Worksheet to support the lecture: 5 Outraged Colonials - The Stamp Act Crisis by Professor J.Freeman of Yale University. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Britain Losing and Gaining an Empire 1763-1914: OCR, The Loss of the American Colonies, 1773-1783 and AQA, Challenging British Dominance: the Loss of the American Colonies, 1754–1783 . This is used as a teaching and enrichment resource to stretch the more able, introduce students to lecture based learning and ensure independent study outside of the classroom.
Link to Youtube
Worksheet to support the lecture: 6 Resistance or Rebellion (Or, what the heck is happening in Boston?) by Professor J.Freeman of Yale University. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Britain Losing and Gaining an Empire 1763-1914: OCR, The Loss of the American Colonies, 1773-1783 and AQA, Challenging British Dominance: the Loss of the American Colonies, 1754–1783 .
This is used as a teaching and enrichment resource to stretch the more able, introduce students to lecture based learning and ensure independent study outside of the classroom.
Link to Youtube Lecture:
Worksheet to support the Hyperinflation video exploring the causes of Hyperinflation:
Student have the nature and impact of the economic crisis explained
Worksheet written to support the Extra History You Tube channel video on the Oipum War Pt 1:
The Publisher doc is formatted for A3, but can be amended and saved as a PDF for A4 publishing
Designed for Year 7 students the lesson investigates the nature of warfare during the medieval era and Crusades. Students will study siege warfare through the recreation of the English siege of Caen in 1204, illustrating and labeling a siege through a literacy based activity based upon the novel ‘Harlequin’ by Bernard Cornwell. This activity can then be compared against the reality and students can plan to either attack or defend a castles. Links to video would then allow students to compare the changing nature of warfare between the medieval and Roman periods:
A Teacher Guidance video is available for this lesson:
Worksheet to support the lecture: 2 Being a British Colonist by Professor J.Freeman of Yale University. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Britain Losing and Gaining an Empire 1763-1914: The Loss of the American Colonies, 1773-1783: OCR, The Loss of the American Colonies, 1773-1783 and AQA, Challenging British Dominance: the Loss of the American Colonies, 1754–1783.
This is used as a teaching and enrichment resource to stretch the more able, introduce students to lecture based learning and ensure independent study outside of the classroom.
Link to Youtube
Worksheet to support the lecture: 8 The Logic of Resistance by Professor J.Freeman of Yale University. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Britain Losing and Gaining an Empire 1763-1914: The Loss of the American Colonies, 1773-1783. This is used as a teaching and enrichment resource to stretch the more able, introduce students to lecture based learning and ensure independent study outside of the classroom.
Link to Youtube Lecture:
Worksheet to support the lecture: 3 Being a British American by Professor J.Freeman of Yale University. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Britain Losing and Gaining an Empire 1763-1914: OCR, The Loss of the American Colonies, 1773-1783 and AQA, Challenging British Dominance: the Loss of the American Colonies, 1754–1783 . This is used as a teaching and enrichment resource to stretch the more able, introduce students to lecture based learning and ensure independent study outside of the classroom.
Link to Youtube Lecture:
Studying the US Law of Prohibition in the 1920's by comparing a ban on alcohol to the banning of tobacco in contemporary Britain.
See the Teacher Guidance film at:
What was Prohibition?
How did it affect the United States?
Know – What the term mass prohibition means
Understand – how prohibition affected the USA for both good and bad
Be able to – think about the role of law in a democracy and its purpose
Students will be introduced to the reasons for prohibition on smoking and then be asked to consider the consequences of such a law.
Once considered they can consider the impact of prohibition by watching: Homer versus the Eighteenth Amendment to consider the consequences of passing a prohibition on alcohol by studying its impact on all of the residents
Planned for Yr8/9 but relevant to both GCSE and A Level, the lesson serves as an introduction to the Cold War and how ideology played its part in the undeclared war. Students will use music, their own opinions, group work and prior learning to see how different people and cultures can interpret the sames things differently.
A Teacher Guidance Video to this resource can be found at:
Why Britain? - Ep1 Why Britain? - Worksheet to support the TV Documentary. Written to support the teaching of the A level: Britain: Losing and Gaining and Empire - 1763-1914. Suitable as an enrichment task for able KS3
The Birth of Empire - The East India Company Episode 2 Worksheet to support the BBC Documentary presented by Dan Snow. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Gaining and Losing an Empire -1763-1914
By 1800 the East India Company had grown from a tiny band of merchants into a colossal trading empire. But scandal and corruption in the 18th century had led to a curtailment of its powers by the British government. The state now controlled the company’s affairs in India and, throughout the 19th century, would chip away at its remaining powers and trading privileges.
The company was transformed from a trading enterprise into the rulers of India, and governed vast swathes of the subcontinent on behalf of the British Crown. Its territory expanded enormously and an empire was born.
As the company traded opium to a reluctant Chinese Empire, in India a dangerous chasm opened up between the British rulers and the Indian people. Alienated and disaffected, significant numbers of the company’s massive army of Indian soldiers finally revolted and the Company’s handling of the mutiny was its final undoing. In 1858 British India passed into Queen Victoria’s hands and the Raj was born.
Worksheets to support the Channel 4 Documentary series: Tony Robinson - Down Under.
Episodes included:
Ep 1 - Race to the End of The World
Ep4 - Against the Odds
Ep3- The People are Revolting
Ep4- Eureka
Supporting worksheet for Chapter 45 of Ben Wilson’s ‘Empire of The Deep’ to support the Edexcel A Level: gaining and losing an empire 1763-1914.
Wilson’s book provides an overview of the changing role of the Royal Navy support the breadth element of the course
The sheets are designed to be printed on A3 but can be amended and saved as PDF’s for A4 printing if desired
Supporting worksheet for Chapter 42 of Ben Wilson’s ‘Empire of The Deep’ to support the Edexcel A Level: gaining and losing an empire 1763-1914.
Wilson’s book provides an overview of the changing role of the Royal Navy support the breadth element of the course
The sheets are designed to be printed on A3 but can be amended and saved as PDF’s for A4 printing if desired
Dan Snow travels through India in the footsteps of the company that revolutionised the British lifestyle and laid the foundations of today’s global trading systems.
Four hundred years ago British merchants landed on the coast of India and founded a trading post to export goods to London. Over the next 200 years, their tiny business grew into a commercial titan. Using the letters and diaries of the men and women who were there, this documentary tells the story of the East India Company, which revolutionised the British lifestyle, sparked a new age of speculation and profit and by accident created one of the most powerful empires in history.
Yet inexorable rise ended in ignominy. Dogged by allegations of greed, corruption and corporate excess, by the 1770s the company’s reputation was in tatters. Blamed for turning its back as millions died in the Bengal famine, and thrown into crisis by a credit crunch in Britain, the world’s most powerful company had run out of cash, sparking a government intervention.
Written in Publisher and formatted to A3 the worksheet can be fully edited and saved as a PDF for A4 printing
Supporting worksheet for Chapter 44 of Ben Wilson’s ‘Empire of The Deep’ to support the Edexcel A Level: gaining and losing an empire 1763-1914.
Wilson’s book provides an overview of the changing role of the Royal Navy support the breadth element of the course
The sheets are designed to be printed on A3 but can be amended and saved as PDF’s for A4 printing if desired