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I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered




I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered
The Awa Tribe

The Awa Tribe

The most endangered tribe in the world live deep in the Amazon rainforest, they are an ancient group of around 400 who carry everything they own; their children, their weapons and their pets. These people are so close to being wiped out forever that they are kept safe, away from the modern world. As a result, very few people have ever met the Awá. These worksheets have the students gather information from a video and use it to explain the plight and rescue of the Awa Tribe.
Creating Your Own Tribe

Creating Your Own Tribe

Here is a chance for your students to get a little creative. In groups they need to use information they have gathered from studying tribes to create their own. A spider diagram is provided to help them include as much information as possible
Choosing A Place To Settle

Choosing A Place To Settle

These worksheets look at the key elements of a settlement site for early man and tribes today. By working through these elements the perfect location is highlighted on the map and the students need to explain why this is the ideal place to build a settlement
What Is An Indigenous Tribe?

What Is An Indigenous Tribe?

These worksheets highlight to students how many indigenous tribes can be found around the world and where. The pattern of their location and choice of environment are discussed also
The Chagga People

The Chagga People

The Chagga people have lived on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro for hundreds of years, they believe the mountain is holy and treat it with respect. However, since the area was given National Park status in 1970 there has been a sharp increase in hikers. These worksheets have the students imagining they run a local primary school, however the families struggle to afford the uniforms, shoes, books and lunches which result in many children not attending. Their task is to decide how best to use aid money to help try double attendance to the school.
The Matmata People

The Matmata People

Matmata is a small Berber speaking town in southern Tunisia with a population of about 2,226 who live in traditional underground structures. This type architecture is based on localized needs and construction materials, and reflecting local traditions. It evolves over time to reflect the environmental, cultural, technological and historical content in which it exists. These methods can often be dismissed as crude and unrefined. These worksheets have the students explore the Matmata People’s homes and debate whether having a Star Wars picture filmed at the location would have a positive ro negative affect on their lives.
Cultures Bundle

Cultures Bundle

3 Resources
This bundle includes resources for students to learn about the cultures of Brazil, China and England and to be able to compare them
The Quechua Tribe

The Quechua Tribe

High in the Andes Mountains of South America live the Quechua tribe. They live by farming potatoes, barley and maize, as well as other crops. They keep cattle, sheep, chickens and…llamas. Llamas are close cousins of camels, minus the hump, and come in very handy for riding and carrying heavy loads. These worksheets have the students explore how llamas and the Quechua Tribes have adapted to their environment and how, with our changing climate, the llamas and Quechue could continue to adapt.
The Yanomami Tribe

The Yanomami Tribe

Living in the rainforests and mountains of northern Brazil and southern Venezuela, the Yanomami are the largest relatively isolated tribe in South America. Today their population stands at around 32,000 and their territory covers 9.6 million hectares, twice the size of Switzerland. These worksheets help the students to explore the set up of the Yanomami village, the daily lives and rolls of the girls/mothers and boys/fathers, as well as investigating the use of paint to decorate their faces and bodies.
Indian Food

Indian Food

This lesson allows students to identify different fruits and vegetables which originate from India. They sample the foods and give a detailed description of specific fruits. They also have the opportunity to compare differences between ours and traditional Indian meal times
India's Culture

India's Culture

The culture of a group of people is their way of life. It includes their customs, hobbies, foods, fashions, beliefs and traditions; these are dependent of the country they live in, family background, sex and age. Many parts of the world are multicultural which means many different groups of people live alongside one another as a result of moving to new areas to live ad bringing their cultures with them. This is a chance for your students to get out of your seats and, sensibly, move around the classroom gathering evidence with their classmates to learn about India’s culture.
What's In India's Future?

What's In India's Future?

These worksheets look briefly at India in economics, environmental, global, local, national and social terms and the students discuss how they think India may develop and change over the next ten years
India's Plaines And Plateaus

India's Plaines And Plateaus

India is a vast county, nearly fourteen times the size of the United Kingdom! Within its borders it’s home to environments which include cool mountains in the north, hot, dry plains in the center and hot, humid tropics to the south. You have already looked at the Ganges River, Himalayas and Thar Desert. These worksheets help the students to explore these environments and create their own physical map of India using everyday materials to help visualise the counties environments.
India's Wealth

India's Wealth

These worksheets have the students reasoning what we need to live and looking specifically at how wealth is distributed in India
Special Economic Zones - India

Special Economic Zones - India

Special Economic Zones (SEZ) are designated areas within countries that have special economical guidelines that differ from other areas in the same county. The regulations tend to hold measures conducive to direct foreign investment and conducting business within a SEZ results in a company receiving tax incentives and opportunities to pay lower tariffs. These worksheets look at India’s main objectives to forming SEZs and the arguments before and against them, with the students debating these at the conclusion.
India's Climate

India's Climate

As India is such a large country it’s not surprising to find that the climate varies from place to place and that these variations have different impacts of people’s lives. These worksheets help students to understand climate graphs, how to read and draw them. They also give them a chance to develop their own graph and peer mark eachothers ideas with supporting comments.
Thar Desert - India

Thar Desert - India

The Thar Desert is otherwise known as the Great Indian Desert, is the seventh largest desert in the world and acts as a natural boundary between India and Pakistan. It is the most hostile region within the Indo-Pacific, however around 4500 years ago it was home to one of the world’s oldest tribes, the Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. These worksheets look at how plants and animals adapt to life in the desert with the students designing the ultimate desert animal which is then peer assessed by their classmates
India's Wealth And The Cycle Of Poverty

India's Wealth And The Cycle Of Poverty

The cycle of poverty is a phenomenon where poor families, more severely in LEDCs, become trapped in poverty for generations due to limited or no access to fundamental resources such as education, financial and subsequent generations also being underprivileged. These worksheets look at the devision of wealth within India and has the students look at life through the eyes of a poor family as to whether they should move from the country to the city, where they should move to and how to make money. One way of making money in the city is by making paper bags, they are sold to shop and stall holders who sell rice and spices. Ten bags will earn them 1 rupee (1p)! In groups they make as many bags as they can in thirty minutes…
Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

These worksheets helps the students to discover the background to the building of the Taj mahal and to develop their skills of field sketching
The Cycle Of Poverty

The Cycle Of Poverty

The cycle of poverty is a phenomenon where poor families, more severely in LEDCs, become trapped in poverty for generations due to limited or no access to fundamental resources such as education, financial and subsequent generations also being underprivileged. These worksheets look at life through the eyes of a poor family as to whether they should move from the country to the city, where they should move to and how to make money. One way of making money in the city is by making paper bags, they are sold to shop and stall holders who sell rice and spices. Ten bags will earn them 1 rupee (1p)! In groups they make as many bags as they can in thirty minutes…