To effectively prepare your class for the MYP Mathematics eAssessment, use all four learning experiences (1 hour+ each) which provide students with everything they need to be successful.
Lesson 1 - detailing the structure of the test, gathering student’s knowledge and questions around the eAssessment, unpacking the command terms through a crossword and wordsearch, familiarising students with the digital tools used, navigating what good communication looks like and suggestions for criterion C related activities. Plenty of “top tips” included throughout. Bonus resource: an interactive notebook with command term definitions, formula book, and useful mathematical notation.
Lesson 2 - preparing for part 1/criterion A questions. Working through an unfamiliar problem together, understanding what topics could come up, guidance for creating a study plan, mixed topic questions to be used for a group quiz or independently.
Bonus resource: digital self-assessment checklist with suggested resources to help revision.
Lesson 3 - preparing for part 2/criterion D real life problems. With a focus on understanding what is meant by “relevant factors” and “justifying” an answer and it’s accuracy. Including one eAssessment style real life problem with attached checklist for self or peer marking.
Lesson 4 - preparing for part 3/criterion B investigation. An opportunity to check students prior knowledge of different types of sequences, a focus in how to use the context to write a general rule and justify it. Relevant command terms are explicitly defined with common mistakes clarified. Including one eAssessment style investigation with attached checklist for self or peer marking.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of perimeter and linear sequences to explore properties of a uniquely defined shape.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP4.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of showing outcomes by listing and sample space diagrams to explore the chances of winning in different games.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP2.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of rectangles to identify how to maximise areas based on perimeters with different constraints.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP1.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of linear and quadratic functions to explore the intersects as variables change.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP5. Use of Desmos or Geogebra to graph is required.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of the sine function and transformations of functions to explore key points on the curve.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP5 extended. Use of Desmos (or Geogebra) is required.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of percentages to identify how multiple percentage changes impact the original value.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP1.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of exponents, and the ability to follow simple algorithms to explore the powers of 2 and 4.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP3. Use of sheets/excel is recommended for calculations.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of algebraic expressions to explore “mathemagical” tricks.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP2.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of translation, rotation and reflection to explore the effect on coordinates after transformations.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP3. Optional use of Geogebra to help with transformations, but can be done on paper.
In this investigation, students use their knowledge of mean, standard deviation and variance to explore progressing sets of numbers.
Including the assessment, rubric, task specific clarification, marking guidelines and sample answer.
Recommended for MYP4 extended. Use of maths is fun standard deviation calculator is recommended.
Students solve Christmas themed word problems and puzzles to reveal a festive picture and two jokes! This no-prep, digital, self-checking activity is the perfect end of term activity to review some key number and algebra skills. You will be given a link to the Google sheet and in the top right corner is a link to a corresponding Google Doc worksheet. Students solve 12 problems (which can be printed on a single worksheet) that generate 26 answers corresponding to the letters A-Z. They then type the answers into the Google sheet which, if correct, will colour in some sections, eventually revealing the mystery picture.
The questions require understanding of the content from the MYP 1-3 numerical and abstract reasoning portion of the MYP maths skills framework which are also fundamental number and algebra skills in other curriculum (negative numbers, significant figures, fractions, percentages, time elapsed, inequalities, highest common factor, lowest common multiple, linear sequences, ratio, substitution, expanding/factorising single brackets, solving equations, number operations). Perfect review task for MYP3/4/5 students during the festive season!
To effectively prepare your class for the MYP Mathematics eAssessment, use all four learning experiences (1 hour+ each) which provide students with everything they need to be successful.
Lesson 2 - preparing for part 1/criterion A questions. Working through an unfamiliar problem together, understanding what topics could come up, guidance for creating a study plan, mixed topic questions to be used for a group quiz or independently.
Bonus resource: digital self-assessment checklist with suggested resources to help revision.
Lesson 1 - detailing the structure of the test, gathering student’s knowledge and questions around the eAssessment, unpacking the command terms through a crossword and wordsearch, familiarising students with the digital tools used, navigating what good communication looks like and suggestions for criterion C related activities. Plenty of “top tips” included throughout. Bonus resource: an interactive notebook with command term definitions, formula book, and useful mathematical notation.
Lesson 3 - preparing for part 2/criterion D real life problems. With a focus on understanding what is meant by “relevant factors” and “justifying” an answer and it’s accuracy. Including one eAssessment style real life problem with attached checklist for self or peer marking.
Lesson 4 - preparing for part 3/criterion B investigation. An opportunity to check students prior knowledge of different types of sequences, a focus in how to use the context to write a general rule and justify it. Relevant command terms are explicitly defined with common mistakes clarified. Including one eAssessment style investigation with attached checklist for self or peer marking.
