Four lessons studying Freedom by Pharrell Williams.
Areas covered:
Representations and context
Exam style questions based on (but not the same as) SAMs provided.
3 lessons exploring set product from Eduqas spec.
Lesson 1: Media language
Lesson 2: Context and representation
lesson 3: Comparing to modern set texts.
Exam Style Questions Included (Not SAMs)
For use with the Animated Tales video. Lesson should take 2 hours giving students an understanding of plot, modeled and independent analysis of language and the opportunity for creative writing and peer assessment.
Lessons to allow study of all 8 set texts with comparison to unseen and example exam questions.
Updated to include new products for teaching for 2021 exam.
Scheme used with Y8 students following a full ‘cold read’ of the novel. Analyses language and structure. 2 assessments based on Paper 3 Q 3 (AQA).
Weekly writing lesson based on Q5 (papers 1 and 2)
Designed for Year 2021-22.
An academic year of weekly SMSC/RE topics - initially designed for Post 16 students.
All weeks have 1-2 tasks, a class discussion and reflections (one Christian, one non-religious)
4 double (50 minute) sessions. with workbook to allow students to help prepare for LO3 of Unit 1.
Project intentions:
To explore the different target audiences and demographics
To investigate techniques used to attract a specific target audience including colour theory, persuasive language and logo design.
To use our knowledge to plan campaigns for specific and justified target audiences.