
Achievements of Lenin – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the death of Lenin and evaluates his achievements.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS book and summarised.

The Red Scare - The FBI, HUAC & Hollywood 10 – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE His
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers how the actions of the FBI, HUAC and the Hollywood 10 case contributed to the Red Scare.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

The Origins of the Nazi Party – Germany Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet with notes and tasks.
It covers the role of Hitler, the 25 Programme, propaganda, the SA and the significance of each factor in the growth of the Nazis in the years 1920-23.
It includes tasks which focus on predicted questions – source practice and possible essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

The French Occupation of the Ruhr and Hyperinflation – Germany Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet with notes and tasks.
It can be split into two lessons as it covers the causes and impact of the French Occupation of the Ruhr and Hyperinflation.
It includes tasks which focus on predicted questions – 2 effects, source practice and the significance of both challenges for an essay.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

The Munich Putsch – Germany Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet with notes and tasks.
It covers the causes, events and results of the Munich Putsch, as well as its significance in the survival of the Nazis.
It includes tasks which focus on predicted questions – 2 effects, source practice and possible essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

Dictatorship – The Reichstag Fire – Germany Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 1 This lesson includes a
It covers the significance of the Reichstag Fire for a possible essay on how Hitler was able to set up a dictatorship in the years 1933-34.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to write a paragraph for a potential essay and answer a 2 effects question.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

The Provisional Government – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the problems faced by the provisional government and the mistakes it made.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS books and summarised.

The Freedom Rides – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the use of freedom rides to desegregate interstate transport.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

The Meredith Case – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the Meredith Case and its role in the desegregation of universities.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Mississippi Freedom Summer – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the Mississippi Freedom Summer and its impact on voting rights.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Malcolm X – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the impact of Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Vietnam War Protests – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the reasons for the Anti-Vietnam War protests and evaluates the impact.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Student Protests – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers reasons for and actions and achievements of the Student Movement.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

The Hippy Movement – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the impact of the Hippy Movement in the US.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Women's Movement – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This includes a PowerPoint and worksheet to be used over 2 lessons.
It covers the position of women in the 1960s and the campaigns by NOW and the Women’s Liberation Movement, as well as the growth of opposition to the Women’s Movement.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

The Watergate Scandal L1 – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers events of the Watergate Scandal.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Surgery Full Lesson Pack – Medicine - IGCSE History Paper 2
This bundle includes all the lessons and revision materials on Surgery from Developments in Medicine.
Each lesson includes worksheets with notes, tasks and the relevant past paper questions with markschemes.
It covers the developments in surgery from 1848-1948, in pain relief, fighting infection and dealing with blood loss due to the work of key individuals and the impact of WW1 and WW2.
The revision materials include a range of possible questions, example answers and essay notes.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

IGCSE - Paper 2 – Medicine 1848-1948 – Full Revision Bundle
This pack is based on Paper 2 Option B2: Medicine.
It contains all the revision materials on medical treatment, surgery, women and public health from P1-5.
It contains a revision booklet with tmelines, essay plans and complete answers for questions 1 & 2 – similarities, differences and changes.
It contains essay notes on all the content.
There is also a booklet with examples of full essays on surgery.
The resources were produced by a teacher of IGCSE History and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
They are in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing and to predict questions.

The German Revolution - Germany 1918-45 - IAS History
This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History.
It covers the causes, events and stages of the German Revolution.
It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions, a baseline assessment and plans for possible essays.
It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the main stage of the German Revolution.
It was made using 5 AS textbooks.
The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination.

US Civil Rights 1945-1974 - Full Revision Pack - IGCSE - Paper 1
This bundle is based on Paper 1 Option 7: US Civil Rights.
It contains a guidance booklet which explains how to answer all three questions and comes with extra support through writing frames, checklists and example answers.
It contains a booklet of practice tests for Part 1 to Part 5.
It contains revision booklets for Part 1 to Part 5. Each revision booklet has sources to practice, answers to 2 effects questions and essay help.
It contains booklets with essay notes on all the content of Part 1 to Part 5. Each booklet has plans and notes for paragraphs for a range of predicted essay questions.
The booklets were produced by a teacher of IGCSE History and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
They are in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing and to predict questions.