This booklet is ideal for students preparing for the eAssessment or at the end of MYP5/beginning of DP to review prior learning. Comes with mark scheme and cover sheet for reflection.
Each booklet has three sections (communication is assessed throughout) which should take 20 - 25 minutes each:
Section 1: 4 short/medium questions assessing knowing and understanding (criteria A and C)
Section 2: a real life application question (criteria D and C)
Section 3: an investigation (criterion B and C)
Note: there is space to answer section 1 questions in the booklet but, due to the nature of an application problem and investigation, it is advised that students do this on a separate paper.
Topics in this booklet:
Trigonometry (2 marks)
Averages (4 marks)
Simultaneous equations (6 marks)
Formulae (rearranging and substitution) (8 marks)
Real life - proportion in a scientific context (20 marks)
Investigation - probability leading to geometric patterns (20 marks)
How to use
Homework - it is expected that students will need 72 minutes for the whole booklet so it could be given over a longer period of time or each section could be given as a shorter task. If students were self-assessing against the markscheme, this could very nicely fit into three 30 minute homework tasks.
Developed into a unit assessment - the real life problem and investigation can both easily be developed into criteria based assessments purely by removing the subparts and giving students the flexibility to choose their own methods to solve the problem posed. All strands of criterion B and D are assessed in each booklet. Note: you would need to create your own rubric/task specific clarifications for this but the solutions on the markscheme would still be applicable.
In class assessment - for those preparing for the eAssessment this is a great resource to test on demand recall of mixed concepts. Again, if a lesson or double lesson time does not allow for 72 minutes of assessment, different sections of the booklet can be given over a series of lessons.
Class activity - end of MYP review, start of DP prior knowledge check, revision activity. Questions could be given as a quiz, a relay, a team challenge etc.
Self study - some students will want a resource to prepare for the eAssessment, or for general review of their learning at the end of MYP. Coupled with the markscheme, students can work through this independently.
Basis for a study plan - the reflection and next steps section can be used once the marks are filled into the given table. Students should note their strengths and areas for improvement (either mathematical concept e.g. trigonometry, or criterion specific e.g. verifying a general rule). This will make it easier to set goals and plan next steps for progress.
This booklet is ideal for students preparing for the eAssessment or at the end of MYP5/beginning of DP to review prior learning. Comes with mark scheme and cover sheet for reflection.
Each booklet has three sections (communication is assessed throughout) which should take 20 - 25 minutes each:
Section 1: 4 short/medium questions assessing knowing and understanding (criteria A and C)
Section 2: a real life application question (criteria D and C)
Section 3: an investigation (criterion B and C)
Note: there is space to answer section 1 questions in the booklet but, due to the nature of an application problem and investigation, it is advised that students do this on a separate paper.
Topics in this booklet:
Inequalities (2 marks)
Scientific notation/standard form (4 marks)
Linear functions (6 marks)
Representing data (8 marks)
Real life - circles in a personal and cultural expression context (20 marks)
Investigation - exponential functions leading to geometric patterns (20 marks)
How to use
Homework - it is expected that students will need 72 minutes for the whole booklet so it could be given over a longer period of time or each section could be given as a shorter task. If students were self-assessing against the markscheme, this could very nicely fit into three 30 minute homework tasks.
Developed into a unit assessment - the real life problem and investigation can both easily be developed into criteria based assessments purely by removing the subparts and giving students the flexibility to choose their own methods to solve the problem posed. All strands of criterion B and D are assessed in each booklet. Note: you would need to create your own rubric/task specific clarifications for this but the solutions on the markscheme would still be applicable.
In class assessment - for those preparing for the eAssessment this is a great resource to test on demand recall of mixed concepts. Again, if a lesson or double lesson time does not allow for 72 minutes of assessment, different sections of the booklet can be given over a series of lessons.
Class activity - end of MYP review, start of DP prior knowledge check, revision activity. Questions could be given as a quiz, a relay, a team challenge etc.
Self study - some students will want a resource to prepare for the eAssessment, or for general review of their learning at the end of MYP. Coupled with the markscheme, students can work through this independently.
Basis for a study plan - the reflection and next steps section can be used once the marks are filled into the given table. Students should note their strengths and areas for improvement (either mathematical concept e.g. trigonometry, or criterion specific e.g. verifying a general rule). This will make it easier to set goals and plan next steps for progress.
