Lesson exploring how ratios and map scales are related and how to use the scale to find real-life distances from the map or map distances from real-life. Fully worked examples. Differentiated slide to allow all pupils to attempt questions. All answers included.
Two different sets of questions using the same keycode.
Worksheets prepared with and without keycode to allow for use in classroom or for homework.
a) PPT with keycode and all answers
b) Worksheets with
Tasks and keycode
Just tasks to use with PPT keycode
GCSE 9-1 Higher lesson: Recaps y=mx+c and looks at finding parallel lines, rearranging equations into y=mx+c, fining equations of parallel lines through a fixed point.
GCSE Maths. LIMBO [the lower you go, the harder it gets...] differentiated worksheets on
1] Finding a % of a Quantity
2] % Change
3] Write Proportions as %s
4] Reverse %s
5] % Equivalences
6] % Multipliers
8 Differentiated worksheets [20 questions per slide] Including: Fractions of a Quantity, Equivalent Fractions , Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers ,Adding/Subtracting/Multiplying & Dividing with Fractions. All answers provided.
Lesson recapping gradient and y-axis intercept from y=mx + c. Structured examples on why and how some equations need to be rearranged to find the gradient and intercept.
Worksheet with examples.
Codebreaker activity included.
All answers included.
5 lessons covering Proportions, Percentage Change, Reversing a Percentage Change, Growth & Decay and a Unit Preview/Review lesson covering the objectives, prior learning and exam-style questions.
9-1 GCSE lesson. Starter - finding parallel and perpendicular lines. Worked examples of the 4 steps to finding a perpendicular bisector between 2 coordinates. Questions and worked answers.
Two different sets of questions using the same keycode.
Worksheets prepared with and without keycode to allow for use in classroom or for homework.
a) PPT with keycode and all answers
b) Worksheets with
Tasks and keycode
Just tasks to use with PPT keycode
Solving bearings-style questions using Sine and Cosine Rules. Starter looks at recognising which rule to use. Worked examples. Question slide and worked answers
9-1GCSE lesson. Starter 10 Multiple Choice questions on converting numbers between powers of 10. Worked examples on adding & subtracting with numbers in Standard Form.
Differentiated worksheet with 20 questions.
Plenary of exam style questions. All answers included.
Lesson looking at pyramids. Starter explores nets of a square-based pyramid. Worked examples on Volume, followed by questions. Worked examples of Surface Area followed by questions. All answers included.
9-1 GCSE lesson looking at applying trigonometry to Cartesian grids. Starter reviews exact trig values. Worked examples using Pythagoras and Trigonometry to find sides and angles in non-right triangles. Questions. All answers included.
9-1 GCSE lesson covering using repeated % changes to calculate growth and decay.
Starter reviews simple and compound interest.
Worked examples.
Worksheet included.
All answers included.