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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 846  19th century New York City Triumphs

Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs

1 Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs . An outgrowth of the fantastic growth of New York City in the 19th century was dismay. Hordes of immigrants had the city tottering on the edge of anarchy. In anguish, leaders were skeptical; thinking the city was predestined to ruin. Torpid solutions were tried, the rational being to patch things up. Then, great far seeing men and woman arose like pontiffs to pronounce bold solutions like the subway and aqueduct system to solve the issues. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs . An result of the fantastic growth of New York City in the 19th century was shock. Droves of immigrants had the city wobbling on the edge of lawlessness. In pain, leaders were doubtful; thinking the city was fated to ruin. Weak solutions were tried, the idea being to patch things up. Then, great far seeing men and woman arose like prophets to pronounce bold solutions like the subway and aqueduct system to solve the issues. .
Where to put commas in adverbial clause sentences.

Where to put commas in adverbial clause sentences.

In this computer program you are given sentences with an adverbial clause such as: Wherever there is supermarket there is a parking lot. The required comma is left out like above. To be right, you put the mouse in the space were a comma should go and type a comma. The comma appears and Right! appears, then the sentence turns green with the correct spacing such as: Wherever there is supermarket, there is a parking lot. There are 18 sentences with a variety of adverbial clauses.
Vocabulary Story 847  Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language

Vocabulary Story 847 Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language

1 Vocabulary Story 847 Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language . Some people’s domain is old cars. They diversify into sports cars. Space is a dilemma as the collecting mania takes hold. These people are discreet and hypercritical in purchases. They have a phraseology replete with terms to expostulate about what is good and unseemly in particular autos. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 847 Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language . Some people’s province is old cars. They vary their holdings with sports car. Space is a problem as the collecting frenzy takes hold. These people are wise and picky in purchases. They have a jargon filled with terms to argue about what is good and bad in particular autos. .
Vocabulary Story 853  Al Capone Gangster

Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster

1 Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster . Al Capone was the predominant gangster of the 1930’s. He was a quasi celebrity. He transcended ordinary criminals with eclectic skills. He thought of himself as a figurative Robin Hood, helping people carping against the authorities. The FBI was an anathema to him. He loitered around helplessly because they had his number. When arrested they grilled him. He became tumescent and died there in Sing Sing prison. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster . Al Capone was the foremost gangster of the 1930’s. He was a semi star. He went beyond ordinary criminals with varied skills. He thought of himself as a type of Robin Hood, helping people railing against the authorities. The FBI was poison to him. He hung around helplessly because they had his number. When arrested they brutally questioned him. He became swollen and died there in Sing Sing prison. .


ADVERBIAL CLAUSES 3 If an adverbial clause in the beginning of a sentence, separate it with a commas. When they wanted Batman, they turned on the Bat Search Light. Here are 18 sentences with leading adverbial clauses. Put your mouse where the comma should go and type a comma. The sentence will turn green and reappear with the correct spacing. The program has improved functioning. I have included the BBC BASIC for WINDOWS code program for your perusal.
Vocabulary Story 856  Elvis Presley's Secret Life

Vocabulary Story 856 Elvis Presley's Secret Life

1 Vocabulary Story 856 Elvis Presley’s Secret Life . Elvis; even though he lived in palatial patrician surroundings in Graceland, his estate, was a vulgarian at heart. It’s perpendicular walls and gates protected him from dissent. Pertinent facts have been revealed in a tell all book. He relied on his manager Colonel Parker, who he considered omniscient. He was good to all his kin, no matter how distant. He was a carnivore; favoring barbecue. He turned to drugs as a panacea for all his troubles. . 2 Vocabulary Story 856 Elvis Presley’s Secret Life . Elvis; even though he lived in rich noble surroundings in Graceland, his estate, had course and vulgar tastes. It’s tall walls and gates protected him from criticism. Relevant facts have been revealed in a tell all book. He relied on his manager Colonel Parker, who he considered all-knowing. He was good to all his family, no matter how distant. He was a meat eater; favoring barbecue. He turned to drugs as a cure-all for all his troubles.
Vocabulary Story 867   Lincoln Saves the Union     Power Point version