To effectively prepare your class for the MYP Mathematics eAssessment, use all four learning experiences (1 hour+ each) which provide students with everything they need to be successful.
Lesson 3 - preparing for part 2/criterion D real life problems. With a focus on understanding what is meant by “relevant factors” and “justifying” an answer and it’s accuracy. Including one eAssessment style real life problem with attached checklist for self or peer marking.
Lesson 1 - detailing the structure of the test, gathering student’s knowledge and questions around the eAssessment, unpacking the command terms through a crossword and wordsearch, familiarising students with the digital tools used, navigating what good communication looks like and suggestions for criterion C related activities. Plenty of “top tips” included throughout. Bonus resource: an interactive notebook with command term definitions, formula book, and useful mathematical notation.
Lesson 2 - preparing for part 1/criterion A questions. Working through an unfamiliar problem together, understanding what topics could come up, guidance for creating a study plan, mixed topic questions to be used for a group quiz or independently.
Bonus resource: digital self-assessment checklist with suggested resources to help revision.
Lesson 4 - preparing for part 3/criterion B investigation. An opportunity to check students prior knowledge of different types of sequences, a focus in how to use the context to write a general rule and justify it. Relevant command terms are explicitly defined with common mistakes clarified. Including one eAssessment style investigation with attached checklist for self or peer marking.
To effectively prepare your class for the MYP Mathematics eAssessment, use all four learning experiences (1 hour+ each) which provide students with everything they need to be successful.
Lesson 4 - preparing for part 3/criterion B investigation. An opportunity to check students prior knowledge of different types of sequences, a focus in how to use the context to write a general rule and justify it. Relevant command terms are explicitly defined with common mistakes clarified. Including one eAssessment style investigation with attached checklist for self or peer marking.
Lesson 1 - detailing the structure of the test, gathering student’s knowledge and questions around the eAssessment, unpacking the command terms through a crossword and wordsearch, familiarising students with the digital tools used, navigating what good communication looks like and suggestions for criterion C related activities. Plenty of “top tips” included throughout. Bonus resource: an interactive notebook with command term definitions, formula book, and useful mathematical notation.
Lesson 2 - preparing for part 1/criterion A questions. Working through an unfamiliar problem together, understanding what topics could come up, guidance for creating a study plan, mixed topic questions to be used for a group quiz or independently.
Bonus resource: digital self-assessment checklist with suggested resources to help revision.
Lesson 3 - preparing for part 2/criterion D real life problems. With a focus on understanding what is meant by “relevant factors” and “justifying” an answer and it’s accuracy. Including one eAssessment style real life problem with attached checklist for self or peer marking.
This booklet is ideal for students preparing for the eAssessment or at the end of MYP5/beginning of DP to review prior learning. Comes with mark scheme and cover sheet for reflection.
Each booklet has three sections (communication is assessed throughout) which should take 20 - 25 minutes each:
Section 1: 4 short/medium questions assessing knowing and understanding (criteria A and C)
Section 2: a real life application question (criteria D and C)
Section 3: an investigation (criterion B and C)
Note: there is space to answer section 1 questions in the booklet but, due to the nature of an application problem and investigation, it is advised that students do this on a separate paper.
Topics in this booklet:
Perimeter and Area (2 marks)
Two way tables (4 marks)
Quadratic functions (6 marks)
Trigonometry and bearings (8 marks)
Real life - probability in a fairness and development context (20 marks)
Investigation - coordinate geometry leading to arithmetic patterns (20 marks)
How to use
Homework - it is expected that students will need 72 minutes for the whole booklet so it could be given over a longer period of time or each section could be given as a shorter task. If students were self-assessing against the markscheme, this could very nicely fit into three 30 minute homework tasks.
Developed into a unit assessment - the real life problem and investigation can both easily be developed into criteria based assessments purely by removing the subparts and giving students the flexibility to choose their own methods to solve the problem posed. All strands of criterion B and D are assessed in each booklet. Note: you would need to create your own rubric/task specific clarifications for this but the solutions on the markscheme would still be applicable.
In class assessment - for those preparing for the eAssessment this is a great resource to test on demand recall of mixed concepts. Again, if a lesson or double lesson time does not allow for 72 minutes of assessment, different sections of the booklet can be given over a series of lessons.
Class activity - end of MYP review, start of DP prior knowledge check, revision activity. Questions could be given as a quiz, a relay, a team challenge etc.
Self study - some students will want a resource to prepare for the eAssessment, or for general review of their learning at the end of MYP. Coupled with the markscheme, students can work through this independently.
