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Katherinelroe's Shop

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Having taught History across KS3, 4 and 5 for seventeen years within state education, I have built up quite an extensive set of resources! I’ve spent several years working as a head of department and also spent a year working as a university subject tutor for Schools Direct. I’m currently out of the classroom and supporting my own children through their secondary experience and keeping relevant by becoming an Edexcel examination marker this summer. Planning for fun and hopefully your benefit.




Having taught History across KS3, 4 and 5 for seventeen years within state education, I have built up quite an extensive set of resources! I’ve spent several years working as a head of department and also spent a year working as a university subject tutor for Schools Direct. I’m currently out of the classroom and supporting my own children through their secondary experience and keeping relevant by becoming an Edexcel examination marker this summer. Planning for fun and hopefully your benefit.
Medieval Religion

Medieval Religion

This KS3 unit of work should take at least two hours to complete (depending upon how long you allow your class to spend on the board game activity). The Power Point leads students through all activities with accompanying resources included. Aims and Objectives: To know how medieval people practised their faith and the key words that are linked to this. To understand why religion was so important to them. To understand medieval views on Heaven and Hell and apply this by creating a board game. Activities include key words/definitions matching, independent reading and summary note-taking, analysing a medieval wall painting, sorting actions into good deeds/sins and ranking these and creating a medieval religion snakes and ladders board game.
WW1 Propaganda

WW1 Propaganda

This KS3 lesson introduces the concept of propaganda and censorship. The Power Point leads students through all of the activities with accompanying worksheets. The famous Lord Kitchener poster is used to introduce the methods used in propaganda. Students define propaganda and censorship before thought-showering types and availability in WW1. In small groups they freeze-frame a range of propaganda images and discuss their messages/methods. With livelier classes at the end of the day, I’ve sometimes gone straight onto the worksheet analysis and left this part out though. Students then make their own propaganda posters using the techniques they have learnt. I use this as a competition and display. This will either take one lesson and a homework or two lessons.
What was life like in the Middle Ages?

What was life like in the Middle Ages?

This KS3 lesson should take one hour to complete. The Power Point leads students through all activities and all accompanying resources are included. This is my first Year 7 lesson at the start of our first unit on Medieval Realms. Aims and Objectives: To know some facts about life in the Middle Ages. To select evidence from sources to answer a question. To apply this evidence to reached a balanced judgement about life in the Middle Ages (good and bad things). Activities include a true/false introductory medieval quiz, a source analysis exercise that encourages students to use source material effectively to support their points (this starts with a collection of negative sources before balancing these with positive sources), a vocabulary homework with test sheet on the next unit- The Battle of Hastings.
Prevention of Disease in Modern Medicine

Prevention of Disease in Modern Medicine

IMPORTANT: Some of these worksheets refer to the textbook “Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History, Medicine through time, c 1250-present” (editor Leonard A. and published by Pearson) ISBN 9781292127378 and will not be usable without a copy of this text. This Edexcel 9-1 GCSE unit covers around 1-2 lessons depending upon your class and their overall ability/work rate. Aims and Objectives: To learn about new approaches to prevention: mass vaccinations and government lifestyle campaigns. The Power Point leads students through all activities with answers/feedback and exam technique advice for answering 12 mark questions. Activities include a source inference starter, note-taking and weighing up of improvements v. continuing problems in treatments and access to care. This leads into a 12 mark exam question “Explain why there was rapid progress in disease prevention after c1900.” An essay planning sheet is included. Students are encouraged to review each others’ plans and peer assess the written answers.
Growing Nazi support, 1929-32

Growing Nazi support, 1929-32

This Edexcel 9-1 GCSE unit covers around 3 lessons depending upon your class and their overall ability/work rate. Aims and Objectives: To understand the growth of unemployment- its cause and impact. The failure of successive Weimar governments to deal with unemployment from 1929 to January 1933. The growth of support for the Communist Party. To understand the reasons for the growth in support for the Nazi Party, including the appeal of Hitler and the Nazis, the effects of propaganda and the work of the SA. The Power Point leads students through all activities with accompanying resources. Activities include starter video analysis on why the Wall Street Crash helped the Nazis, source analysis on the effects of the depression, a cut and stick activity categorising the effects, comprehension questions on the failing of the government and the rise of extreme parties, photo source analysis on Hitler’s appeal, note-taking on this topic with provided grid, card sort activity on reasons Nazis appealed to different sections of society and a full interpretation exam question with advice, examples and writing frame.
Nazi Propaganda and Censorship: Controlling Ideas

