1 Vocabulary Story 845 A Sensational Singer
Before radio, exactly one hundred years ago; New York has suffused
by vaudeville music halls. These were warranted by an entertainment
hungry public. It was an age of negligence and abuses were rife.
One slightly obese debutante was a paragon of a singer. She was the
guru of the high C. By some feint or other she was able to sing over
four octaves and was a sensation all over the city.
2 Vocabulary Story 845 A Sensational Singer
Before radio, exactly one hundred years ago; New York has filled
with vaudeville music halls. These were called for by an entertainment
hungry public. It was an age of indifference and abuses were abundant.
One slightly over weight young socialite woman was a model of a singer. She was
the expert of the high C. By some trick or other she was able to sing over
four 8 note ranges and was a sensation all over the city.
1 Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches
Church leaders were shrewed. Integral to cathedrals were relics.
People with reverence would travel to see them. It ruffled one wary
bishop that people whittled away parts of his relic with impunity.
The Church would underwrite pilgrimages to particular cathedrals; they
abominated mistreatment of devote pilgrims. Occasionally whole
cathedrals were pillaged if they accumulated a lot of wealth.
2 Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches
Church leaders were cleaver. Central to cathedrals were objects of devotion.
People with would travel to see them with respect. It bothered one watchful
bishop that people carved away parts of his relic without penalty.
The Church would sponsor pilgrimages to particular cathedrals; they
hated the mistreatment of devote pilgrims. Occasionally whole
cathedrals were ransacked if they accumulated a lot of wealth.
1 Vocabulary Story 848 English Cookery
Some people lampoon English culinary style; Good English Cooking
is an oxymoron to them. So, I had foreboding and bemoaned my planned trip to
England; what would I eat?; Is Fish and Chips a euphemism for greasy
I was pleasantly surprised. I was able to modulate my diet to avoid
too much fat which makes you senile with prolonged consumption.
I made specific fiats to my cook and the results were excellent.
2 Vocabulary Story 848 English Cookery
Some people laugh at English cooking style; Good English Cooking
is a contradictory term to them. So, I had dread and complained about my planned
trip to England; what would I eat?; Is Fish and Chips a good term for greasy
I was pleasantly surprised. I was able to vary my diet to avoid
too much fat which gives you old age mental decline with lengthy intake.
I made specific orders to my cook and the results were excellent.
1 Vocabulary Story 851 Female Nightclub Singers Sometimes Become Famous
Incipient chanteuses are subservient; it’s unassailable if you
study their modus vivendis. Sometimes if they are telegenic they muster a
following and become famous.
Then they become captious. They remand food back to the kitchen if even a
scintilla is out of place. She has become a diva.
2 Vocabulary Story 851 Female Nightclub Singers Sometimes Become Famous
Starting female nightclub singers are servile; it’s undeniable if you
study their life styles. Sometimes if they are good looking on cameras they gather
a following and become famous.
Then they become fault finding. They send food back to the kitchen if even a
bit of it is out of place. She has become a diva.
1 Vocabulary Story 857 The Nature of the US Command in WW2
The tussle that was WW2 has been studied on every level, even the
metaphysical one. The US command followed principles that palliated
its unmitigated homogeneous nature.
Far from being presumptuous, generals were doubtful. They let ingenues
give advice even though at times unwarranted. It was not an affliction
adding a human caring dimension to their decisions.
2 Vocabulary Story 857 The Nature of the US Command in WW2
The struggle that was WW2 has been studied on every level, even the
meaning of reality one. The US command followed general rules that lessened
its complete monotonous nature.
Far from being prideful, generals were doubtful. They let tender young people
give advice even though at times it was uncalled for. It was not a problem
adding a human caring dimension to their decisions.
Here is a story using ten words off a vocabulary study list.
I provide a paraphrase of it to explicate the word’s meanings.
It is presented in Power Point.
1 Vocabulary Story 950 A Look At China
A panorama of China would show a halcyon land filled with
amicable productive people. They live under the canons of the
Chinese Communist Party, which occasionally ransacks and causes
pandemonium for the slightest of things.
Their economy is tenuous, making bagatelles easily done without.
Empirical investigations will show quislings in the US government
have propped them up.
2 Vocabulary Story 950 A Look At China
A wide view of China would show a peaceful land filled with
friendly productive people. They live under the dictates of the
Chinese Communist Party, which occasionally done searches and causes
chaos for the slightest of things.
Their economy is fragile, making trinkets easily done without.
Factual investigations will show traitors in the US government
have propped them up.
1 Vocabulary Story 941 The NYC Waterfront Redevelopment
People carped about the doleful unkempt conditions of the waterfront
district. In a pregnant pause of decades, judicious lawmakers interrogated
land owners and residence.
They did not want to jeopardize its character yet clean it up.
Quixotic schemes were hatched. They were able under pseudonyms to buy
up a lot of the land.
2 Vocabulary Story 941 The NYC Waterfront Redevelopment
People complained about the sad derelict conditions of the waterfront
district. In a suspenseful pause of tens of years, wise lawmakers questioned
land owners and residence.
They did not want to endanger its character yet clean it up.
Fanciful schemes were hatched. They were able to under fake name to buy
up a lot of the land.
1 Vocabulary Story 935 The Now Quiet WW1 Battlefields
The WW1 battlefields which saw the paroxysms of fighting and imbibed
the blood of a generation are now tranquil.
