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Spark Science

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Spark Science provides high quality science educational resources for secondary school teachers. From dual-coding, literacy and reading tasks, dyslexic friendly backgrounds, and continual Assessment for Learning (AfL) tasks embedded into all our lessons, Spark lessons will increase engagement, participation and understanding for your students.




Spark Science provides high quality science educational resources for secondary school teachers. From dual-coding, literacy and reading tasks, dyslexic friendly backgrounds, and continual Assessment for Learning (AfL) tasks embedded into all our lessons, Spark lessons will increase engagement, participation and understanding for your students.
KS3 - Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

KS3 - Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

A comprehensive, engaging, challenging and interactive lesson package designed with non-science/non-physics specialist teachers in mind! This lesson covers what balanced and unbalanced forces are, how to calculate resultant forces in one dimension, and the effects balanced and unbalanced forces have on the motion of an object. This resource contains: Lesson powerpoint - including teacher notes, interactive AFL tasks, student written task, and full answers to all activities. Lesson resources contain: In-built challenge tasks throughout In-built scaffolded learning for lower abilities Various activites to assess progress and understanding that you can tailor to fit any class or available resources Objectives: Students will be able to… Describe the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces Explain why objects are in equilibrium Explain the changing motion of objects Calculating resultant forces in one dimension
KS3 - Calculating Weight

KS3 - Calculating Weight

A comprehensive, engaging, challenging and interactive lesson package designed with non-science/non-physics specialist teachers in mind! This lesson teaches students the difference between weight and mass, and how to calculate weight using the “LESS” method. This resource contains: Lesson powerpoint - including, full answers, mini-whiteboard AFL, practice activities, full “I do, we do, you do” guided slides for calculations Student practice worksheet (PDF and editable version) Teacher answer sheet (PDF and editable version) Lesson resources contain: In-built challenge tasks throughout In-built scaffolded learning for lower abilities Various activites to assess progress and understanding that you can tailor to fit any class or available resources Objectives: Students will be able to… Describe the difference between weight and mass Calculate the weight of an object Explain why weight is different on different planets Students will work scientifically to: Convert units Calculate values using a calculator Resources and slides ask students the key questions and develops ideas and concepts from the ground up and address common issues, mistakes and misconceptions. This lesson contains AFL tasks which require mini-whiteboards, but can be adapted if these are not available.
KS3 - Forces Bundle

KS3 - Forces Bundle

6 Resources
This bundle is a complete topic pack containing all powerpoints, student worksheets, challenge tasks, plenary activities, and answer sheets for the KS3 Physics topic “Forces”. It also contains many specially selected student-led activities on the powerpoints (particularly designed to make teaching the concepts of forces, fields, resultant forces, and weight, easier, more fun and student-led). There are also self-completing slides where answers can be clicked and move into the correct place (great for distance learning students and cover lessons). This bundle contains the following lessons: Forces Drawing Force Diagrams Hooke’s Law Drag and Friction Fields Calculating Weight Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Lesson objectives/outcomes: Lesson 1 – Forces Students should be able to: • Explain what forces are • Compare different types of forces • Describe how to measure forces and give the unit of force Lesson 2 – Drawing Force Diagrams Students should be able to: • Describe how forces are represented • Identify the direction a force acts on an object • Draw and/or label force arrows on diagrams for simple example Lesson 3 – Hooke’s Law Students should be able to: • Describe how forces deform objects • Describe how solid surfaces provide a support force • Investigate and use Hooke’s Law • Take accurate measurements • Plot a graph • Draw a line of best fit on a graph Lesson 4 – Drag and Friction Students should be able to: • Describe the effect of drag forces and friction • Explain how drag forces and friction arise • Describe how drag forces and friction can be reduced • Measure force using a newton meter • Record data in an appropriate table • use my observations to make a conclusion Lesson 5 – Fields Students should be able to: • Describe what a “field” is • Describe the effects of fields Lesson 6 – Calculating Weight Students should be able to: • Describe the difference between weight and mass • Calculate the weight of an object • Explain why weight is different on different planets • Convert units • Calculate values using a calculator Lesson 7 – Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Students should be able to: • Describe the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces • Explain why objects are in equilibrium • Explain the changing motion of objects • Calculate resultant forces in one dimension
KS3 Introduction to Space: The Night Sky