Vocabulary Story 867 Lincoln Saves the Union Power Point version

Here are ten vocabulary words to make a story with with definitions. The challenge is to make a story with them. I provide my story ‘answer’ and a ‘translation’ paraphrase of it. The rationale is to learn to use the vocabulary words in context and learn their meaning. This story is about President Abraham Lincoln 16th US president, his humble origins and what he did.
Vocabulary Story 879    The Movie Lifeboat

Vocabulary Story 879 The Movie Lifeboat

Here is a story about the theme of the movie lifeboat using ten words from a vocabulary study list. See the words and think of how you would write a story then see my story and paraphrase of it. This is all presented in Power Point frames suitable for viewing.
Vocabulary Story 949  Hilary is an Also-ran

Vocabulary Story 949 Hilary is an Also-ran

1 Vocabulary Story 949 Hilary is an Also-ran . Hilary is an also-ran, through the imbecility of her nonchalant weak campaign. She loathes Trump and has made mordant remarks about him, calling his win serendipity or worse. She now lives in a dell with elaborate stringent secret service protection. She gets regular biopsies to check her health. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 949 Hilary is an Also-ran . Hilary is an political second placer, through the stupidity of her careless weak campaign. She hates Trump and has made deadly remarks about him, calling his win luck or worse. She now lives in a little valley with complex strict secret service protection. She gets regular tissue removal tests to check her health. .
Vocabulary Story 933  The French Army Fell Apart Before WW2

Vocabulary Story 933 The French Army Fell Apart Before WW2

1 Vocabulary Story 933 The French Army Fell Apart Before WW2 . The French in 1940 were intimidated by the stentorian speeches of Hitler. They heeded erudite experts who said the incipient war would lead to inexorable defeat. This incapacitated the army. Routine order broke down. Troops had an untoward appearance and they imbibed wine to forget. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 933 The French Army Fell apart Before WW2 . The French in 1940 were cowed by the loud speeches of Hitler. They paid attention to learned experts who said the coming war would lead to certain defeat. This crippled the army. Daily order broke down. Troops had a sloppy appearance and they chugged wine to forget. . .
Vocabulary Story 940  How Malingering was Dealt with in WW1

Vocabulary Story 940 How Malingering was Dealt with in WW1

1 Vocabulary Story 940 How Malingering was Dealt with in WW1 . In WW1, fear of going over the top eventuated in malingering. Soldiers became facile at it, ripping their apparel and such. It was infamous. An escalation of this behavior caused eminent authorities to get involved. If a soldier even insinuated he would do it, he was shot. It was done in a stolid way. Couplets were written in protest. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 940 How Malingering was Dealt with in WW1 . In WW1, fear of going over the top lead to faking injury and illness. Soldiers became skilled at it, ripping their clothes and such. It was a scandal. An up tick of this behavior caused leading authorities to get involved. If a soldier even hinted he would do it, he was shot. It was done in a unflinching way. Verse were written in protest. .
Vocabulary Story 945  Hospitals - The Good, the bad and the Ugly

Vocabulary Story 945 Hospitals - The Good, the bad and the Ugly

1 Vocabulary Story 945 Hospitals - The Good, the bad and the Ugly . People are thwarted to go to the hospital. There are strange olfactory sensations. You are contiguous to turbulence and trauma that never seems to abate. There are delays that inspire pique. You wish you could get a surrogate to go in your place. However there is occasionally a convivial moment there too. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 945 Hospitals - The Good, the bad and the Ugly . People are hesitant to go to the hospital. There are strange odor sensations. You are next to commotion and shock that never seems to end. There are delays that inspire irritation. You wish you could get a stand in to go in your place. However there is occasionally a sociable moment there too. . .
Vocabulary Story 840  One Problem of Dieting

