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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 948  The Evils of Torture

Vocabulary Story 948 The Evils of Torture

1 Vocabulary Story 948 The Evils of Torture . Torturers did egregious things. The cataclysm of the Inquisition brought nuances to components of the art. It did not matter how veracious the victim was. He was throttled, cut with serrated blades, put in a hermetically sealed jackets; brought to the brink of death by unremitting abuse. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 948 The Evils of Torture . Torturers did horrible things. The calamity of the Inquisition brought twists to parts of the art. It did not matter how truthful the victim was. He was choked, cut with toothed blades, put in a air-tight sealed jacket; brought to the edge of death by nonstop abuse. . .
Vocabulary Story 934  New Style Boxes for Amazon

Vocabulary Story 934 New Style Boxes for Amazon

1 Vocabulary Story 934 New Style Boxes for Amazon . With the ascent of Amazon, new style corrugated boxes were claimed to be a panacea to shipping costs and the old packaging was a disservice. The inventor of the box declaimed its benefits in sonorous tones and how its disadvantages were a nonentity. The old companies were civil but literally balked until they could make the change over to his type of box. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 934 New Style Boxes for Amazon . With the rise of Amazon, new style ridged boxes were claimed to be a solution to shipping costs and the old packaging was a hindrance. The inventor of the box recited its benefits in deep tones and how its disadvantages were a nothing burger. The old companies were polite but actually dragged their feet until they could make the change over to his type of box. .
Vocabulary Story 942  A Mass in a Casino

Vocabulary Story 942 A Mass in a Casino

1 Vocabulary Story 942 A Mass in a Casino . The Casino thought it expedient to use its foyer for a mass. People vied for the best seats. It was quite a ensemble. However; the priest was no buffoon. He came in all somber and gave a somber parable; a fulsome litany of complaint against gambling. People left in an equable mood. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 942 A Mass in a Casino . The Casino thought it practical to use its lobby for a mass. People jockied for the best seats. It was quite a group. However; the priest was no fool. He came in all serious and gave a gloomy sermon; a over done list of complaint against gambling. People left in a peaceful mood. . .
Vocabulary Story 946  Atlantic City is Crowded Today

Vocabulary Story 946 Atlantic City is Crowded Today

1 Vocabulary Story 946 Atlantic City is Crowded Today . I was obdurate in wanting to go to Atlantic City. They played a dirge for me. I had been a denizen during the Fall. I was all alone then - the protagonist. Now crowds thwarted me. It was seething with people. I even felt anxiety. Yes, I’m a partisan of the buffet and its gastronomy. The boardwalk shops and their ideograms are all coming back to life. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 946 Atlantic City is Crowded Today . I was insistent in wanting to go to Atlantic City. They played a sad song for me. I had been a habitual during the Fall. I was all alone then - the leading man. Now crowds held me back me. It was crawling with people. I even felt nervous. Yes, I’m a fan of the buffet and its fine eating. The boardwalk shops and their logos are all coming back to life. .
Vocabulary Story 931  Visits to Van Gogh

Vocabulary Story 931 Visits to Van Gogh

1 Vocabulary Story 931 Visits to Van Gogh . Van Gogh seemed vacuous, doing menial tasks in an insane asylum. His art was reproved and laughed at. However; toward the end of his life, things started to invert. A new tier of artists braved the hoarfrost to visit him; it was a harbinger of things to come. For his part, Van Gogh had charisma and rapport and was garrulous about his ideas about art. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 931 Visits to Van Gogh . Van Gogh seemed empty headed, doing lowly tasks in an insane asylum. His art was criticized and laughed at. However; toward the end of his life, things started to turn around. A new generation of artists braved the cold to visit him; it was a sign of things to come. For his part, Van Gogh had charm and friendliness and was talkative about his ideas about art. .
Vocabulary Story 939  Rebellion in the Countryside Quashed

Vocabulary Story 939 Rebellion in the Countryside Quashed

1 Vocabulary Story 939 Rebellion in the Countryside Quashed . In the hinterlands, the dregs of society went into anarchy. It was prevalent in the North. Capricious elements rebelled. In the sumptuous halls of Whitehall, they were reproved. Paltry surrogates were sent to make them grovel. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 939 Rebellion in the Countryside Quashed . In the countryside, the riff raff of society went into lawlessness. It was commonplace in the North. Impulsive elements rebelled. In the grand halls of Whitehall, they were criticized. Small stand ins were sent to make them beg for mercy. . . . .
Vocabulary Story 937  The Monitor - An All Metal Warship