Nazi Propaganda and Censorship: Controlling Ideas

This Edexcel 9-1 GCSE unit covers around 3 lessons depending upon your class and their overall ability/work rate. Aims and Objectives: To understand the work of Goebbels and the Ministry of Propaganda: censorship, Nazi use of media, rallies and sport, including the Berlin Olympics of 1936. To understand Nazi control of culture and the arts, including art, architecture, literature and film. The Power Point leads students through all activities with accompanying resources. Activities include a short Derren Brown video to introduce the idea of mind control, last man standing on forms of propaganda, source comparison of Hitler and Goebbel’s methods, a Goebbels CV (possible homeowork), analysis of short extract from Triumph of the Will looking for examples of propaganda at the Nuremberg Rally, rearching examples of both propaganda and censorship and a Chamber of Culture simulation exercise sorting art work into keep and dismiss with discussion.
The Slave Trade: Full Unit of Study

The Slave Trade: Full Unit of Study

4 Resources
This KS3 unit of study should take around 7 hours to complete. Each lesson comes with a Power Point which leads students through all activities and provides answers/feedback when required. Accompanying resources are also included bar the research materials for the life of a slave which I could not include due to copyright. There is a video clip for this activity though and a link to the very detailed Wikipedia page if you do not have textbooks/library books of this topic. Having taught in a culturally diverse inner-city school, this course was created with the support of Afro-Carribean LEA advisors. It aims to teach the topic in a frank and honest manner whilst avoiding always portraying black people as weak and powerless. For example, the role of black kings in the creation of the trade is considered, as is the role of black people in winning their own freedom. The lessons are delivered in loosely chronological order: The Slave Trade Triangle and who was to blame. The Middle Passage Life and Work in the West Indies The Abolition of Slavery. There are a range of activities from discussion, card sorts, categorising/ranking of information, reading comprehension, group work/presentation, creative writing and a final essay assessment on the reasons for Abolition with writing frame and mark scheme. Please see individual lessons for more details.
The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis

This KS3 lesson should take at least one hour to complete. The Power Point leads students through all activities with an accompanying student task booklet. Aims and Objectives: To know the key events of the Cuban Missile Crisis. To understand why it happened and with what consequences. To understand its significance in changing the course of history. Activities include a quick starter recap on communist dictatorships vs. capitalist democracies, followed by the necessary background information. Students label a political cartoon and then create a caption. They then analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the various options open to Kennedy. Using the time line of events, students create a tension chart to demonstrate the rise and fall of tensions. They then consider reactions to and effects of the crisis before a final plenary discussion on what can be learnt from this.
The destruction of the Plains Indians' way of life, 1876-95

The destruction of the Plains Indians' way of life, 1876-95

IMPORTANT: Many of these activities refer to the textbook “Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History, The American West, c1835-c1895” (editor Leonard A. and published by Pearson) ISBN 9781292127309 ad will not be usable without a copy of this text. This Edexcel 9-1 GCSE unit covers around 3-4 lessons depending upon your class and their overall ability/work rate. Aims and Objectives: Specification area: The destruction of the Plains Indians’ way of life, 1876-95 To understand the hunting and extermination of the buffalo. To understand the Plains Indians’ life on the reservation. To understand the significance of changing government attitudes to the Plains Indians, including the Dawes Act 1887 and the closure of the Indian Frontier. The Power Point leads students through all activities with accompanying resources. It also provides feedback/answers at intervals. Activities include inference work, time line creation, summary note-taking, diary extract of a Plains Indian child in a government boarding school, analysis of success v. failure of Dawes Act, Section A explanation 16 mark question with advice.
Abolition of Slavery

Abolition of Slavery

This KS3 lesson should take around two hours to complete. The Power Point leads students through all activities and accompanying resources are included. Aims and Objectives: To think about and discuss the main reasons both for and against banning slavery (from our own opinions and ideas held at the actual time). To put these arguments into categories and rank their importance. To know the key events which led to the banning of slavery and sort this information into key factors. To write up our findings in an essay style. Students evaluate to arguments for and against abolishing slavery across the British Empire. They categorise and rank the various reasons historically given. They then categorise the key reasons into those relating to the economy, the slaves themselves and the Abolitionists. This leads into an essay-style written assessment. A writing frame and mark scheme is also provided. To assist with the review of this assessment, there are explained samples paragraphs and a conclusion.
John Snow and the fight against Cholera