Vocabulary Story 840 One Problem of Dieting

1 Vocabulary Story 840 One Problem of Dieting . One facet of dieting is family must abide with diet foods as they supplant regular foods. In lieu of steaks, there are compotes and salads. Family members complaints hamper dieters; it’s a common malady. Renowned experts have diet plans. One wonders, is there hypocrisy and equestrian size eating behind the scenes? . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 840 One Problem of Dieting . One aspect of dieting is family must put up with with diet foods as they replace regular foods. In place of steaks, there are fruit desserts and salads. Family members complaints hold back dieters; it’s a common problem. Famous experts have diet plans. One wonders, is there falsehood and horse size eating behind the scenes? . . .
Vocabulary Story 841  World War One Battlefield: Verdun

Vocabulary Story 841 World War One Battlefield: Verdun

1 Vocabulary Story 841 World War One Battlefield: Verdun . During the World War One Centennial, the now bosky battlefield of Verdun was ballyhooed with complaints about its unique beauty. Many allegories were made about rebirth after the armistice was signed, more than one hundred years ago. I deferred going. When I did, the guide vented pique as he scrupulously showed me around the grounds. I felt malaise thinking about all those lost there. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 841 World War One Battlefield: Verdun . During the World War One Hundred Year Anniversary, the now wooded battlefield of Verdun was highlighted with praise about its unique beauty. Many poetic comparisons were made about rebirth after the peace treaty was signed, more than one hundred years ago. I delayed in going. When I did, the guide expressed irritation as he thoroughly showed me around the grounds. I felt mildly ill thinking about all those lost there. . .
Vocabulary Story 832    New York City in 1890

Vocabulary Story 832 New York City in 1890

1 Vocabulary Story 832 New York City in 1890 . The upper class in 1890’s New York City was adamant reproving the raffish lower class. In their hubris, their only concern was having the police force in good kilter to protect themselves. They said the poor’s only motive was sloth and greed. For their part, the poor had reciprocal respect for each other. They noted how the rich squandered money on exorbitant mansions and parties. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 832 New York City in 1890 . The upper class in 1890’s New York City was firm in criticizing the dodgy lower class. In their pride, their only concern was having the police force in good order to protect themselves. They said the poor’s only reason for being was laziness and greed. For their part, the poor had mutual respect for each other. They noted how the rich threw money around on elaborate mansions and parties.
Vocabulary Story 831  The Old Gladiator's Problem

Vocabulary Story 831 The Old Gladiator's Problem

1 Vocabulary Story 831 The Old Gladiator’s Problem . The gladiator had a long epoch of success in the hippodrome. He started out as a vivacious youngster; then people started to feel ennui when watching him. The arena staged maritime battles to bolster interest. It was a common plight of older fighters. He had to have a claque to cheer for him. He got irascible and eschewed company. When he finally lost and was supine, they voted thumbs down. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 831 The Old Gladiator’s Problem . The gladiator had a long period of success in the circus. He started out as a lively youngster; then people started to feel bored when watching him. The arena staged sea battles to pick up interest. It was a common problem of older fighters. He had to have a chorus of fake clappers to cheer for him. He got irritable and shunned company. When he finally lost and was on his back, they voted thumbs down.
Vocabulary Story 865     A Wife is Neglected    Power Point Version

Vocabulary Story 865 A Wife is Neglected Power Point Version

Here is a story using ten words from a high school vocabulary list. I give you the words and a short definition for each. You try to make a story. You then see my story and a paraphrase of it. I also give a illustration. The purpose of this is to see the vocabulary use in context and simpler words in a paraphrase story. This is a Power Point presentation.
Vocabulary Story 859  Sports Cars in the 1960's

Vocabulary Story 859 Sports Cars in the 1960's

1 Vocabulary Story 859 Sports Cars in the 1960’s . Sports cars were in vogue in the 1960’s. They had staunch supporters of their wanton speed and power. Coy young people trespassed on the psyches of the drivers, nullifying all rules of logic and safety. There were presentiments of accidents. Jaundiced adults fought against fast cars. All this fell into decadence with the oil shortages and fuel efficient car movement. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 859 Sports Cars in the 1960’s . Sports cars were in fashion in the 1960’s. They had loyal supporters of their uncalled for speed and power. Shy young people invaded on the persona’s of the drivers, canceling all rules of logic and safety. There were fears of accidents. Envious prejudging adults fought against fast cars. All this fell by the wayside with the oil shortages and fuel efficient car movement. . .