KS1 Complete Lesson
Science: Working Scientifically
This is a great lesson as part of a STEM project, a Science topic or as a stand alone lesson. Designed to show the difference between warm blooded and cold blooded animals, this lesson allows children to predict, conduct and review and experiment independently. This lesson is engaging based around Dinosaurs and requires a thermometer or data logger and two (different size) bottles filled with warm water.
Key Stage 1 National Curriculum Criteria and statutory Requirements.
By asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
observing closely, using simple equipment
performing simple tests
identifying and classifying
using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.
‘Working scientifically’ is described separately in the programme of study, but must always
be taught through and clearly related to the teaching of substantive science content in the
programme of study.
Year 1
**identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles,
birds and mammals
describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish,
amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets)
describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials**
Year 2
explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things
that have never been alive
find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for
survival (water, food and air)
As Design and Technology Subject Lead, I have created this glossary of progressive terminology/ extended vocabulary list to ensure that the children in my school have a broad range of vocabulary that could be used across the curriculum. Somme vocabulary is cross-curricular and will support teaching alongside the new OFSTED framework. I began with Year 1 and, based on National Curriculum progression documents, I compiled a list of vocabulary that the children should see, hear and be encouraged to use. I have added new vocabulary to deepen the children’s understanding and broaden their vocabulary in each year group. This can be seen in green.
It have separated the vocabulary into the seven areas of DT:
• Design
• Structure
• Mechanism
• Electrical Control
• Materials
• Food Technology
• Evaluation
This list can be used by:
Subject Leaders as part of progression documents and curriculum for the school.
Teachers as a planning scaffold and an assessment tool to ensure children have a broad art curriculum.
Teachers to deepen their subject knowledge.
Teachers and subject leaders to promote high standards in vocabulary across the curriculum.
To ensure Art is linked to English and reading where possible.
Pupils may find this resource useful as a check list in their sketchbooks at the beginning of each topic.
My school have used this grid this year and we have noticed a great improvement in the children’s understanding of art vocabulary in their speech and through their writing in English.
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As a member of SLT, I have created this glossary of progressive terminology/ extended vocabulary list along with the History lead to ensure that the children in my school have a broad range of vocabulary that could be used across the curriculum. Some vocabulary is cross-curricular and will support teaching alongside the new OFSTED framework. I began with KS1 and, based on National Curriculum progression documents, I compiled a list of vocabulary that the children should see, hear and be encouraged to use. I have added new vocabulary to deepen the children’s understanding and broaden their vocabulary in each year group. This can be seen in green. The vocabulary in purple is repeated from the previous key stage.
This list can be used by:
Subject Leaders as part of progression documents and curriculum for the school.
Teachers as a planning scaffold and an assessment tool to ensure children have a broad art curriculum.
Teachers to deepen their subject knowledge.
Teachers and subject leaders to promote high standards in vocabulary across the curriculum.
To ensure Art is linked to English and reading where possible.
Pupils may find this resource useful as a check list in their sketchbooks at the beginning of each topic.
My school have used this grid this year and we have noticed a great improvement in the children’s understanding of art vocabulary in their speech and through their writing in English.
*You will need a copy of the book to teach this block.
The book is currently avaliable on amazon for £4.49 and it is possible to teach the block having only read the first 4 chapters.
This resource includes
A detailed powerpoint for each lesson
Activity sheets for each lesson
Success criteria for books
Youtube links for teaching SPAG
Model Texts
Lesson 1
I can use my knowledge of the character Skeillig to create a descriptive vocabulary bank.
Lesson 2
I understand that as part of the writing process, it is important to read a range of texts and learn from their structure and style.
Lesson 3
I can plan a character description based on a success criteria.
I can role play to understand the body’s reaction to emotional stimulus.
Lesson 4
I can draft a character description based on success criteria.
I can use relative clauses.
Lesson 5
I can write and punctuate direct speech to deepen a character description.
Lesson 6
I can edit my writing and include semi-colons and colons for effect.
