A division activity. Children could solve this physically first using concrete resources then move to using coloured pens/crayons to record within the treasure chests. I fins this way prepares my children for recording to find an answer within a test style situation.
A Knowledge Organiser to give children, parents and teachers the key facts that need to be learned and retained.
This ‘mat’ would be referred to throughout the topic. Children would be required to use vocabulary within their writing and in speech to show understanding. Key dates should be recalled.
Space for child's name. Simply tick if sound is correct . for omission. You could also record what sound they said instead for analysis. this is a very easy way to find teaching gaps.
A Knowledge Organiser to give children, parents and teachers the key facts that need to be learned and retained.
This ‘mat’ would be referred to throughout the topic. Children would be required to use vocabulary within their writing and in speech to show understanding. Key dates should be recalled.