Basis for a study plan - the reflection and next steps section can be used once the marks are filled into the given table. Students should note their strengths and areas for improvement (either mathematical concept e.g. trigonometry, or criterion specific e.g. verifying a general rule). This will make it easier to set goals and plan next steps for progress.
This booklet is ideal for students preparing for the eAssessment or at the end of MYP5/beginning of DP to review prior learning. Comes with mark scheme and cover sheet for reflection.
Each booklet has three sections (communication is assessed throughout) which should take 20 - 25 minutes each:
Section 1: 4 short/medium questions assessing knowing and understanding (criteria A and C)
Section 2: a real life application question (criteria D and C)
Section 3: an investigation (criterion B and C)
Note: there is space to answer section 1 questions in the booklet but, due to the nature of an application problem and investigation, it is advised that students do this on a separate paper.
Topics in this booklet:
Quadratic functions (2 marks)
Exponent laws (4 marks)
Mean from a frequency table (6 marks)
Ratio (8 marks)
Real life - statistics in an identities and relationships context (20 marks)
Investigation - divisibility leading to arithmetic patterns (20 marks)
How to use
Homework - it is expected that students will need 72 minutes for the whole booklet so it could be given over a longer period of time or each section could be given as a shorter task. If students were self-assessing against the markscheme, this could very nicely fit into three 30 minute homework tasks.
Developed into a unit assessment - the real life problem and investigation can both easily be developed into criteria based assessments purely by removing the subparts and giving students the flexibility to choose their own methods to solve the problem posed. All strands of criterion B and D are assessed in each booklet. Note: you would need to create your own rubric/task specific clarifications for this but the solutions on the markscheme would still be applicable.
In class assessment - for those preparing for the eAssessment this is a great resource to test on demand recall of mixed concepts. Again, if a lesson or double lesson time does not allow for 72 minutes of assessment, different sections of the booklet can be given over a series of lessons.
Class activity - end of MYP review, start of DP prior knowledge check, revision activity. Questions could be given as a quiz, a relay, a team challenge etc.
Self study - some students will want a resource to prepare for the eAssessment, or for general review of their learning at the end of MYP. Coupled with the markscheme, students can work through this independently.
Basis for a study plan - the reflection and next steps section can be used once the marks are filled into the given table. Students should note their strengths and areas for improvement (either mathematical concept e.g. trigonometry, or criterion specific e.g. verifying a general rule). This will make it easier to set goals and plan next steps for progress.
This booklet is ideal for students preparing for the eAssessment or at the end of MYP5/beginning of DP to review prior learning. Comes with mark scheme and cover sheet for reflection.
Each booklet has three sections (communication is assessed throughout) which should take 20 - 25 minutes each:
Section 1: 4 short/medium questions assessing knowing and understanding (criteria A and C)
Section 2: a real life application question (criteria D and C)
Section 3: an investigation (criterion B and C)
Note: there is space to answer section 1 questions in the booklet but, due to the nature of an application problem and investigation, it is advised that students do this on a separate paper.
Topics in this booklet:
Linear functions (2 marks)
Surds/radicals (4 marks)
Ratio (6 marks)
Angles and equations (8 marks)
Real life - trigonometry in an orientation in space and time context (20 marks)
Investigation - perimeter leading to arithmetic patterns (20 marks)
How to use
Homework - it is expected that students will need 72 minutes for the whole booklet so it could be given over a longer period of time or each section could be given as a shorter task. If students were self-assessing against the markscheme, this could very nicely fit into three 30 minute homework tasks.
Developed into a unit assessment - the real life problem and investigation can both easily be developed into criteria based assessments purely by removing the subparts and giving students the flexibility to choose their own methods to solve the problem posed. All strands of criterion B and D are assessed in each booklet. Note: you would need to create your own rubric/task specific clarifications for this but the solutions on the markscheme would still be applicable.
In class assessment - for those preparing for the eAssessment this is a great resource to test on demand recall of mixed concepts. Again, if a lesson or double lesson time does not allow for 72 minutes of assessment, different sections of the booklet can be given over a series of lessons.
Class activity - end of MYP review, start of DP prior knowledge check, revision activity. Questions could be given as a quiz, a relay, a team challenge etc.
Self study - some students will want a resource to prepare for the eAssessment, or for general review of their learning at the end of MYP. Coupled with the markscheme, students can work through this independently.
Basis for a study plan - the reflection and next steps section can be used once the marks are filled into the given table. Students should note their strengths and areas for improvement (either mathematical concept e.g. trigonometry, or criterion specific e.g. verifying a general rule). This will make it easier to set goals and plan next steps for progress.