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Primary resources - planning, assessment and a range of activities




Primary resources - planning, assessment and a range of activities
suffixes -ing -ed

suffixes -ing -ed

To use the suffixes -ing or -ed where no change is needed in the spelling of the root word. Add the suffix -ing in one column and -ed in the next. Apply words created to sentences.
suffixes -s -es

suffixes -s -es

Phase 6 / year 1-2 Use the spelling rule for adding -s or -es as the plural marker for nouns. Add the correct plural ending for the pictures given.
Phase 2 Phase 3 Quick Write

Phase 2 Phase 3 Quick Write

Quick write forms for children to complete quick write with prompt sheets. I use these at least once every long term to track progress and identify phonemes to reteach.
Number formation posters with rhymes EYFS

Number formation posters with rhymes EYFS

Number formation posters with rhymes. Arrows showing direction to start writing in. One number per page posters and a page with all numbers together. Could be laminated and used for number formation, ordering numbers (indoor or outdoor on a washing line) or used for posters and prompts on a writing table. I use mine outdoor for gross motor formation with chalks on the playground and indoor with sand writing etc…
Read It Build It Write It

Read It Build It Write It

EYFS continuous provision or phonics support resource. Best used when laminated. Place word or sound cards on the ‘Read It’ section. Use plastic / magnetic letters to build the word in the ‘Build It’ section. Children use whiteboard pens to practise writing the word in the ‘Write It’ section.
Phase 3 phonics activity sheets j, v, w, x

Phase 3 phonics activity sheets j, v, w, x

Phase 3 phonics activity sheets including find and colour the phoneme practise writing the letter add the sound buttons fill in the missing letters read the sentence write a sentence Sentences could be cut up laminated and used for sorting. I also laminate the writing sentence part for children to use whiteboard pens with. (can be enlarged)
Phase 2 phonics set 1 SATPIN Blend and read words to help blending

Phase 2 phonics set 1 SATPIN Blend and read words to help blending

A powerpoint containing cvc cvcc and ccvc words using phase 2 set 1 sounds (SATPIN). I have shown the word with sound buttons then blended it in the direction of reading (left to right) to show the letters blending together. I found it helpful for my class when beginning to blend.
EYFS Reading and Writing statement labels

EYFS Reading and Writing statement labels

Avery label template with EYFS Reading and Writing statement 40-60, ELG and Exceeding statements. I use alongside a date stamp and next steps statements to stick into learning journeys / folders / books during the year.
phase 2 phonics handwriting satpin

phase 2 phonics handwriting satpin

Handwriting sheets with three lines (I call them sky, land, sea) which can be left as they are or highlighted. I have written the words on both sides so it is easier for left handed children to read the sounds as they write. Large lines for introduction of letter formation to help children with less fine motor control. I would reduce these down for more confident writers. Can be laminated for use with whiteboard pens or printed as writing sheets. I use these alongside phonics teaching for letter formation practice.
EYFS Maths SSM statements labels

EYFS Maths SSM statements labels

Avery label template of EYFS Maths Shape Space and Measure statements I print these labels and use alongside a date stamp and next steps comments in learning journeys / folders / books.