KS3 Introduction to Space: The Night Sky

This lesson is the first lesson in the “Space” topic and covers some of the main objects that can be found in the night sky as well as describing our place in the universe. The lesson contains various links to online videos, modelling software and simulations that really help students understand the vastness of space and allow them to explore the universe in which we live. This Lesson Contains: Lesson powerpoint, including activity delivery instructions for teachers, full answers, plenary task, AFL whiteboard task and discussion activities Lesson Objectives: Describe the objects that you can see in the night sky Describe the structure of the universe
KS3 - The Solar System

KS3 - The Solar System

This lesson is the second lesson in the “Space” topic and covers the structure of our solar system and the composition of the planets within it. The lesson contains various links to online videos, modelling software and simulations that really help students understand the vastness of space and allow them to explore the universe in which we live. It also addresses the misconception around the distances between selestial objects, gives students the opportunity to describe strenghts and weaknesses in scientific models, and an activity to get students to identify patterns and trends in data about the planets. This lesson is designed to be easy to teach, student led and is ideal for non-specialist teachers. This Lesson Contains: Lesson powerpoint, including activity delivery instructions for teachers, full answers, 3 main student activity tasks to choose from, plenary task, AFL whiteboard task and discussion activities Student Activity Worksheet and Answer Sheet (PDF) (Main task Option C) Lesson Objectives: Describe the structure of our Solar System Compare position and composition of the planets of the Solar System Identify trends and patterns in data and draw conclusions
KS3 - Choosing Graphs and Drawing Pie Charts

KS3 - Choosing Graphs and Drawing Pie Charts

This is the third lesson in the Year 8 “Working as a Scientist” topic. This lesson revises what discrete, catagoric and continuous data are, and practices getting students to select the correct graph (bar chart, line graph or pie chart) to use for different examples of data. Students will also practice drawing their own pie charts. The lesson powerpoint is interactive and packed with quick and easy AFL tasks to help teachers assess the class understanding of content, and can be sped up or slowed down as necessary. The lesson is complete and is a “click and teach” style lesson that will require little to no prep work for the teacher, so is ideal for those short on time and non-specialist teachers. This lesson includes: Teacher powerpoint with full answers built into slides, teacher delivery and hints in “notes” section, worked examples, AFL finger voting activites to assess understanding, answers to student worksheet Student worksheet (PDF) Lesson Objectives: Select the appropriate graph to display data Present data as a pie chart For this lesson students will need: Calculators Pencils Protractors This lesson is taught with the assumption that students have met “types of data” before, but have never drawn pie charts or calculated angles of pie charts.
KS3 - Calculating Means, Medians and Modes

KS3 - Calculating Means, Medians and Modes

This is the fourth lesson in the Year 8 “Working as a Scientist 2” topic. This lesson gets students to practice maniplulating data to find means, medians and modes. This lesson contains AFL whiteboard tasks to assess student understanding in real time, a data collection activity and various opportunities for students to practice calculations. This lesson resource contains all answers as well as challenge tasks. It is designed to be easy to follow and present, so is great for non-specialist teachers. Lesson resources: Lesson powerpoint containing teacher help/instructions in the “notes” section, AFL whiteboard activity, student data collection and manipulation activities, challenge tasks throughout Lesson objectives: Describe what a mean, median and mode are Calculate Mean, Mode and Median for a set of data For this lesson students will need: Calculators
KS3 - Communicating Scientific Infomation

