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Vocabulary Story 955  The USA in 2022

Vocabulary Story 955 The USA in 2022

1 Vocabulary Story 955 The USA in 2022 . A panorama of 2022 USA shows a land in anguish after the bathos of the government being wrest from its hypothetically perfect democratic system by callous forces. People feel chagrin and trauma and lament the loss of their patriarch: Trump. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 955 The USA in 2022 . A wide view of 2022 USA shows a land in pain after the wild emotions of the government being ripped from its supposed perfect democratic system by unfeeling forces. People feel disappointment and shock and mourn the loss of their leader: Trump.
Vocabulary Story 954  Conditions in the Middle Ages

Vocabulary Story 954 Conditions in the Middle Ages

1 Vocabulary Story 954 Conditions in the Middle Ages . A memento of the Middle Ages are tall churches you get vertigo looking down from. People were devout and receptive to the Christian creed: The gist of which is Jesus redeemed the world. We are incredulous but they claimed to have accouterments of the saints. like the crown of thorns. Their paranoia about the devil allowed for a totalitarian type government with the church in control. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 954 Conditions in the Middle Ages . A souvenir of the Middle Ages are tall churches you get dizzy looking down from. People were strictly religious and open to the Christian belief the matchbook summary of which is Jesus saved the world. We are unbelieving but they claimed to have the equipment of the saints, like the crown of thorns. Their fright about the devil allowed for a dictatorial type of government with the church in control. .
Vocabulary Story 960  The Barbarian Takeover of Britain

Vocabulary Story 960 The Barbarian Takeover of Britain

1 Vocabulary Story 960 The Barbarian Takeover of Britain . The people were alienated to the Romans when they pulled out of Britain. The tribes did the toil of coming from the mainland. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes were principal among them. They proclaimed the land theirs. They elicited the appellations of every rotund feature like hills and dells; though they felt the latitude to merge them with their own words and ideas. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 960 The Barbarian Takeover of Britain . The people were estranged to the Romans when they pulled out of Britain. The tribes did the work of coming from the mainland. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes were chief among them. They announced the land theirs. They asked for the names of every round feature like hills and valleys; though they felt the freedom to combine them with their own words and ideas. .
Vocabulary Story 957 Jesus's Ministry

Vocabulary Story 957 Jesus's Ministry

1 Vocabulary Story 957 Jesus’s Ministry . Jesus caused bonhomie. People abetted his ministry. Their motive: to hear his seeming extempore miraculous sayings. Wise men have plumbed their meaning which verge on the divide. A bloc of detractors followed their whims to fight against Jesus. They traded invectives. By skulduggery he was sent to be killed by the Romans. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 957 Jesus’s Ministry . Jesus caused a friendly feeling. People aided his ministry. Their reason: to hear his seeming off the cuff miraculous sayings. Wise men have explored their meaning which boarder on the divide. A coalition of detractors followed their impulses to fight against Jesus. They traded abusive language. By underhanded means he was sent to be killed by the Romans.
Vocabulary Story 958   Noah Follow God's Commands

Vocabulary Story 958 Noah Follow God's Commands

1 Vocabulary Story 958 Noah Follow God’s Commands . Noah became a disciple of God. He served a stint of twenty years building the ark. God obfuscated its purpose, not uttering what the ark was for. Noah had a disposition of faith, obeying God’s commands to him without even an infinitesimal bit of finagling. Noah did not know about the tragic deluge to come and its deadly eddies. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 958 Noah Follow God’s Commands . Noah became a follower of God. He served a period of twenty years building the ark. God clouded its purpose, not uttering what the ark was for. Noah had a mind set of faith, obeying God’s commands to him without even a little bit of trickery. Noah did not know about the disastrous flood to come and its deadly swirls. . .
Vocabulary Story 999  How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2

Vocabulary Story 999 How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2

1 Vocabulary Story 999 How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2 . The herbicide industry was a juggernaut. The dichotomy of regulator and promoter became blurred for government. In their hubris they overused weed killers; a decanter of which could poison a whole city. This was untenable and astute people blew the whistle; with startling revelations people were arraigned for. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 999 How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2 . The weed killer industry was a steam roller. The dual role of umpire and advocate became blurred for government. In their pride they overused weed killers; a jug of which could poison a whole city. This was unsupportable and alert people blew the whistle; with shocking data people were brought to trial for. . . . . 3 Vocabulary Story 999 How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2
Vocabulary Story 1000  The Feelings at the Start of World War Two