5 pieces of work, 24 lessons, 4.5 weeks
4 out of 5 blocks are stand alone pieces based on video or input and do not require texts.
Each block includes a detailed PowerPoint for each lessons, sheets and activites and a success criteria.
The Piano (Flashback)
5 complete stand alone lessons
Foucs: Cohesive devices
**Treasure (Diary Entry) **
4 Complete stand alone lessons
Focus: semi-colons, active and passive voice
King Charles III (Historical Narrative )
5 Complete stand alone lessons with King Charles III as the focus
Focus: Punctuation and clause types
Skellig (Character Description)
6 Lessons but Requires at least the first 4 chapters of the text (this can be purchased on amazon for $4.49
Focus: tension and suspense and relative clauses
Snake vs Iguana (Descriptive Voice Over)
4 Complete stand alone lessons with a snake vs iguana video as the focus
Focus: creating pace with clause types and sentence lengths
I have created a series of lessons has been designed to increase your pupils’ word processing skills. The can be used during registration time or as stand alone lessons. One major barrier to learning I encountered when asking children to use Microsoft Word was their lack of experience using Word’s basic functions. I have broken the key elements I believe primary school children should understand down into 6 separate child-led lessons.
I recommend that you first model the activities to the class and then let the children explore.
This is Level 1 : Colour and font
Level 2: Bullet points
Level 3: Text boxes
Level 4: Images
Level 5: Spelling and grammar check
Level 6: Symbols
I have compiled a bank of review and plenary activities. The resources here are editable and are a great resource to have on your memory stick.
Reviews are a fantastic way to check children’s understanding and consolidate learning. Many of the activities in this resource encourage children to use their imagination and work in pairs to share learning and deepen their thinking.
Ideal for:
Student Teachers
Supply Teacher
Experience Teachers who would like easy access to their plenary activities.
KS1 Complete Lesson
STEM inspired
Biology; Germs and bodily functions
This is a great lesson as part of a STEM project, a PSHCE topic or as a stand alone lesson. Designed to show how germs can spread and to encourage good hygiene, this lesson is engaging and practical and allows children to work scientifically.
This lesson includes:
Fact or fiction game
Facts about sneezes
Fully explained experiment
As Art Subject Lead I created this glossary of art terminology/ extended vocabulary list to ensure that the children in my school had a broad range of vocabulary that could be used across the curriculum. I began with Year 1 and, based on National Curriculum progression documents, I compiled a list of vocabulary that the children should see, hear and be encouraged to use. I have added new vocabulary to deepen the children’s understanding and broaden their vocabulary for each year group. This can be seen in green.
This list can be used by:
Subject Leaders as part of progression documents and curriculum for the school.
Teachers as a planning scaffold and an assessment tool to ensure children have a broad art curriculum.
Teachers to deepen their subject knowledge.
Teachers and subject leaders to promote high standards in vocabulary across the curriculum.
To ensure Art is linked to English and reading where possible.
Pupils may find this resource useful as a check list in their sketchbooks at the beginning of each topic.
My school have used this grid this year and we have noticed a great improvement in the children’s understanding of art vocabulary in their speech and through their writing in English.
I have created a series of lessons has been designed to increase your pupils’ word processing skills. The can be used during registration time or as stand alone lessons. One major barrier to learning I encountered when asking children to use Microsoft Word was their lack of experience using Word’s basic functions. I have broken the key elements I believe primary school children should understand down into 6 separate child-led lessons.
I recommend that you first model the activities to the class and then let the children explore.
This is Level 4: Images
I have compiled the list of National Curriculum Spellings for Years 5 and 6 and created a bank of short spelling sessions. This resource is designed to encourage children to understand the origin of spellings and help create meaning for spelling sessions.
**Included **
• Each spelling has at least two slides/pages
• I have defined meaning.
• Explored and used the etymology
• Fun facts of spelling to make the words more memorable.
• Most spellings are accompanied by a short task.
This is Term 1
I have broken them down into terms which should ensure that the word list is covered over the year. The resource is alphabetical and covers spellings A-C. I have created this resource in PDF and Activ Inspire Format.
