Year 3 science Forces and Magnets - powerpoints, worksheets, display & planning
A set of resources looking at how things move on different surfaces; that some forces need contact between two objects but that magnets attract or repel each other or other materials, and comparing and grouping materials on the basis of whether they are atracted to a magnet.
Year 4 science - Electricity - powerpoints, display and worksheets pack
A set of resources following the new science curriculum. Looks at simple series electrical circuits, common conductors and insulators.
Year 5 science - Famous scientists - Nicolaus Copernicus
A powerpoint about the life and discoveries of Copernicus, with a quiz about his seven assumptions.
SPaG Year 1 Terminology powerpoint
Explanations of the terminology letter, capital letter, words, singular, plural, sentence, punctuation, full stop, question mark and exclamation mark.
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: Homophones and near homophones
Resources to teach a variety of homophones and near homophones
Introduction to homophones: Explains why the English language has so many homophones
Year 2 Homophones with pictures: Includes be/bee, been/been, bare/bear, blew/blue, for/four, here/hear, knew/new, night/knight, know/no, one/won, pair/pear, plain/plane, quite/quiet, red/read, right/write, sea/see, where/wear, so/sew/saw, some/sum, son/sun, tail/tale, their/they're/there, through/threw, to/too/two, week/weak and which/witch
Writing sentences with homophones: Activity for sentence writing
The following powerpoints look at individual pairs/trios of homophones, explaining the differences, and giving sentences at the end to choose which one is the correct word:
Homophones they're their there
Homophones hear and here
Homophones son and sun
Homophones to two and too
Homophones be and bee
Homophone cards with pictures
Homophone cards (just words)
Y2 Spelling Appendix: An adaptable outline plan
Word List - With relevant words
SPaG Year 2 Word: -er and -est in adjectives and -ly to turn adjectives into adverbs
2 powerpoint lessons and a worksheet:
Using ly to turn adjectives into adverbs: Explains what adverbs are and how to make them by adding ly to adjectives.Gives a list of words to add ly to.
Making adverbs worksheet: Writing sentences with adverbs
Suffixes er and est as comparatives: Explains how they change the meaning of words. Gives a list of words to add the suffixes to and think of sentences with them in.
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Use of the hyphen
A powerpoint lesson and a jigsaw activity to teach the spelling guidelines:
Hyphens can be used to join a prefix to a root word, especially if the prefix ends in a vowel letter and the root word also begins with one.
SPaG Year 5 Word Grammar: Verb prefixes
A set of powerpoints and activities to teach verb prefixes such as dis-, de-, mis-, over- and re-, with a recap of previously learnt prefixes.
Prefixes un- dis- and mis-: Looks at the 3 prefixes; how they change the meanings of words; and words they can be added to.
Changing words into negatives with prefixes: un, de, anti, dis and il
Prefix meanings: 9 prefixes and their meanings
Prefixes dis, de, mis, over, re and pre: Looks at each prefix and words containing them individually, so one can be taught per session.
Prefix list and meanings
Prefix word list dis de mis over & re (word file)
Wordsearch x 6 (un-, dis-, de-, mis-, pre- and re-)
Change the paragraph to the opposite meaning using prefixes worksheet
Definitions worksheets x 4
Definitions matching cards
Extension work - more prefixes x 3 worksheets
Letters and Sounds Phase 3 word / help mats
The picture grapheme and word mat:
This word mat is to aid in the teaching and learning of sounds and tricky words in phase 3. Each letter is accompanied by a relevant picture, to give children visual cues to help them learn each grapheme. Each group is represented in a different colour, so that it is easy to focus on the letter sounds being learnt. Also on the word mat are the 12 tricky words from phase 3 for the children to learn.
Grapheme and word mat:
The second word mat is similar to the first, but with the visual cues removed, to help those children who know which letters represent which sounds, but still need prompts to recognise the written letters.
Phase 3 word mat - contains visual cues for Jolly Phonics.
Letters and Sounds Phase 4: Reading and writing CVCC words
A variety of interactive and printable activities for reading and writing words ending with adjacent consonants.
In the box games
Matching words and pictures games
Buried treasure game
Writing activities
Phoneme frames
Year 1 Maths: Multiplication and division lessons and activity pack
LO: solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher.
Introduction to doubles: An explanation of doubles with visuals
Doubles: To 10 with visual cues
Sets of 2 rap: introduction to remembering multiplication facts
Grouping and sharing - twos: introduction to sharing objects between children so that they have 2 each.
Array: In twos to 10
Array: In twos to 20
Array: In fives to 50
Array: In tens to 50
Flip flap twos
Flip flap fives (2 versions)
Flip flap tens
KS1 Fantasy stories - story maker settings, characters and objects
An introduction to fantasy stories - one powerpoint looks at the difference between fact and fiction; the second powerpoint guides the children through making up their own fantasy stories.
The printable files are cards - each set has 12 images so the children can use them to choose a setting, main character and an object.
Early Years Maths PowerPoints - Number, counting, shapes and colour
A set of 25 EYFS powerpoints to teach number (including number formation), counting, shapes and colours.
EYFS Animals topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use during an Animal topic in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
5 Baby turtles
5 Little birds
5 Little monkeys bouncing
5 Little monkeys swinging
5 Little spiders
8 Enormous dinosaurs
Minibeasts / Insects for EYFS / KS1: PowerPoint lessons, activities and display pack
ANTS:10 page presentation, includes where they live, body parts, life cycle, ant attacks, and food.
BUTTERFLIES: 15 page presentation, includes parts of a butterfly, life cycle of a butterfly, butterfly eggs, caterpillars, what caterpillars eat, how caterpillars change, what do butterflies eat, how do they fly, why are they different colours, and camouflage.
