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KS2 History Benin Kingdom lesson 6 comparison to Anglo-Saxon showcase of knowledge assessment
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

KS2 History Kingdom of Benin Lesson 5 How did the kingdom come to an end - punitive expedition
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

KS2 History Kingdom of Benin Lesson 4 What do sources tell us about the people?
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

KS2 History Kingdom of Benin Lesson 3 How important was art
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

KS2 History Kingdom of Benin Lesson 2 artefacts exhibition
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

History KS2 Kingdom of Benin formation lesson 1
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

Kingdom of Benin History Unit KS2 Year 6/5 Comparison to Anglo saxons
National Curriculum Objectives which are covered in this unit:
a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history: Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300
Children will look at the ancient civilisation of Benin.
They will learn when and where the Benin civilisation and people lived.
They will take a close look at their religion, culture, art and social structures and then compare these to the Anglo Saxons.
They will look at what different sources tell us and look at their reliability and limitations.
Every ppt includes:
Key vocabulary
Skills coverage
Recap questions from previous lessons
Enquiry Questions
Exploration of Knowledge
Plenery options

SATs KS2 2018 English Reading Question Breakdown Revision
Ideal for going through the paper with your class after they have had a practice. One question per slide, comes in both pre-annotated with answers and blank formats. (Text included on slides)

SATs KS2 2018 Maths Paper 3 Reasoning Question Breakdown Revision
Ideal for going through the paper with your class after they have had a practice. One question per slide, comes in both pre-annotated with answers and blank formats.

SATS KS2 2018 Maths Paper 2 Reasoning Question Breakdown Revision
Ideal for going through the paper with your class after they have had a practice. One question per slide, comes in both pre-annotated with answers and blank formats.

SATs KS2 2018 Maths Paper 1 Arithmetic - question breakdown
Ideal for going through the paper with your class after they have had a practice. One question per slide, comes in both pre-annotated with answers and blank formats.

Remembrance Assembly Play
Assembly Pack for Remembrance Day, powerpoint and script for play. Embedded videos and backgrounds for scenes.

KS2 - English - Writing - Informal Letter Knowledge Organiser
Knowledge organiser to aid KS2 children in writing an informal letter.

Whole School, KS1, KS2 Science: Moderation and Assessment pupil can statements
Whole school document ideal for science leaders or class teachers to help assess children’s progression through the Science Curriculum.

Whole School, KS1, KS2 Science: End of unit Assessment
Multiple choice End of Unit Assessment for every year group covering all National Curriculum Science Topics.
Great for either end of unit assessements or as a “cold task” before introducing a new topic.

EYFS, KS1, KS2 Science: Experiment ideas booklet
A booklet aimed originally at EYFS with** 12 experiments** to try throughout the year. I have since used this throughout the school with different ages and abilities.
Each experiment contains: list of equipment, method, explanation of how it works, some example big thinking questions, room for personal reflection
I have found in my early career taking notes on what makes each experiment work for different cohorts helpful for future planning.

Year 4 Science: States of Matter - Knowledge Organiser
Science Knowledge Organisers covering the topic of States of Matter.
Two page A4 spread covering; all key topics, annotated diagrams and key vocabulary.

Year 5 Science: Space - Knowledge Organiser
Science Knowledge Organisers covering the topic of Space.
Two page A4 spread covering; all key topics, annotated diagrams and key vocabulary.