Resources included are as follows:
18 PDF files for you to print.
A4 emotions posters – 9 posters each with a standing Lego person
A4 emotions posters – each with Lego face showing different emotions
A4 emotions poster – showing all faces
Matching cards – faces and emotions words to match together
Lego people outlines to colour and add emotions to faces
Long banner, large lettering, display borders
Small emotions cards for pupils to use at their desks
Work booklet cover
3 writing tasks
Sentence writing sheet for topic summary
Word search
Resources include:
Information pack – including details about locations, key facts, how the name and flag came about, independence, geography, cities, rivers, lakes, mountains, famous places, industry, natural resources, national symbols, language, religion, famous people, royals and politicians, monarchy, Windsor castle.
Fact cards – half A4 size landscape – great for reading or display
Flag details diagram
Geology information and map
House types posters
Tallest mountains posters with photos and information
Numbers 1-20 in English and Welsh on Welsh flags
Days of the week flashcards in English and Welsh
Months of the year flashcards in English and Welsh
Phrases in Welsh – cards to read or display
A4 title poster, long banner, large lettering, flag, buntings, key word cards, images, number flashcards with flags, compass, inventions posters, display borders.
Maps of each country of the UK, outline map of each country and UK, maps of Europe / the world, map of rivers, cut and stick activity, map drawing activity
Landmarks photo pack
Buildings and monuments photo pack
Food of the UK photo pack
Major cities photo pack
General photo pack of things typically British
All About the UK / England / Scotland / Wales / Northern Ireland – writing booklets
Acrostic poem task, Alphabetical order worksheet, Colouring pages in general plus Elizabeth II and changing of the guard, diary, word search, quiz, passport and postcard template, writing pages and booklet cover, flags to colour, newspaper report to write, design a stamp, mind map, card matching game, counting task, airport role play resources, compass worksheets, writing, designing and drawing activities.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF or PPT files for you to print.
100 reward charts to print. Each with a different picture or slightly different design.
Most are sized A4 but there are some which are pocket sized.
A range of characters and other designs are included.
Also includes large lettering spelling ‘well done’ to head a wall display.
Resources included are as follows:
Each poster is A4 size, with a face and the name of the emotion. Each emotion has 3 different posters – in 3 skin tones and can be used for a multicultural display as well as one about emotions.
Posters include the following emotions:
Happy, sad, angry, scared, excited, tired, surprised, embarrassed, nervous (Total 27 posters)
Resources included are as follows:
50 pdf files.
Information pack about Wales, key word cards, photo pack of Wales, maps of Wales, Wales outline map, UK / GB definitions, castle photo pack with facts, mountains posters with heights, A4 Flag for display, A4 flag to colour, number flashcards 1-20 in Welsh, common phrases flashcards in English and Welsh, days of the week and months of the year flashcards in English and Welsh
Large lettering, display borders, long banner for title, buntings, other large images to make a display board., I love Wales poster.
Face masks in colour and black and white, hand puppets in colour and black and white.
Drawing activities, design a rugby t-shirt, writing and drawing frames, reward chart, colouring pages, badges, word search, writing booklet cover, booklet to make draw daffodils task, true or false quiz, sentences writing sheets, mind map, diary writing, presentation cue cards, alphabetical order worksheet, coach and train tickets to complete, size order activity, resources sack tag and folder cover.
Resources included are as follows:
•50 PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
•Topic title page. British values cards, democracy information posters for reading or display, respect and tolerance information posters for reading or display, rule of law posters for reading or display, writing tasks for rules and laws, voting and respect and tolerance.
•Display materials such as long banner, large letters for title, flag decorated letters, full alphabet with flag pattern, number flashcards, flag bunting, ‘British values’ letters on buntings, backing pager, flags, display border, key word flashcards,
•Photo packs including major cities in the British Isles, typical British things, buildings photos, food photos etc, flag details poster, set of religion facts posters, binder covers.
•Maps of the British Isles and each country, blank maps to complete, country names and capitals matching cards, colouring pages, flag tasks, union jack to colour, write religion facts task.
���Mind map, make a presentation with cue cards, draw your favourite things, themed borders and worksheets, all about British Values writing booklet to complete, design a stamp, writing booklet cover, writing sentence worksheet for topic conclusion, word search.