Featured resources
Year 3 & Year 4 Whole Class Reading Week 4 Stig of The Dump reading comprehension 3 lessons
Week 4 Stig of The Dump
Whole class reading/extract comprehension/guided reading resource with an adaptive teaching approach for independent tasks (3 levels of differentiation).
3 lessons which can be taught across one week depending on your timetable or over 3 weeks. The lesson duration is between 30-45 minutes.
Each lesson covers a different reading focus:
Lesson 1 - Vocabulary and prediction
Lesson 2 - Retrieval and inference
Lesson 3 - Sequence/summarise/explain
Included is the text extract linked to the lesson; a main teaching presentation which is delivered whole class with opportunities to practice the skill needed for the independent task. This covers a blurb, information about the author, practice questions based specifically on the skill being taught and a differentiated/adapted independent task (3 levels).
The independent task is sized to fit on a sticky labels (A4 page with 4 labels) which pupils stick into reading comprehension books to then answer the questions.
The texts chosen are specific to the ability of Year 3 and Year 4 but due to the nature of whole class reading, are suitable for those working below ARE.
There are 8 weeks (24 lessons) in this block to cover a half term which have been uploaded separately, week by week.
If you have time (ha!), please leave us a review. We would love to hear your feedback.
Cluedo Maths main teaching Powerpoint
A fun and engaging lesson for upper KS2 but easily adaptable for lower KS2. Tried and tested in Y6 (upper mid-low ability).
Pupils will use prior knowledge and extend learning of fractions of amounts and mixed number and improper fractions to work out ‘who done it’. Based on the popular game of Cluedo (most recently known as Clue) the task is to solve where, when and who committed the maths crime by calculating fractions of amounts, converting mixed number and improper fractions and identifying equivalent fractions.
Perfect for Ofsted, an observation, an interview or in addition to your weekly teaching.
*Find all supporting worksheets in our PREMIUM resources. A ready-made, tried and tested, successful and highly rated lesson. Fully differentiated oral/mental starter, main session teaching and independent tasks.*
Year 3 & Year 4 LEGO Instructions & Explanations (Planning and resources)
What’s included:
*Lesson plan (13 lessons - 3 weeks)
*Main teaching SMART Notebook presentation (59 slides)
*Accompanying worksheets and activities, plus 2 x writing checklists and writing planning sheet.
Learning objectives covered:
*Make inferences - Observe/wonder/infer task sheet
Vocabulary match-up starter
Improve/upgrade instructions task
Identify and use subordinating conjunctions
*Punctuate a paragraph correctly (dictation)
*Write a set of instructions
*Use a dictionary to correct spellings/editing lesson
*Proofread and explanation text and know explanation text features
*Use apostrophes for possession (Y4) and contraction (Y3)
Write relative and subordinate clauses
Design a Lego Card
Build vocabulary and upgrade sentences
Plan an write an explanation text around a new Lego card
Edit and improve explanation text
Other starter/short tasks throughout the week linked to grammar/punctuation
PLEASE NOTE: Lesson 8 requires each pupil to each have a packet of LEGO CARDS. There are plenty to show online but the kids LOVED getting their own pack. Sainsburys give them out at certain times of the year and they can also be bought on eBay.
Year 3 & Year 4 Whole Class Reading Week 8 Fortunately, the Milk...reading comprehension 3 lessons
Week 8 Fortunately, the Milk…
Whole class reading/extract comprehension/guided reading resource with an adaptive teaching approach for independent tasks (3 levels of differentiation).
3 lessons which can be taught across one week depending on your timetable or over 3 weeks. The lesson duration is between 30-45 minutes.
Each lesson covers a different reading focus:
Lesson 1 - Vocabulary and prediction
Lesson 2 - Retrieval and inference
Lesson 3 - Sequence/summarise/explain
Included is the text extract linked to the lesson; a main teaching presentation which is delivered whole class with opportunities to practice the skill needed for the independent task. This covers a blurb, information about the author, practice questions based specifically on the skill being taught and a differentiated/adapted independent task (3 levels).