Vocabulary Story 1000 The Feelings at the Start of World War Two

1 Vocabulary Story 1000 The Feelings at the Start of World War Two . In the beginning of WW2, a confluence of events showed vivid proof of the inimical intents of Germany and Japan. In amity, throngs of recruits joined up to form units, it was an auspicious sign. Poltroons hid. Everyone wanted to be claimant for being the one that gouged out the Furher’s eyes. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 1000 The Feelings at the Start of World War Two . In the beginning of WW2, a coming together of events showed stark proof of the harmful intentions of Germany and Japan. In good will, crowds of recruits joined up to form units, it was a favorable sign. Cowards hid. Everyone wanted to be the one to say he was the one that took out the Furher’s eyes. . .
Vocabulary Story 993  How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West

Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West

1 Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West . The paucity of buffalo made the old days with so many buffalo seem an anachronism. These heavy virile beasts got influenza and for an interlude none could be seen. What was such a pedestrian sight before was rare; it gave a sense of foreboding. People inveigled the pretentious buffalo hunters but they alone did not do the job. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West . The scarcity of buffalo made the old days with so many buffalo seem long ago and far away . These heavy healthy beasts got the flu and for a while none could be seen. What was such a common sight before was rare; it gave a sense of desolation. People blamed the puffed up buffalo hunters but they alone did not do the job. .
Vocabulary Story 976  Why have Boot camps?

Vocabulary Story 976 Why have Boot camps?

1 Vocabulary Story 976 Why have Boot camps? . Boot camp is a potpourri of experiences to eventuate changes in a person to inculcate army values. A person’s ambiguous quirks are pushed at, exerting pressure. It is analogous to sanding wood. Some recruits are skittish at having the mess hall sergeant as their restauranteur. They also suffer distended body parts. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 976 Why have Boot camps? . Boot camp is a mixture of experiences to cause changes in a person to instill army values. A person’s odd peculiarities are pushed at, causing pressure. It is like to sanding wood. Some recruits are jumpy at having the mess hall sergeants as their restaurant owner. They also suffer swollen body parts. .
Vocabulary Story 973  Jobs at Sea

Vocabulary Story 973 Jobs at Sea

1 Vocabulary Story 973 Jobs at Sea . Maritime occupations have a lot of menial work that repulses the majority of the population. The median wage is only $15,000. However; the categorical freedom causes ebullience in some, reducing the antagonism caused by harsh conditions. People with vague life goals can benefit by going away. Moby Dick is a condensed description of life ate sea. Now sailors work under canopies to reduce sunburn. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 973 Jobs at Sea . Sea occupations have a lot of lowly work that repels the majority of the population. The average wage is only $15,000. However; the complete freedom causes excitement in some, reducing the hostility caused by harsh conditions. People with unclear life goals can benefit by going away. Moby Dick is a shortened description of life ate sea. Now sailors work under coverings to reduce sunburn. .
Vocabulary Story 975  Tigers are Trained to be Around People

Vocabulary Story 975 Tigers are Trained to be Around People

1 Vocabulary Story 975 Tigers are Trained to be Around People . Menageries raise tiger whelps to keep themselves solvent. These predatory animals must be habituated to the public, rendering them less dangerous. It’s like a pact is made with them to be cool, yet mimic ferocious growls. They are put in provisional displays. It is a real problem that some bad people bombard them with small objects. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 975 Tigers are Trained to be Around People . Animal exhibits raise tiger kittens to keep themselves financially viable. These hunting animals must be trained to get used to the public, making them less dangerous. It’s like a deal is made with them to be cool, yet imitate fearsome growls. They are put in temporary displays. It is a real problem that some bad people pelt them with small objects. .
Vocabulary Story   The News from the Cooking Shows

Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows

1 Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows . Cooking is in the zeitgeist of 2022. The culinary escapades of Jack Pepin are popular on TV; panegyrics are made about him. People rue not seeing him make every scintilla of food. First he gives lush lettuce an ablution in cold water; then uses an indulgent amount of olive oil - an iridescent mix of herbs and vinegar to make a yummy vinaigrette. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows . Cooking is in style in 2022. The cooking exploits of Jack Pepin are popular on TV; hymns of praise are made about him. People regret not seeing him make every small bit of food. First he gives bushy lettuce a dunk in cold water; then uses a liberal amount of olive oil - an shiny mix of herbs and vinegar to make a yummy vinaigrette. .
Vocabulary Story 990  Why Welfare is Soul Sucking

Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking

1 Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking . One can postulate about the predicament of the destitute to try to go beyond stereotypes to see the mosaic from afar. Intrinsic is their relationship with a byzantine wellfare system which seeks for you to renounce your independence and rationalizes state control over you. You often have to be like a chameleon just to survive. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking . One can theorize about the problems of the poor to try to go beyond stock images to see the puzzle from afar. A part is their relationship with a complexly bizzarre wellfare system which seeks for you to give up your independence and legitamizes state control over you. You often have to be like a changling just to survive. . .
Vocabulary Story   991  The Grace and Allen Comedy Show

Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show

1 Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show Grace and Allen was a show about a couple. The wife was a verbose matron who was skittish and invoked imbecility as an excuse. For some reason people thronged to this act and applause reverberated. The husband, though loving, had disdain and acted perturbed. How such a travesty of comedy could be perpetrated is a mystery. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show Grace and Allen was a show about a couple. The wife was a talkative mature lady who was nervous and gave stupidity as an excuse. For some reason people flocked to this act and applause echoed. The husband, though loving, had contempt and acted bothered. How such a poor imitation of comedy could be carried out is a mystery. .
Vocabulary Story 838  Frank Lloyd Wright's Secret Project

Vocabulary Story 838 Frank Lloyd Wright's Secret Project

1 Vocabulary Story 838 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Secret Project . Frank Lloyd Wright mustered a following to his architecture school. There was bonhomie amongst his disciples, as told in a tell all memoir recently published. In an experimental clandestine house abutting his main residence, were deliberate elements that overrode the building codes. It shows verve and inventiveness concomitant with great genius. Wright worked on productively into his doddering old age. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 838 Frank Lyold Wright’s Secret Project . Frank Lloyd Wright gathered a following to his architecture school. There was friendly camaraderie amongst his disciples, as told in a tell all memoir recently published. In an experimental secret house adjoining his main residence, were purposeful elements that overruled the building codes. It shows flair and inventiveness that comes with great genius. Wright worked on productively into his feeble old age.
Vocabulary Story 837   An Exploration Camp

Vocabulary Story 837 An Exploration Camp

1 Vocabulary Story 837 An Exploration Camp . In the cool equanimity of a museum is an explorer’s camp hologram recreation. It shows a domicile in a sultry jungle; inimical to human health. People were paid paltry stipends to go suffer in such untenable conditions, including malnutrition. Caviling was of no use. At that time idolatry was practiced there by the natives. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 837 An Exploration Camp . In the cool quiet of a museum is an explorer’s camp 3d image recreation. It shows a living quarters in a jungle; harmful to human health. People were paid slim salaries to go suffer in such unacceptable conditions, including inadequate meals. Complaining was of no use. At that time idol worship was also practiced there by the natives. .
Vocabulary Story 844  Old New York City Triumphs

Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs

1 Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs . In New York City, archaic cumbersome horse trolleys were used well into the 20th century. Fastidiously dressed owner operators of the lines were aquiasitive and suppressed newer technologies such as the subways. The rambunctuous growth of the city called for a change in the old moribund technology of the use of horses. A resilient populous denouced the execrable greed of the owners. They were maligned in the press. One incident when a man’s leg was severed was the tipping point. . 2 Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs . In New York City, outmoded cumbsy horse trolleys were used well into the 20th century. Impeccably dressed owner operators of the lines were greedy and held back newer technologies such as the subways. The out of control growth of the city called for a change in the old dead technology of the use of horses. A spirited populous said bad things about the hateful greed of the owners. They were called out in the press. One incident when a man’s leg was cut off was the tipping point.