Tha cogadh na rud brònach.
Feumaidh luchd-tagraidh a bhios a’ co-èigneachadh airson a thòiseachadh, a bhith air an caisgireachd
gun vaccil.
Ge-tà; b’ e adhartas concrait a bha anns an itealan He111.
Thug an dà einnsean a bha an cois a chèile e suas anns an
speur àrd.
Tha cogadh na rud puinnseanta.
Feumaidh luchd-tagraidh a chleachdas feachd airson a thòiseachadh, a bhith air an dìteadh
gun sgios.
Ge-tà; bha am plèana He111 na adhartas làidir.
Thug an dà einnsean taobh ri taobh aige air èirigh suas anns an
speur àrd.
War is a virulent thing.
Proponents who coerce to start it, must be censored
without vacillation.
However; the He111 plane was a concrete advancement.
Its two engines in juxtaposition made it soar in the
lofty sky.
War is a venomous thing.
Advocates who use force to start it, must be condemned
without hesitation.
However; the He111 plane was a solid advancement.
Its two side by side engines made it soar in the
towering sky.
Bha Van Goug torrach.
A ‘tòiseachadh gu mì-chinnteach, cha b’ fhada gus an do leig e sìos cuingealachaidhean.
Paris; gu math buailteach do stoidhlichean, rinn e sealladh perfunctory air
ealain aige agus chuir e cùl ris.
Bha Van Goug den bheachd gu robh an ealain aige fìor.
Cha toireadh an Institiùd cead dha anns na cruinneachaidhean aige.
Dh’fhalbh Van Goug gu neo-eisimeileach gun neach-taic;
beatha àmhghair.
Bha Van Goug cinneasach.
A’ tòiseachadh gu stad, cha b’ fhada gus an do leig e stadan air.
Paris; gu math buailteach do stoidhlichean, thug e sùil èigneachail air
ealain aige agus dhiùlt e i.
Bha Van Goug den bheachd gu robh an ealain aige fìor.
Cha bhiodh an Institiud a’ fulang leis anns na cruinneachaidhean aige.
Dh’fhalbh Van Goug gu neo-eisimeileach gun duine a 'ceannach na h-ealain aige;
beatha fhulangais.
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Van Goug was prolific.
Starting out tentatively, he soon dropped constraints.
Paris; highly susceptible to styles, made a perfunctory look at
his art and repudiated it.
Van Goug held the contention that his art was pure.
The Institute would not condone it in its collections.
Van Goug went off autonomously without a patron;
a life of adversity.
Van Goug was productive.
Starting out haltingly, he soon dropped restraits.
Paris; highly prone to styles, made an obligatory look at
his art and rejected it.
Van Goug held the belief that his art was pure.
The Institute would not suffer it in its collections.
Van Goug went off independently without a person buying his art;
a life of suffering.
Tha e ìoranta gun robh amaran stagnant aig Manhattan ìosal uaireigin.
Is e seo an dearbh mhìneachadh air suidheachaidhean mì-fhallain tàbhachdach.
Gus luach a chuir air seo, thig gu Eilean Staten.
Bidh làn-mara ag atharrachadh, a 'fàgail uisge seasmhach agus suidheachaidhean fìor àicheil.
Tràth air adhart, chaidh co-dhùnadh ciallach an uisge a dhrèanadh ann am Manhattan.
Chaidh canàl iomchaidh a dhèanamh airson seo a dhèanamh.
Tha e neònach gun robh amaran seasamh fuaimneach aig Manhattan ìosal uaireigin.
Is e seo an dearbh dhealbh de shuidheachaidhean corporra mì-fhallain.
Gus seo a thuigsinn, thig gu Eilean Staten.
Bidh làn-mara a ‘tighinn a-steach agus a-mach, a’ fàgail uisge seasmhach agus fìor dhroch shuidheachadh.
Tràth air adhart, chaidh aonta glic airson an uisge a dhrèanadh a dhèanamh ann am Manhattan.
Chaidh canàl freagarrach a dhèanamh airson seo a dhèanamh.
It is ironic that lower Manhattan once had stagnant pools.
This is the very definition of material unhealthy conditions.
To appreciate this, come to Staten Island.
Tides fluctuate, leaving standing water and very negative conditions.
Early on, a prudent determination to drain the water was done in Manhattan.
An appropriate canal was made to do this.
It is odd that lower Manhattan once had noisome standing pools.
This is the very picture of physically unhealthy conditions.
To understand this, come to Staten Island.
Tides come in and out, leaving standing water and very bad conditions.
Early on, a wise agreement to drain the water was done in Manhattan.
A suitable canal was made to do this.
Bha cho faisg air an lòn cruinneachaidh ann am Manhattan a’ diùltadh luach fearainn.
Bha ùghdarrasan catharra den bheachd gum biodh e buannachdail daoine a bhith aca
smuaineachadh air an tìr.
Chuir daoine magadh air an fheadhainn a bha ga cheannach an gàire air ais
nuair a chaidh canàl a chladhach gus an t-uisge sgith a shileadh.
Bha luchd-seilbh fearainn toilichte leis an àrdachadh teann anns na tasgaidhean aca.
