5 worst maths howlers

4th September 2009, 1:00am


5 worst maths howlers

  1. Q: A car company is having a sale. A pound;25,000 car now has 50 per cent off. What is the new price? A: Still too expensive
  2. Q: What is conditional probability? A: Maybe, maybe not
  3. Q: What is a random variable? A: Someone with multiple personalities
  4. Q: Change 78 to a decimal A: 7.8
  5. Q: Write two hundred thousand in figures A: Two hundred thousand in figures
    1. Taken from F in Exams: The Best Test Paper Blunders, published by Summersdale (www.summersdale.com)

      E-mail meabh.ritchie@tes.co.uk with suggestions for this column.

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