KS3 - Communicating Scientific Infomation

This lesson is lesson 6 in the Year 8 “Working as a Scientist 2” topic. This lesson focuses on how we communicate science to different audiences, and how we can tailor our writing and presentation of information to suit them. This lesson is designed to be a “click and teach” lesson with minimal planning needed from the teacher, which is great for non-specialist teachers. Lesson resources contain: Lesson powerpoint containing class activities and instructions, teacher delivery notes in “notes” section, discussion slides and full answers. PDF copies of different types of scientific communication (A childrens science book, newspaper article and scientific journal article) all about melting ice caps. PDF copy of a simple scientific journal article for students to adapt about the effects of temperature on seed germination (Students should have already looked at germination in Year 7) NOTE: All example pieces of scientific writing are all tailor made for this lesson and are of the correct reading age for Year 8 students. Lesson Outcomes: Describe the key features of effective scientific communication Describe how to adapt communication for different audiences
KS3 - Reading and Analysing Graphs

KS3 - Reading and Analysing Graphs

This is the 5th lesson in the “Working as a Scientist 2” Year 8 topic. This lesson teaches students how to identify relationships in graphs using the line of best fit and how to describe trends in graphs. It also covers the ways we can improve our confidence in graphs/data, how to deal with outliers, and how to read values from a graph using the line of best fit. It is a comprehensive lesson, with large amounts of student participation on mini-whiteboards (so loads of chances for AFL and intervention if needed). The lesson can be lenghtened or shortened with slides cut out depending on student ability and prior knowledge. Students can then practice their skills independently by drawing and analysing their own graph on the student worksheet. Lesson resources: Lesson powerpoint with all answers built in automatically, various mini-whiteboard AFL tasks for students, discussion activities, scaffolding and dual coding to support lower ability/EAL/AEN students. Student worksheet PDF Student worksheet answers PDF Lesson objectives: Identify linear and directly proportional relationships Take readings from a graph using a line of best fit Describe how to improve confidence in conclusions made from graphs For this lesson you will need mini-whiteboards
KS3 - Working as a Scientist 2

KS3 - Working as a Scientist 2

7 Resources
This bundle is the complete lesson resources needed to teach core “Working Scientifically” skills to KS3 students, following the UK national curriculum. These lessons are interactive, engaging, student-led and focused. This topic contains careers links, reading opportunities and AFL strategies throughout (including mini-whiteboards and finger voting) to help you know how your students are doing. All questions, worksheets and tasks come with complete answers. Lessons included: Accuracy, Precision and Hypotheses Writing risk assessments Choosing graphs and Drawing Pie Charts Calculating Means, Medians and Modes Reading and Analysing Graphs Communicating Scientific Information Bias, Evidence and Peer-reviewing
KS3 - Specialised Cells

KS3 - Specialised Cells

This lesson covers examples of specialised cells, their adaptations and how those adaptations make them suited for their function. **This lesson resource includes: ** Complete lesson powerpoint Student led circus investigation task sheet (PDF and editable versions) Answer sheet (PDF and editable versions) Information cards for task on different specialised cells (PDF and editable versions) Automatically checking multiple choice plenary quiz (great for mini-whiteboard AFL) Lesson Objectives Know what a specialised cell and an adaptation is Give some examples of specialised cells Identify and describe the adaptations of some specialised cells Explain how an adaptation makes a specialised cell good at its function
GCSE Chemistry - Diamond and Graphite

