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Learn and Burn
SPACE: the final frontier...

SPACE: the final frontier...

This set of resources has a powerpoint of students work, which is fairly self-explanatory. We made a Universe, colour mixing and matching, tissue paper skies, 3D cosmonauts/astronauts, designing space badges from space missions. A three week series of planning also included.
Art curriculum map for Early years

Art curriculum map for Early years

This resource is a prompt sheet or a map to encourage use of all Art areas in the Early years. It helps to include the many aspects of Art and give the opportunity for young children to experience a range of medium and media.
Design sheet   Evaluation sheet

Design sheet Evaluation sheet

These DT proformas can be used and adapted to suit any DT topic. They provide a structure for children to think about the processes and order of the stages when constructing an item. Practice in evaluating procedures is also formatted to think about the positive and negative aspect of what the children have made.
Yes/No diagrams ICT

Yes/No diagrams ICT

These are 2 worksheets for children to practice branching databases and 2 models for teachers to rehearse with them, before of after a lesson. They can be adapted to suit topic work and can be included in any subject area. Children could decide about Yes or No answers, or decide about what questions to ask. Success is achieved when children can make up their own branching database with increasing complexity.
The big dog  The sneaky snake

The big dog The sneaky snake

The documents are designed to support EAL learning, specifically with regards sentence construction. They give learners opportunity to think, make judgments and decide what is appropriate. They are fun, especially when you get it wrong... The concept can be applied to other situations at the teachers discretion...
Arguement texts

Arguement texts

This series of resources is centered on the ability to put forward a cogent and balanced case and be able to argue each point of view, clearly, and come to a conclusion. It has text, planning ideas, suggested vocabulary, connectives chart, scoring matrix and letter. It is very helpful to have lots of verbal practice before trying to produce a hard text. It is also great fun to have 'arguments!'
Food chains

Food chains

A power point activity for students to discuss and ask questions about creatures in the environment and how they depend on each other and contribute to the ecology of the earth.
Personal recount

Personal recount

A plan and short text to whet the appetite for personal events, that are ofter richer than fiction. Children will not be short of stories to share about things that have happened to them, and they can turn them into exciting and intriguing yarns!! Maybe the class can make a book with illustrations, photographs of other paraphernalia.
Length Word Problems

Length Word Problems

Power point to consolidate and practice the application of knowledge and skills in using length. (conversions, perimeter, ratio)


These giant vegetables were made by Nursery children, with some adult help.... We looked at pictures and decided to make the vegetables really big... They look great on display, but were quite fragile and not that good for play activities.


This power point shows the work of reception class as they designed and made their own shoes. Some help was necessary for cutting the corrugated card and the fabric. We used a wide variety of materials and used our imagination to put the pieces together to make a pair of shoes.. 120 children took part in this project- that's 240 cardboard soles..!!
Biography planning and text

Biography planning and text

This is a set of planning frames, for a variety of biographies about a selection of people from past times. The biography text can be used to analyse, deconstruct or extend, to allow children to recognise the structure and sequence of a biography text. The planning frame can be used to allow the children to research information using a variety of sources, so that they can them write a biography text.
Beach chest

Beach chest

This power point is a guide to teachers, to make a unique and individual resource, specifically for your class. It is a bespoke design that will allow you to enjoy making it and sharing it with the children you teach. It was originally designed for a seaside theme, but could easily be adapted. Stimulus for thought and imagination for all and above all excitement and enjoyment...
Money containers

Money containers

Succinct planning, analysis sheet, DT design format, Analysis proforma and power point, to encourage and suggest some ideas as starting points for children to think about their own designs. This selection is mainly for purses of different sorts, but the concept could be widened out considerably. Encourage children to think for themselves, rather than produce something 'suitable' for a display...