John Snow and the fight against Cholera

IMPORTANT: Some of these activities refer to the textbook “Edexcel GCSE (9-1 History, Medicine through time, c1250-present” (editor Leonard A. and published by Pearson) ISBN 9781292127378 and will not be usable without a copy of this text. This Edexcel 9-1 GCSE unit covers around 3 lessons depending upon your class and their overall ability/work-rate. Aims and Objectives: To understand the fight against Cholera in London, 1854; attempts to prevent its spread; the significance of John Snow and the Broad Street Pump. The Power Point leads students through all activities with regular feedback and accompanying worksheets. These include a starter fact-file, information sorting and categorisation, problem solving using card sort. The lessons end with an assessed exam question; “Louis Pasteur’s publication of the Germ Theory was the biggest turning point in medicine in the period c1700-c1900”. How far do you agree with this statement? (which students should be able to answer by this stage of the specification). Exam tips and the opportunity for peer assessment are included.
Renaissance Treatment of Disease

Renaissance Treatment of Disease

IMPORTANT: Some of these worksheets refer to the textbook “Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History, Medicine through time, c1250-present” (editor Leonard A. and published by Pearson) ISBN 9781292127378 and will not be usable without a copy of this text. This Edexcel 9-1 GCSE unit covers around 2-3 lessons depending upon your class and their overall ability/work rate. Aims and Objectives: To understand continuity in approaches to prevention, treatment and care in the community and in hospitals. Change in care and treatment: improvements in medical training and the influence in England of the work of Vesalius. The Power Point leads students through all activities with accompanying worksheets. It also provides handy feedback/answers at intervals and advice on exam approach. Activities include group and individual note-taking/mind-mapping, group discussion and a 16 mark essay-style exam question with a writing frame included if required.
Did Robin Hood really exist?

Did Robin Hood really exist?

This unit will take approximately two hours including assessment writing time. The starter activities ask students to pool their prior knowledge about Robin Hood using video clips as prompts. This then leads into a discussion about fact, fiction and legend and how the modern tale came into existence. Students then use a collection of sources to complete a research table considering whether or not Robin Hood was a real historical figure or a fictional character. A simplified SEN collection of sources is also included. The final assessment is a discursive essay which asks student to consider both arguments before reaching an overall verdict. A mark scheme is included.
The origins and early development of the Nazi Party

The origins and early development of the Nazi Party

IMPORTANT: Some of the activities refer to the textbook "Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History: Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939 (editor Leonard A. and published by Pearson) ISBN 9781292127347 and will not be usable without a copy of this text. This Edexcel 9-1 GCSE unit covers around 1-2 lessons depending upon your class and their overall ability/work rate. Aims and Objectives: To understand Hitler’s early career: joining the German Workers’ Party and setting up the Nazi Party, 1919-20. The Power Point leads students through all activities with an accompanying task booklet. Following a starter which answers 5W questions about the origins of the party using a short passage, students work in pairs to discuss the steps that would need to be taken to set up a new party. The booklet tasks then work through each stage, charting the early development of the party. Activities include colour-coding of a selection of the 25 Points into nationalist and socialist, making inferences from sources to understand why membership grew, note-taking/table on the impact of the changes Hitler made, an analysis of what key members bought to the party and a series of comprehension questions on the early SA.
The Stuarts: Full Unit of Study

The Stuarts: Full Unit of Study

8 Resources
This KS3 unit of study should take around 15 hours to complete. There is a Power Point included for every lesson which leads students through the activities and provides advice and guidance where required. In teaching/loose chronological order, the lessons include: King James I, witchcraft and science The Gunpowder Plot Causes of the English Civil War Events of the civil war and Charles’ defeat The execution of Charles I Oliver Cromwell: Hero or Villian? The Plague in London The Great Fire of London, 1666 There are a great range of activities including discussion, speech writing, pamphlet making and formal assessments. The two formal assessments are the essay on the causes of the Civil War and a source investigation into Oliver Cromwell. Writing frames and mark schemes are included for these. For more details, please refer to individual lesson summaries.
How do communism, democracy and dictatorship differ?

How do communism, democracy and dictatorship differ?

