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KS3 - Estimation with World Records

KS3 - Estimation with World Records

A PowerPoint with 16 world records, students have to make estimates with sensible units, then there are links to show the answer along with a picture. Good maybe as a starter or fun end to a few lesson. A good thinking skills activity.
Simultaneous equations worksheet

Simultaneous equations worksheet

A simple simultaneous equations worksheet, with starter main and extention, starter has negative number questions and solving simple linear equations, extention is a worded simultaneous equation. I've tried to stagger the difficulty in the main bit. Hope you find it useful.
Angles Test

Angles Test

A little angles test, covering accute,obtuse and reflex angles, angles on a line and around a point, angles in triangles (isosceles and equilateral).
Substitution game

Substitution game

Students take it in turn to pick a square on the grid, then they each roll 2 dice, one to give a value of a and the other the value of b, they then work out the value of the expression for thier values, whoever has the highest puts his/her color counter on he square. However has the most counters on the board at the end wins.
Transformation Shuffle

Transformation Shuffle

An acitivity where pupils have to randomly select cards telling them the transformations that they have to do. Once they have transformed their shape their partner has to try to figue out what cards they had.
Easter Egg Hunt Activities

Easter Egg Hunt Activities

9 Resources
9 Easter Egg Hunt activities. Pupils have to answer questions in squares and look for certain answers to find the eggs. Great team competitions for a bit of end of term fun.Includes Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, percentages, gradients and solving equations.
Algebra Super Sheets

Algebra Super Sheets

9 Resources
A collection of ten super sheets. Each includes: Literacy section with key words and definitions Starter Lesson objective (The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book) Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome A set of extension questions Plenary questions to check understanding Homework questions (differentiated) Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life. Coloured background and step by step instructions to help support SEND pupils. Topics covered include, collecting like terms, solving equations, double brackets, nth term, quadratic sequences, simultaneous equations and equations of lines.
Maths KS4 Indices laws -lesson plan, worksheets

Maths KS4 Indices laws -lesson plan, worksheets

These are for an introductory lesson i did with a very low ability GCSE group. Each child was secretly given a super power, telling them about one of the laws of indices, this was built up by telling them that only they would be able to solve these questions. they then practised before answering q's as a group, other members had to work out how they were answering questions.