The independent task is sized to fit on a sticky labels (A4 page with 4 labels) which pupils stick into reading comprehension books to then answer the questions.
The texts chosen are specific to the ability of Year 3 and Year 4 but due to the nature of whole class reading, are suitable for those working below ARE.
There are 8 weeks (24 lessons) in this block to cover a half term which have been uploaded separately, week by week.
If you have time (ha!), please leave us a review. We would love to hear your feedback.
Year 3 & Year 4 Whole Class Reading Week 3 Winnie The Pooh guided reading 3 lessons
Week 3 Winnie The Pooh
Whole class reading/extract comprehension/guided reading resource with an adaptive teaching approach for independent tasks (3 levels of differentiation).
3 lessons which can be taught across one week depending on your timetable or over 3 weeks. The lesson duration is between 30-45 minutes.
Each lesson covers a different reading focus:
Lesson 1 - Vocabulary and prediction
Lesson 2 - Retrieval and inference
Lesson 3 - Sequence/summarise/explain
Included is the text extract linked to the lesson; a main teaching presentation which is delivered whole class with opportunities to practice the skill needed for the independent task. This covers a blurb, information about the author, practice questions based specifically on the skill being taught and a differentiated/adapted independent task (3 levels).
The independent task is sized to fit on a sticky labels (A4 page with 4 labels) which pupils stick into reading comprehension books to then answer the questions.
The texts chosen are specific to the ability of Year 3 and Year 4 but due to the nature of whole class reading, are suitable for those working below ARE.
There are 8 weeks (24 lessons) in this block to cover a half term which have been uploaded separately, week by week.
If you have time (ha!), please leave us a review. We would love to hear your feedback.
Over 10 amazing songs to choose from our back catalogue. All still relevant and guaranteed to pluck at the parents’ heartstrings - get the tissues ready for the end of year events! Lots of fun numbers too.
Don’t miss this fab price!!!
Look out for the 2023 songs in our shop!!
Email for helpful sound files for any songs from 2020-2022
Florence Nightingale Quiz KS1/Key Stage 1
This fun quiz re-caps all the key facts taught whilst learning about a significant person in history - Florence Nightingale. A great resource to end this unit of work and either consolidate or test the children's learning.
Key Stage 2/KS2 Reasoning Paper Reminders/Revision
This is an updated version of a PPT, which is packed full of over 50 slides, containing all of the subject knowledge/facts/info that pupils need to go over in the last few days before SATs tests. Ideal for last minute revision and in between papers during SATs week itself.
Year 3 & 4 Meerkat Mail - Recounts - Planning & Resources
*Lesson plan (11 lessons) Day 2 was split over 2 lessons.
*Main teaching SMART Notebook presentation (40 slides)
*Accompanying worksheets and activities, plus a writing checklist, Letter WAGOLL and writing planning sheet
Learning objectives covered/activities:
*Increase familiarity with a wide range of books.
Draw inferences - Observe/Wonder/Infer
*Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence - Use the text to create a FACT FILE for a character
*Inference - ‘What it says/what it means’ sheet
*Use varying and technical vocabulary to write a post card
*Use conjunctions to extend sentences (when, if, because and although)
Y3 – when, before, after, because
*To identify how language, structure, and presentation contribute to meaning in a text - TEXT DETECTIVE
*Identify feelings and how they change throughout the story - thought shower and use to write a ‘perfect’ paragraph
Proof-reading activity
Plan and write a letter (recount)
Develop editing techniques using editing cards/stations
KS1 Phonics Screening Mock Tests Part 2
Another 5 mock test answer sheets and 5 corresponding sets of flash cards/booklet pages replicating the 2015 KS1 phonics screening test. This part also includes 5 PPTs with all the words from the individual tests for whole class and small group sessions.
Covering a range of real and pseudo words (marked with a monster on flash cards) from phases 2-5.
A perfect resource for revision, testing your pupils' knowledge and identifying areas for development prior to the 2016 Phonics Screening.
