Geography In Action (Unit Of Work)

This unit of work encourages students to appreciate the links between music and Geography, through traditional music and Eurovision. Why music is popular, the many genres and when music is used is studied and investigated for its links. Traditions from Brazil, China, England, India, and Russia are investigated for their similarities in instruments, dances, and festivals. Music as an economic activity is explored, in addition to festivals in the United Kingdom and why they maybe located where they are. Local venues to the students, both indoors and outdoors, are investigated for their suitability for hosting a music festival. The history and who participates in Eurovision is discussed with the positive and negative impacts of having such an event hosted in their country or town. How such an event can cause community conflict through economic, social, and environmental impacts, as well as how these events could be made more sustainable are explored. The unit concludes with the students designing a brand and logo for a sustainable music festival at their school. The final designs are then peer assessed. A range of individual and group activities are incorporated within this booklet, including, gathering research from print, annotating maps, their thoughts, and ideas, calling on their local knowledge and effectively assessing other work. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Chalk Figures - Field Sketch

Chalk Figures - Field Sketch

The carving of giant horses (sometimes called leucipotomy), and figures (gigantotomy) in the British landscape, especially in chalk and limestone areas where the image contrasts with the darker surrounding soil or grass, has been carried out since ancient times – the Uffington White Horse may date back some 3,000 years. There are some 57 such figures in Britain, although without periodic maintenance and scouring, many others have vanished. These worksheets explain the purpose of some of these chalk drawings and takes the students through step-by-step on how to draw a field sketch.