Their heroes; acclaimed and unsung, have diffused back home,
gotten annuities and are gone now.
Their mammoth forts are now defunct, embellished with plaques to
commemorate. France and Germany have reconciled and are now at peace
with each other.
2 Vocabulary Story 935 The Now Quiet WW1 Battlefields
The WW1 battlefields which saw the spasms of fighting and drank
the blood of a generation are now quiet.
Their heroes; recognized and unrecognized, have filtered back home,
gotten pensions and are gone now.
Their huge forts are now obsolete, decorated with plaques to
recall the events. France and Germany have made up and are now at peace
with each other.
1 Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles
The aristocratic denizens of Versailles, right before the French
Revolution, were melancholy. Divergent people covertly visited them
to bolster them up. They all realized how tenuous the
situation was.
They reiterated the list of complaints against them, harping on how unfairly
they were being treated. They quailed at what their fate would be.
2 Vocabulary Story 932 A Feeling of Doom in Versailles
The noble inhabitants of Versailles, right before the French
Revolution, were sad. Various people secretly visited them
to cheer them up. They all realized how shaky the situation was.
They went over the list of complaints against them, complaining about how
unfairly they were being treated. They trembled at what their fate would be.
1 Vocabulary Story 938 Bryant: A New Style Newspaper Publisher
Bryant was a newspaper publisher. He eschewed the sensational and
set up the antithesis, endeavoring to transcribe the truth.
This was a tonic to the NYC news scene and catapulted him to eminence.
People tried to emulated him and patronized his paper The World.
Bryant gloated. His articles about malnutrition in NYC slums won him
2 Vocabulary Story 938 Bryant: A New Style Newspaper Publisher
Bryant was a newspaper publisher. He avoided the sensational and
set up the opposite, trying to write down the truth.
This was a pick-me-up to the NYC news scene and boosted him to fame.
People tried to copy him and read his paper The World.
Bryant bragged. His articles about poor nutrition in NYC slums won him
1 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces
People feel plaintive for the dissolution of the old movie palaces.
You did not have to badger people to go; they tractably went voluntarily
several times a week. They were vexed if movies were truncated. The
double feature was a dogmatic element.
The coming of cable dispelled many movie viewing traditions. It was
a real coup.
2 Vocabulary Story 943 The Old Movie Palaces
People feel wistful for the disappearance of the old movie palaces.
You did not have to nag people to go; they obediently went by free will
several times a week. They were cross if movies were shortened. The
double feature was a dyed in the wool element.
The coming of cable changed many movie viewing traditions. It was
a real revolution.
1 Vocabulary Story 947 Removing Louis the 16th Didn’t Help
The opposition to Louis the 16th prepossessed the public. They saw his
abdication as a panacea for their problems. He had faced a steady
Now he was paraded out and people ogled at the stout carcinogenic
wretch. But it was not the salvation advertised adduced by the usurptation of
power by a dictatorship soon afterward.
2 Vocabulary Story 947 Removing Louis the 16th Didn’t Help
The opposition to Louis the 16th preoccupied the public. They saw his
resignation as a cure all for their problems. He had faced a steady
negative press.
Now he was paraded out and people gawked at the stout cancerous
despised man. But it was not the salvation advertised shown by the power grab
by a dictatorship soon afterward.
1 Vocabulary Story 833 Early Boston Excluded Indians
Early Boston was autocratic and sectarian. Leaders only wished
for what they felt was equanimity free of gadflies. This prompted rampant
persecution and exclusions of the extrinsic. This had repercussions for the colony.
Later more enlightened leaders gave amnesty to the Indians and sought
to include them in the society and industry.
2 Vocabulary Story 833 Early Boston Excluded Indians
Early Boston was a dictatorial and narrow minded. Leaders only wished
for what they felt was calmness free of intrusion. This caused uncontrolled
witch hunts and bars of the foreign. This had bad consequences for the colony.
Later more enlightened leaders gave pardon to the Indians and sought
to include them in the society and industry.
Here is a story made from ten vocabulary words.
I give a list of the ten words with definitions.
I provide my story with a paraphrase into simpler words.
I also give an illustration.
The story is true about a priest in Nazi Germany.
This priest has been beatified by the Church, a step to being made a saint.
If you would, buy and review this story to encourage more and better stories.
Here is a story about the nuclear shelter system in New York City.
You are given ten words to write your story.
You see how I wrote the story.
I provide a paraphrase of the story and an illustration.
The purpose of this exercise is to use vocabulary words in a story
1 Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York
Many rich New York families boasted noble lineages. One
was Rockefeller, a paradigm amongst them, living in ostentatious
splendor on 5th avenue. There was a nomenclature of euphemisms to provide
acceptable terms to describe his unpleasant hoarding and
His staff had fidelity to him, covering up for his calumny and
wrong doing. Even though they were the antipodal of him, living in
penury and modesty in comparison to him.
2 Vocabulary Story 860 Splendor on 5th Avenue New York
Many rich New York families boasted noble ancestries. One
was Rockefeller, a perfect example amongst them, living in showy
splendor on 5th avenue. There was a set of replacement words to provide
acceptable terms to describe his unpleasant hoarding and
His staff had loyalty to him, covering up for his lies and
wrong doing. Even though they were the opposite of him, living in
poverty and modesty in comparison to him.