GCSE Chemistry - Diamond and Graphite

A comprehensive, engaging, challenging, and interactive lesson package designed with non-science/non-chemistry specialist teachers in mind. This lesson covers content from GCSE AQA Chemistry and Combined Science Trilogy. It covers the properties, structure and bonding in graphite and diamond, as well as explaining the key properties of diamond and graphite (electrical conductivity, melting point, hardness) to its structure and bonding. This lesson contains: Lesson powerpoint - including teacher notes, delivery instructions and answers in “notes” section Bank of exam style questions on graphite and diamond taken from past AQA papers with mark schemes (PDF and editable versions) Printable images of graphite and diamond for students to annotate (PDF and editable versions) Lesson resources contain: In-built challenge tasks throughout AFL mini-whiteboard tasks throughout In-built scaffolded learning for lower abilities and alternative task for lower ability classes Colour coding throughout to aid EAL, SEN and other learners Various activites to assess progress and understanding that you can tailor to fit any class or available resources Full answers to all questions (mostly automated into slides to make it easier for you to deliver) Objectives: Students will be able to… State some properties of diamond and graphite Compare the properties of diamond and graphite Compare the structure and bonding in diamond and graphite Explain the similarities and differences in the properties of diamond and graphite in terms of structure and bonding
KS3 - Formation of the Solar System

KS3 - Formation of the Solar System

This lesson is the third lesson in the “Space” topic and covers the basics of how our solar system formed. The lesson contains links to online videos, whole class AFL tasks to assess understanding and two independent tasks for students to complete. This lesson is designed to be easy to teach, student led and is ideal for non-specialist teachers. This Lesson Contains: Lesson powerpoint, including activity delivery instructions for teachers, full answers, AFL whiteboard task and discussion activities Student Gap fill summary worksheet (PDF) AND answer sheet (PDF) Student crossword activity worksheet (PDF) AND answer sheet (PDF) Lesson Objectives: Describe how the Solar System formed
KS3 - Why we Get Seasons

KS3 - Why we Get Seasons

This lesson is the fourth lesson in the “Space” topic and covers why we get different length days and different temperatures at different times of year. The lesson contains a mini-student practical, animated gifs to illustrate concepts clearly, AFL miniwhiteboard tasks to assess understanding, and a link to an online modelling software that really helps students understand the changing angles and position of the sun at different times of year. This lesson is designed to be easy to teach, student led and is ideal for non-specialist teachers. This Lesson Contains: Lesson powerpoint, including activity delivery instructions and tips for teachers, full answers, gif illustrations, simulation link, plenary task, AFL whiteboard tasks and discussion activities Lesson Objectives: Explain the apparent motion of objects in the sky Explain why hours of daylight and temperature change during the year Describe seasonal changes in different places on Earth
KS3 - Phases of the Moon

KS3 - Phases of the Moon

This lesson is the fifth lesson in the “Space” topic and covers why the moon appears to change shape in our sky and the names of the phases of the moon. The lesson contains a mini-student practical, AFL mini-whiteboard tasks to assess understanding, challenge tasks for higher ability students, and a link to an online modelling software that really helps students understand the changing phases of the moon. This lesson is designed to be easy to teach, student led and is ideal for non-specialist teachers. This Lesson Contains: Lesson powerpoint, including activity delivery instructions and tips for teachers, full answers, simulation link, mini-class practical (and optional alternatives), plenary task, AFL whiteboard tasks and discussion activities Student phases of the moon worksheet (PDF) and answer sheet (PDF) Lesson Objectives: Name/Sketch/Describe the phases of the Moon Explain why you see phases of the Moon
AQA Chemistry GCSE 9-1 - Formulas of Salts

AQA Chemistry GCSE 9-1 - Formulas of Salts

An interactive powerpoint resource designed to be used for distance learning from home. Also contains interactive questions, a cheat sheet of common ions and practice questions. Students should be able to: Predicting the formula of salts from their names and ions
KS3 - Fields

KS3 - Fields

A short, engaging lesson (ideal to complete before a mid-topic summary) designed with non-science/non-physics specialist teachers in mind! This lesson teaches students about what a field is and how forces are felt within fields for different non-contact forces (especially gravitational fields and magnetic fields). This resource contains: Lesson powerpoint - including full answers, mini-practical with instructions for students Lesson resources contain: In-built challenge tasks throughout A mini “discovery” style practical Objectives: Students will be able to… Describe what a “field” is Describe the effects of fields Resources and slides ask students the key questions and develops ideas and concepts from the ground up and address common issues, mistakes and misconceptions.