I have designed a whole speadsheet covering the KPIs or Assessment Criteria for Maths from EYFS to Year 6.
I have included code to make assessment and monitoring is easy.
When the strand is taught double click the KPI/ Assessment cell once to turn the cell red if the child had struggled, Double Click twice to turn in amber if they have some understanding and double click three times to show the child is secure.
Editable learning mat for KS1 topics including; Who am I?, What makes me, me? and People and Animals. Knowledge organiser designed to scaffold learning and provide new vocabulary to your topic. A knowledge organiser is a set of key facts or information that pupils need to know and be able to recall in order to master a unit or topic. Provide the children with the knowledge organiser at the beginning of a topic or us it as a checklist of coverage. This resource is suitable for Key Stage One and EYFS.
This resources includes:
Vocabulary list - inspired by the hight frequency words
Timeline of growth
Opportunity for children to copy the spellings
The 5 senses
I have created a series of lessons has been designed to increase your pupils’ word processing skills. The can be used during registration time or as stand alone lessons. One major barrier to learning I encountered when asking children to use Microsoft Word was their lack of experience using Word’s basic functions. I have broken the key elements I believe primary school children should understand down into 6 separate child-led lessons.
I recommend that you first model the activities to the class and then let the children explore.
This is Level 5: Spelling and grammar check
*You will need a copy of the book to teach this block.
The book is currently avaliable on amazon for £4.49 and it is possible to teach the block having only read the first 4 chapters.
This resource includes Lesson 1 only the whole resource includes:
A detailed powerpoint for each lesson
Activity sheets for each lesson
Success criteria for books
Youtube links for teaching SPAG
Model Texts
**Lesson 1
I can use my knowledge of the character Skeillig to create a descriptive vocabulary bank.**
Lesson 2
I understand that as part of the writing process, it is important to read a range of texts and learn from their structure and style.
Lesson 3
I can plan a character description based on a success criteria.
I can role play to understand the body’s reaction to emotional stimulus.
Lesson 4
I can draft a character description based on success criteria.
I can use relative clauses.
Lesson 5
I can write and punctuate direct speech to deepen a character description.
Lesson 6
I can edit my writing and include semi-colons and colons for effect.
I have created a series of planning based on the film ‘The Piano’*
Lesson 1: Emotions, mood and inference.
An indepth PowerPoint
3 Worksheets
(I recommend they are completed in groups or pairs to fit the lesson into one hour but it they can be completed individually but you may need more than 1 hour to teach)
Lesson 2: Sentence structure, fronted adverbials and vocabulary generation
An indepth PowerPoint
2 Worksheets
Lesson 3: Vocabulary and Direct Speech
An indepth PowerPoint
1 Worksheets
Lesson 4: Creating a mood, varied sentence lengths and a first draft
An indepth PowerPoint
Two model texts in full
A copy of the government KS2 example from 2013 DO NOT USE AS A MODEL
Y5 Success criteria (can be used for lower Y6) in a table to be used in books
Y6 Success criteria in a table to be used in books
Lesson 5: Cohesive devices and final draft
An indepth PowerPoint
Two model texts in full
A copy of the government KS2 example from 2013 DO NOT USE AS A MODEL
Y5 Success criteria (can be used for lower Y6) in a table to be used in books
Y6 Success criteria in a table to be used in books
*This is not the complete planning. This download contains lesson 1. Please download for more information
or see the powerpoint for more options
*This full resource is complete an only requires Youtube
This is lesson 1 of 4
The full resource includes:
A detailed powerpoint for each lesson
Activity sheets for each lesson
Success criteria for books
Youtube links for teaching SPAG
Model Texts
Lesson 1: Vocabulary - bullet point lists, semi-colons in list with expanded noun phrases and semi-colons to join two main clauses together.
Lesson 2: Active and Passive Voice
Lesson 3: Emotions graph and structure of a diary.
Model Text from the POV of the main character for lowers or younger children.
Lesson 4: Final draft focusing on the success criteria to edit
Model Text from the POV of the treasure for highers or older children if a mixed class.