Bha daoine an sàs anns na goireasan aca airson barrachd a cheannach.
Tha cho faisg air an lòn cruinneachaidh ann am Manhattan air a mhilleadh le luach fearainn.
Bha stiùirichean baile-mòr den bheachd gu robh e math daoine a bhith a’ geall air an fhearann.
Rinn daoine magadh air an fheadhainn a bha ga cheannach thug iad an gàire air ais
nuair a chaidh canàl a chladhach gus an t-uisge salach a dhrèanadh.
Bha luchd-seilbh fearainn air leth toilichte leis an àrdachadh cunbhalach anns na tasgaidhean aca.
Ghlèidh daoine na goireasan aca airson barrachd a cheannach.
The proximity to the collect pond in Manhattan negated land value.
Civil authorities thought it beneficial to have people
speculate on the land.
People deriding those buying it recanted their laughter
when a canal was dug to drain the skinky water.
Land owners were elated at the rigid rise in their investments.
People husbanded their resources to buy more.
The nearness to the collect pond in Manhattan ruined land value.
City leaders thought it positive to have people bet on the land.
People ridiculed those buying it took back their laughter
when a canal was dug to drain the foul water.
Land owners were delighted at the steady rise in their investments.
People conserved their resources to buy more.
Bidh stòran acadaimigeach a’ leantainn na thachair don lòn cruinneachaidh drèanadh.
Rinn tuiltean gun spionnadh am fearann neo-fhreagarrach airson togalaichean snog.
Mar chomharra air seo bha làr ìseal làn fungas tais.
Rinn an in-imrich spreadhaidh polarachadh air comann Manhattan.
Chaidh àite-fuirich Shanty a thogail air fearann an lòn cruinneachaidh.
Chaidh na còig puingean ainmeachadh.
Bha anarchy agus suathadh ann; bacadh air comann-sòisealta modhail.
Chaidh fuasgladh cothromach a lorg.
Chaidh a h-uile càil a leagail agus chaidh taighean-cùirte a thogail ann.
Bidh stòran sgoilearach a’ leantainn na thachair don lòn cruinneachaidh drèanadh.
Rinn tuiltean flash am fearann mì-fhreagarrach airson togalaichean snog.
Comharradh air seo bha làr ìseal làn fungas tais.
Roinn an in-imrich spreadhaidh comann Manhattan.
Chaidh teanamantan air an droch dhèanamh a thogail air fearann an lòin cruinneachaidh.
Chaidh na còig puingean ainmeachadh.
Bha aingidheachd agus aingidheachd ann ; rud a tha a’ cur às don chomann mhodhail.
Chaidh fuasgladh cothromach a lorg.
Chaidh a h-uile càil a leagail agus chaidh taighean-cùirte a thogail ann.
Academic sources follow what happened to the drained collect pond land.
Spontaneous floods made the land incompatible for nice buildings.
Indicative of this were humid fungus filled basements.
The explosive immigration polarized Manhattan society.
Shanty accommonation were built on the collect pond land.
It was called the five points.
It had anarchy and friction; a deterent to polite society.
An equitable solution was found.
It was all knocked down and court houses were built there.
Scholarly sources follow what happened to the drained collect pond land.
Flash floods made the land unsuitable for nice buildings.
A sign of this were humid fungus filled basements.
The explosive immigration divided Manhattan society.
Poorly made tennaments were built on the collect pond land.
It was called the five points.
It had lawlessness and commotion; a thing driving out polite society.
An fair solution was found.
It was all knocked down and court houses were built there.
So, many people have adopted fallacious attributed to win acclaim.
This trend has diffused through the labyrinthin structure of the culture.
The magnitude of this phenomenon has impeded naturalness.
Many people have realized actting big is immaterial and have
retracted it.
So, many people have taken up fake ways to win approval.
This trend has filtered through the complicated structure of the culture.
The scope of this thing has held back naturalness.
Many people have realized actting big is inconsequential and have
stopped it.
Adroit people act presumptuously to augment their images.
This has proliferated; each person in conformity to the trend.
A precursor of these was William Buckley who looked very pedantic.
Many gullible people are impressed, many more are indifferent.
Clever people act as if they were all that to boost their images.
This has spread; each person following along with the trend.
A forerunner of these was William Buckley who looked very bookish.
Many believing people are impressed, many more not care.
I am resigned to and inure to people’s hypocritical actting greater than they are.
As the economy has become static and even seen a diminution, it
incites and kindles disdain.
A pithy way to say it is: I don’t give a damn.
I am a helpless captive to and use to people’s fake acting greater than they are.
As the economy has become stale and even seen a recession, it
starts and nurtures score.
A quick way to say it is: I don’t give a damn.
Flagrant rigid taxes have exacerbated the turbulent economic downturn.
The pervasive nuances of the tax codes are thought to be innovations.
Some new politicans concur high taxes are wrong and deride them.
Rebuttals are done in debates.
Maybe some taxes will be recinded.
Outrageous stiff taxes have worsened the rocky economic downturn.
The ever-present fine points in the tax codes are thought to be new trendy things.
Some new politicans agree high taxes are wrong and criticize them.
Arguements are done in debates.
Maybe some taxes will be taken back.