
KS2 History Benin Kingdom lesson 6 comparison to Anglo-Saxon showcase of knowledge assessment
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

KS2 History Kingdom of Benin Lesson 5 How did the kingdom come to an end - punitive expedition
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

KS2 History Kingdom of Benin Lesson 4 What do sources tell us about the people?
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

KS2 History Kingdom of Benin Lesson 3 How important was art
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

KS2 History Kingdom of Benin Lesson 2 artefacts exhibition
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

History KS2 Kingdom of Benin formation lesson 1
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

Kingdom of Benin History Unit KS2 Year 6/5 Comparison to Anglo saxons
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

Remembrance Assembly Play
Assembly Pack for Remembrance Day, powerpoint and script for play. Embedded videos and backgrounds for scenes.

KS2 History and English: Titanic Newspaper writing prompt
This resource provides helpful prompts for structuring the content of a newspaper report on the Titanic, used in a year 6 mixed ability class and differentiated by expectation and support.

KS2 Assessment Kingdom of Benin
I wrote this mini assessment to show the childen’s undertanding of the topic of The Kingdom of Benin.
Complete with questions on
-key events
-locating on a map

Lion Witch Wardrobe WWII timeline
I used this to support my teaching of a Lion Witch and Wardrobe topic, to deepen the children’s undertanding of the time when the book was written and set.

Canterbury Tales Timeline of Key Events
Key events around when the Canterbury tales were written. Useful as part of a knowledge organiser or just to reference

Titanic Homework Choice Board
Save time with homework planning, have children choose one or two activites each week for their homework. With a selection of tasks including writing, drawing and building. I have used these with Primary 3, 4 (Scottish Curriculum for Excellence) and Year 6 (English National Curriculum)
The work they produce is also a great way to get displays up and running with a variety of pieces.

Kingdom of Benin DIY thumb piano (mbira)
Made for my year 6 class, we had great fun making these and them composing some melodies!