This KS3 lesson should take around one hour to complete. The Power Point leads students through all activities with accompanying resources included. Feedback/answers are also provided when required. I use this lesson at the start of our scheme of learning on WW2 as it clarifies the political landscape in the 1930s and provides students with the necessary vocabulary and political understanding. Aims and Objectives: To know the different types of political systems and link them to 1930s pre-war politics. To understand how they are similar and different. To consider their strengths, weaknesses and impact on people’s lives. Activities include a video starter which uses a short cartoon to introduce key political concepts. Students use this to match definitions to concepts and then consider what type of political system we live under. They then categorise a series of facts according to the belief system which they describe. As an extension, students list all the differences between democracy and dictatorship and then compare the similarities and differences between communism and dictatorship. Finally, students write a paragraph explaining which system they would most like to live under and why.
How were slaves treated during the Middle Passage?

How were slaves treated during the Middle Passage?

This KS3 lesson should take around one hour plus a homework to complete (depending upon how much you ask students to write for the diary entry). The Power Point leads students through all of the activities with accompanying resources included. Aims and Objectives: To know what The Middle Passage was and how it worked as part of the Slave Trade Triangle. To use source material to investigate how slaves were treated. To consider what this shows us about attitudes towards slaves. To empathise with those who went through this horrific experience. Activities include a mystery image starter of a bird’s eye view of a slave ship below decks, a video and questioning exercise on the story of the slave ship Zong, a source analysis activity whereby students look for specified evidence in a range of source. There are extension questions and a simpler SEN source set provided. The finally activity is to write a diary entry from a former slave describing the treatment endured during the Middle Passage. This activity works in isolation, although my classes build the diary up over this and the subsequent lessons on living and working conditions.
Edexcel 9-1 The development of medicine through time (full course)

Edexcel 9-1 The development of medicine through time (full course)

20 Resources
IMPORTANT: These lessons are based upon the textbook “Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History, Medicine through time, c1250-present” (editor Leonard A. and published by Pearson) ISBN 9781292127378 and will not be fully usable without a class set of this text. This bundle covers the entire specification EXCLUDING the Western Front (I’m unable to include more than 20 items, so will put this as a separate bundle). There is a Power Point for every lesson which leads students though all activities and all worksheets and resources referred to are included. Please view some individual lessons in shop to get a feel for the amount of resources included.
Medieval Realms: Full Unit of Study

Medieval Realms: Full Unit of Study

10 Resources
This KS3 unit of study should take at least 15 hours to complete. There is a Power Point included for every lesson which leads students through the activities and provides advice and guidance where required. In teaching/loose chronological order, the lessons include: What was life like in the Middle Ages? Who should be king? Claimants in 1066 Events leading up to the Battle of Hastings Why did William win the Battle of Hastings? How did William control England? How far did castle design improve during the Middle Ages? Why was religion so important to people in the Middle Ages? Who was to blame for the murder of Thomas Becket? How did people in the Middle Ages view the Black Death? Did Robin Hood really exist? There are a great range of activities including discussion, problem solving, card sorting and ranking, source analysis, comparison of continuity vs. change, introduction to explanatory essay writing and evaluative essay writing and board game creation. There are three formal assessment- the explanatory essay on why William won the Battle of Hastings, the comparative writing on developments in castle design and the evaluative writing on whether or not Robin Hood was real. Writing frames and mark schemes are included for these. For more details, please refer to individual lesson summaries.
The Plains Indians: their beliefs and way of life

The Plains Indians: their beliefs and way of life

IMPORTANT: Many of these activities refer to the textbook “Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History, The American West, c1835-c1895” (editor Leonard A. and published by Pearson) ISBN 9781292127309 and will not be usable without a copy of this text. This Edexcel 9-1 GCSE unit covers around 3 lessons depending upon your class and their overall ability/work rate. Aims and Objectives: Specification area: The early settlement of the West, c.1835-1862 To understand the Plains Indian’s social and tribal structures, ways of life and means of survival on the Plains. To understand the Plains Indian’s beliefs about land and nature and attitudes towards war and property. The Power Point leads students through all activities with accompanying resources. It also provides feedback/answers at intervals and advice on exam approach. Activities include independent note-taking, card sorting, group discussion, timelines and a narrative account question “Write a narrative account analysing the ways in which the US government policy towards the Plains Indians developed in the period 1835-51.”