KS2 SPAG Test- Sentence Form Reminders
This last-minute revision power-point includes a definition of all sentence forms for the 2016 SPAG test. It then has several examples of questions from previous papers for the children to quickly test their knowledge. Ideal for final cramming!
Essential handy hints for KS2 Reasoning Papers
Here are a few more practical tips for particular topics from the reasoning papers.
Each slide has a SATs qu with handy hints box and annotations.
Ordering mixed unit length
Ordering mixed decimals and fractions
Angles in shapes
Reading scales
Bar charts
Line graphs
VENN diagrams
Counting area
Fractions of shapes
Key Stage 2/KS2 Year 6 Maths revision mats
Ideal for last-minute maths revision. 7 PDF files containing questions relating to key facts needed for new curriculum maths tests. My class have been filling in 1 or 2 daily just to keep their maths facts/knowledge fresh in their minds.
Mats include:
-conversions of units
-properties of 2D and 3D shapes
-fraction/decimal/ percentage equivalents
-fractions of amounts
-types of line
-7 and 8 times tables
Key Stage 2/KS2 Weekly Mental Maths and Arithmetic Paper Skills
To match the new 2016 tests, this presentation has 7 weekly mental maths tests which covers knowledge from times tables to factors. In addition, there are 7 arithmetic paper sets of questions based on percentages. This was a key skill required for many questions on the 2016maths papers. The children are asked to calculate 10%, 20% then 5% as the weeks progress. The 7 weeks cover the first half of the Autumn term. More presentations will follow for the rest of the year, which will develop other aspects of mental maths and arithmetic skills needed for the new style maths tests.
Y5/6 Stormzy Reading lesson & resources (Ofsted/interview/observation)
What’s included:
Lesson plan for lesson 1 (used in observation)
Smart notebook main teaching presentation for lesson 1
Lesson 1 resources sheets
Lesson 2 - extension of lesson 1. True or false questions and ‘find and copy a word or phrase’ questions.
Lesson 3 - song lyric comprehension and questions
The first lesson comprises of a number of short activities and a main independent activity based on inference.
Short activities - predict, vocabulary, retrieve (true or false) and retrieve (match up).
Main (independent activity) - inference activity worksheet.
There are also differentiated activities for SEND pupils - all worksheets included.
The second lesson is a shorter lesson which is an extension of lesson 1.
The third lesson is questions on the song ‘Blinded by your grace’(Stormzy)
Please note: Lesson 1 and 2 uses the Stormzy biography text that can be found in on Twinkl)
Leavers' Assembly Song for 2018
I have rewritten the lyrics to the song 2002 by Anne-Marie for this year.
Hope this is useful for people. I know by experience that the Year 6 children like to use something current for their assembly.
Spaces highlighted where school name/head name should be inserted. Enjoy!!
Cluedo Maths - supporting worksheets
A fun and engaging lesson for upper KS2 but easily adaptable for lower KS2. Fast paced for accelerated progress. Tried and tested in Y6 (upper mid-low ability).
Pupils will use prior knowledge and extend learning of fractions of amounts and mixed number and improper fractions to work out ‘who done it’. Based on the popular game of Cluedo (most recently known as Clue) the task is to solve where, when and who committed the maths crime by calculating fractions of amounts, converting mixed number and improper fractions and identifying equivalent fractions.
Perfect for Ofsted, an observation, an interview or in addition to your weekly teaching.
*Find main teaching PowerPoint in our PREMIUM resources. A ready-made, tried and tested, successful and highly rated lesson. Fully differentiated oral/mental starter, main session teaching and independent tasks.*
Another time saver from us to you!
Written Multiplication Resource Sheets - Dream Hotel
Find lesson plan and main teaching SMART Notebook in our paid section.
Friendship assembly resources
Resources to accompany or be adapted for the friendship assembly script.
Reasoning Paper Themed Qs
These levelled questions linked to reasoning paper topics can be used to go over last minute examples with Year 6 children. Each set of questions are related to particular topics like data handling, fractions and area and perimeter. Look out for a Handy Hints power-point linked to identified gaps in this year's Reasoning Paper 2 ready for tomorrow's Reasoning Paper 3!