EARWIGS: 11 page presentation, including how they grow, what they eat, where they live, are they pests, how they are born, and interesting facts.
FLIES: 12 page presentation, includes what they eat, life cycle, houseflies, horseflies, mosquitos, crane flies, dung flies, and hoverflies.
HONEY BEES: 10 page presentation, includes what they eat, where they live, arethey pests, bee stings, life cycle, what they look like close up, how they make honey, and a bee rhyme
LADYBIRDS:10 pages, includes where they live, what they eat, life cycle, enemies, facts and a rhyme.
SLUGS AND SNAILS: 9 page presentation, includes where they live, what they look like, how they move, life cycle, what they eat, and what eats them.
SPIDERS: A 22 page presentation, includes spider body parts, legs, eyes, mouth, predators, webs, spiderlings, different types of common spiders - house spider, garden spider, woodlouse spider, wasp spider, spitting spider, and tarantula.
WOODLICE: 7 page presentation, including where they live, are they insects, what do they look like, what do they eat, does anything eat them, and life cycle.
WORMS: A 13 page presentation, includes can worms see, where they live, how they move, what and how they eat, how they breathe, their enemies, and how they are good for the soil.
MINIBEAST FACT FILE: 24 page presentation, recapping different minibeasts
DISPLAY resources
A-Z LETTERING: Plus numbers and letters with a minibeast/leaf fill
MINIBEASTS BANNER: Prints onto 2 A4 sheets
MINIBEASTS DISPLAY BORDER: Attractive border to print out to frame your displays
INSECTS LETTERING: Prints onto 2 A4 sheets. You can cut the letters out out or display it as a banner
MINIBEASTS LETTERING:Prints onto 3 A4 sheets. You can cut the letters out out or display it as a banner
NUMBER LINE: Ant number line to 20
LIFE CYCLES: 3 pages - the life cycles of a bee, butterfly and fly.
CARDS - WORDS AND PICTURES: Match the words to the minibeast pictures. 16 different minibeasts, 32 cards in total
MINIBEASTS FLASH CARDS: 39 different flash cards with photographs of common minibeasts. They can be used as cards or for display.
MINIBEAST CLIPART: Colourful clipart to print
MINIBEAST COLOURING: Large black and white pictures to colour
WRITING BORDER: Minibeast writing border; lined and unlined
TOPIC COVER: To colour in - 2 versions, insect/minibeasts
KS1 Geography - Locational knowledge: The seven continents and five oceans resource pack
Two powerpoint lessons looking at the continents and oceans of the world. They both end with a recap quiz.
Also in the pack are activities and display.
Alphabet line / frieze for display with lower and upper case letters
This set contains 26 alphabet flashcards in lower case and 26 in upper and lower case, both in Sassoon Primary font, with pictures matching each initial letter sound.
There are also alternate lower case letters for f and k, plus ck, ll, ff, ss and zz.
There are 2 cards per A4 page for you to print as many times as you like.
They can be used as flashcards, for an alphabet frieze or other display work.
EYFS progress tracker in excel and recording sheets
This progress tracker allows you to monitor the children’s attainment at a glance.
All you need to do is add the details of your children and update the spreadsheet each term with the children’s progress in each area of learning.
There are two versions, one includes a baseline column for on entry assessment.
The tracker automatically collates data in the following areas:
Key person groups
N1 (3 terms)
N2 (3+ terms)
Summer born children
Non - summer born children
AM/PM children
Achievement in relation to attendance
Achievement in relation to language
Allows you to choose two of the above groups and gives a comparison bar chart
Allows you to choose any child and see their progress from term to term
Allows you to choose any child and see the term 3 results of each area of learning in a bar graph. It can also be printed out for parents.
Also included:
Areas of learning: A condensed version for use in the setting
Tracker sheets for each area of learning: Blank sheets to record children’s progress
EYFS Progress Tracker Instructions: Step by step instructions of how to fill in the children’s names, DOBs etc.
You will need Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later to view the tracker. It is very user friendly but it will be helpful if you have previous experience of using Excel.
Healthy Eating display
A set of resources for display about Healthy Eating and different food groups. It includes food group posters, blank food group posters, images of different types of food that can be used for display or card games, headings and lettering.
KS1 Geography and History of the United Kingdom: powerpoints and activities pack
A set of resources for KS1 to teach children about the geography, history and culture of the UK.
Geography of the UK: ENGLAND
Geography of the UK: SCOTLAND
Geography of the UK: WALES
Geography of the UK: NORTHERN IRELAND
Each powerpoint is approximately 20 pages long and includes information on:
The location of the country in the world and in the UK
The names of the ocean and surrounding seas
The capital city
Information on the capital city and key landmarks
Specific features such as castles, brochs, lochs, stone circles etc.
Myths and Legends
HISTORY OF THE UK: A quick look through different periods in the history of the United Kingdom; how the UK has been invaded and settled, why places are as they are, and how the countries got their names.
THE UNION FLAG: The story of how it came into being. It includes:
Flag of England; Saint George, the story of St George and the Dragon, the St George's Cross
The Flag of Wales
The Flag of Scotland; St Andrew, the story of King Angus MacFergus
The Flag of Britain, 1606
The Flag of the Protectorate; including the arms of Ireland
Great Britain; the ensign armorial, 1707
St Patrick's Cross; the story of St Patrick
The Union Flag
How to draw the Union Flag
THE ROYAL COAT OF ARMS: Explains what a coat of arms is and how they are created. Explains about the Royal coat of arms today.
Factfiles x 4: For fact finding missions, cities, rivers, mountains and a blank one. They contain boxes for text, lines for explanations and a blank map of the UK.
Flag activities: 6 different flag sheets
Map of UK
Topic cover
Jigsaw of the UK
Simple outline plan in word with links and suggestions.