Daily mental maths for Y5/6 (5 weeks)
These 5 Notebooks (which can be used daily over 5 weeks) are great, ready-made resources to use as a starter, plenary or extension activity in your maths lessons. Linked to objectives and questions covered on KS2 maths tests, they cover a wide range of maths topics from converting measures, multiplying and dividing, working out areas and perimeters of compound shapes and much more. Ideal for quick-fire practise, consolidation and new learning across mental maths.
KS2/Key Stage 2 Arithmetic Paper Starters/Plenaries/Revision
This resource is perfect for daily maths starters. All questions are based on the 2016 KS2 Arithmetic Paper. The presentation contains over 60 slides with top calculation tips and strategies for all arithmetic paper question types, from fractions to squared numbers. Each tip is then followed by a set of questions to practise and test their strategies. Answers to all questions are provided in the presentation notes!
KS2/Key Stage 2 Reasoning Paper Reminders -Revision
A comprehensive 40 slide power-point presentation, which goes through all the key maths concepts that children need to know for the 2 reasoning papers this year. It covers all aspects of the maths curriculum from shape and space to factors and prime numbers. It would be an ideal revision aid for the last two weeks before SATS, when all mathematical general knowledge needs to be revisited and consolidated.
Y5/6 Written Multiplication Lesson & Resources - ofsted/interview/observation
Tried and tested lesson used in an observation. Main teaching SMART Notebook included with differentiated Oral/Mental Starter.
Children buy stock and design a dream hotel using HTU x U, TU x TU, Th H T U x U and HTU x TU. Easily differentiated for various ability groups with room for accelerated progress. Catalogue worksheet resources are in our FREE section (Easier SEN/LA resource included.)
Y5 Adding decimals lesson plan
Tried and tested Y5 lesson plan, main teaching SMART Notebook and resources for adding decimals by counting up.
OUTSTANDING grade achieved and accelerated progress was highlighted in feeback.
2017 Key Stage/KS1 SATs Maths and SPAG Revision Bundle
Get these fantastic KS1 resources at a fraction of the cost for the rest of this year. Although great for last-minute revision, these teaching tools are a brilliant investment for all-year-round consolidation of key skills.