Vocabulary Story 937 The Monitor - An All Metal Warship

1 Vocabulary Story 937 The Monitor - An All Metal Warship . The Monitor was an all metal warship, the archetype of a class of ships to dissuade the South from maritime trade. Dogmatic pundits said its corrugated construction would cause too much turbulence and blight its maneuverability. They said the Navy should abjure this technology and stick with wood and sail. The inventor, Erikson, said he’d rather use a dromedary. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 937 The Monitor - An All Metal Warship . The Monitor was an all metal warship, the first of a class of ships to turn the South away from sea trade. Conventional experts said its ridged construction would cause too much drag and ruin its handling. They said the Navy should forget about this technology and stick with wood and sail. The inventor, Erikson, said he’d rather use a camel. .
Vocabulary Story 943  The Old Movie Palaces

Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces

1 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces . People feel plaintive for the dissolution of the old movie palaces. You did not have to badger people to go; they tractably went voluntarily several times a week. They were vexed if movies were truncated. The double feature was a dogmatic element. The coming of cable dispelled many movie viewing traditions. It was a real coup. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces . People feel wistful for the disappearance of the old movie palaces. You did not have to nag people to go; they obediently went by free will several times a week. They were cross if movies were shortened. The double feature was a dyed in the wool element. The coming of cable changed many movie viewing traditions. It was a real revolution. . .
Vocabulary Story 858  Upstairs Downstairs in New York City

Vocabulary Story 858 Upstairs Downstairs in New York City

1 Vocabulary Story 858 Upstairs Downstairs in New York City . Upper class New Yorkers in the gilded age had temerity and shrewd acquisitiveness. It alienated them from the public. It was an affliction. Carnegie was called a scrupulous curmudgeon. They lived set apart in mansions on 5th avenue. However, with people of commensurate status there was harmony. They also developed a type of family group in people doing menial jobs for them like cooks and servants - a type of Upstairs Downstairs. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 858 Upstairs Downstairs in New York City . Upper class New Yorkers in the gilded age had boldness and clever greed. It estranged them from the public. It was a problem. Carnegie was called an abusive bad tempered man. They lived set apart in mansions on 5th avenue. However, with people of equal status there was community. They also developed a type of family group in people doing lowly jobs for them like cooks and servants - a type of Upstairs Downstairs. .
Vocabulary Story 885   The Paris Ballet's Corps de Ballet

Vocabulary Story 885 The Paris Ballet's Corps de Ballet

1 Vocabulary Story 885 The Paris Ballet’s Corps de Ballet . The ballets of the Ballet of Paris in the 19th century may look silly to us today; dozens of thin girls prancing together. How you got a part was up to chance. Some spots were reserved to girls old rich men simpered at; managers agreed to give them better roles. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 885 The Paris Ballet’s Corps de Ballet . The repertorie of the Ballet of Paris in the 19th century may look inane to us today; scores of slight girls cavoring en masse. How you got a part was up to serendipity. Some spots were alloted to girls octogenarian rich men puckered at; managers acceded to give them better roles. .
Vocabulary Story 894  Why People Like a Resort Town

Vocabulary Story 894 Why People Like a Resort Town

1 Vocabulary Story 894 Why People Like a Resort Town . An exhaustive study of why people have a predilection for Atlantic City was made. A synthesis of things was found. Rides give vertigo, games give booty; even things that go awry add interest. People say a trip there causes jubilation. After much council, the dormant Steel Pier amusement pier was reopened, in a ceremony reminiscent of the consecration of a church. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 894 Why People Like a Resort Town . An thorough study of why people have a liking for Atlantic City was made. A mixture of things was found. Rides give dizziness, games give prizes; even things that go wrong add interest. People say a trip there causes joy. After much deliberation, the dormant Steel Pier amusement pier was reopened, in a ceremony reminiscent of the dedication of a church. . .
Vocabulary Story 897   Plot Against Hitler

Vocabulary Story 897 Plot Against Hitler

1 Vocabulary Story 897 Plot Against Hitler . The insurrection against Hitler was intricate. It involved professionals and laymen in a kinetic action that almost succeeded. They acted listless, languid and lugubrious; jaded by being in the upper echelons of the Nazi Party. At a signal, they loped to their stations. When they thought they had killed Hitler with a bomb, there was jubilation but he survived and they were all hunted down and executed. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 897 Plot Against Hitler . The plot against Hitler was complex. It involved professionals and nonprofessionals in a lively action that almost succeeded. They acted tired slow and mournful; bored by being in the upper crust of the Nazi Party. At a signal, they ran to their stations. When they thought they had killed Hitler with a bomb, there was cerebration but he survived and they were all hunted down and executed. .
Vocabulary Story 882  People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany       Non Power Point Version

Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany Non Power Point Version

1 Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany . At the beginning of World War Two, criticism of the Nazis was superficial, being savagely put into abeyance by contumely and ridicule. Then the tumult of war defeats conjured changes in the political barometer. People procured affidavits to pummel the autocratic government. Many people were covering their asses for the post war? . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany . At the beginning of World War Two, criticism of the Nazis was tepid, being savagely put in check by insults and ridicule. Then the trauma of war defeats worked changes in the political winds. People got written evidence to beat on the dictatorial government. Many people were covering themselves for the post war? . .
Vocabulary Story 902  Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV

Vocabulary Story 902 Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV

1 Vocabulary Story 902 Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV . Early TV was listless with boring homogeneous programming. They were asked to modify this in the face of viewer wrath. So, they got a debutante with puppets in a baroque set. She used pantomime and viewers construed the meaning. It was great. A tell all book received under affidavit has recently fleshed out the details. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 902 Nice Young Woman Enlivens Early TV . Early TV was tired with boring monotonous programming. They were asked to change this in the face of viewer anger. So, they got a pretty young woman with puppets in an ornate set. She used gestures and viewers understood the meaning. It was great. A tell all book received under oath has recently fleshed out the details. . .
Vocabulary Story 927  Graceland: Elvis Presley's House

Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley's House

1 Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley’s House . The gist of a visit to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home, is he was a voluble blatant vulgarian. Inanimate objects like his gaudy limos show this. It was inexorable that litigants attacked him to try to to claimants to his stuff. Now Graceland is a museum and his fans come to worship even the interstices of its sidewalks. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 927 Graceland: Elvis Presley’s House . The take away of a visit to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s home, is he was a talkative outright rich crude person. Silent objects like his over showy limos reveal this. It was inevitable that suit bringers attacked him to try to lay claim to his stuff. Now Graceland is a museum and his fans come to worship even the cracks in its sidewalks. . .
Vocabulary Story 918   Successful Fighter Aces Lived in the Zone

Vocabulary Story 918 Successful Fighter Aces Lived in the Zone

1 Vocabulary Story 918 Successful Fighter Aces Lived in the Zone . Successful fighter pilots were often estranged. They were nonchalant, the periphery around them safe from the turbulence and extreme presentiment of death. The breadth of their success was often defiled, panned by the jealous. Filigree was added to their uniforms as they got more kills. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 918 Successful Fighter Aces Lived in the Zone . Successful fighter pilots were often held distant. They were cool and confident the space around them safe from the violence and extreme dread of death. The scope of their success was often sullied, criticized by the jealous. Fancy braid was added to their uniforms as they got more kills. . .
Vocabulary Story 913   Interesting Bible School   Delights

Vocabulary Story 913 Interesting Bible School Delights

1 Vocabulary Story 913 Abbess Teaches Bible Stories . The Abbess ran a tutorial about the bible which endeared her to the little community around the convent. This appurtenance caused a renaissance of interest in the Bible. She taught about the clamor of the inundation of Noah and how the Jews were afflicted by the Philistines with their bacchanals. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 913 Abbess Teaches Bible Stories . The Abbess ran a study class about the bible which made her liked in the little community around the convent. This additional thing caused a re-birth of interest in the Bible. She taught about the uproar of the flood of Noah and how the Jews were troubled by the Philistines with their drunken parties. .
Vocabulary Story 915  General Pilot of the Luftwaffe

Vocabulary Story 915 General Pilot of the Luftwaffe

1 Vocabulary Story 915 General Pilot of the Luftwaffe . Adolf Galland was peerless amongst the ME 109 pilots of the World War Two Luftwaffe. We’d call him infamous, a premeditated murderer. He took gusto in enlightening young pilots who held him to be omniscient. He was vociferous in forwarding pristine axioms about aerial tactics. One time he survived though his plane was shot up, porous with holes. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 915 General Pilot of the Luftwaffe . Adolf Galland was without equal amongst the ME 109 pilots of the World War Two Luftwaffe. We’d call him notorious, a systematic murderer. He took enjoyment in teaching young pilots who held him to be all knowing. He was out spoken in forwarding pure principles of aerial tactics. One time he survived though his plane was shot up, filled with holes. . .