Activity as well as application

4th January 2002, 12:00am


Activity as well as application
Chris Drage puts both Imperata and Classlink 2000 through their paces

Imperata is an activity-and-application control system for computer networks. It shares many features in common with Viglen’s Classlink, but has more accent on teaching-management tools than network administration. Installation is straightforward comprising of putting the tutor system on a designated management machine and then installing the client software on each workstation. A graphic of the classroom showing each client is quickly constructed and this becomes central to management of the network. Teachers can work with a clear and easy-to-use visual representation of the classroom workstations and can initiate and control all instructional activities simply by clicking the icons of the respective workstations.

Imperata is compatible with all Windows operating systems but for installations with over 36 client and tutor connections the use of NT or 2000 is recommended for the management computer.

With Imperata you can open a particular program on all student computers, then decide which documents will be used and run. You might continue by opening one file to half of the class and another one to the other half. You can use Imperata for effective demonstration and instruction by broadcasting your screen to the class. You can teach by example - sharing a particular student’s outstanding work with the rest of the students. You can easily monitor students’ progress by viewing their screens on your monitor and even operate any student’s PC for one-to-one instruction. You can also lock and unlock any workstation at any time.

What makes Imperata stand out is its lesson creation and launching system. Unique to Imperata, lesson portfolios and assignments can be prepared by the teacher (objectives, tasks and outcomes) and resources gathered electronically all from within Imperata. This saves valuable lesson preparation and delivery time by enabling the instant creation of digital lesson plans, including files, applications and links to on-line content. These can then be saved, exchanged and launched to any networked PC. With Imperata you can create an efficient and versatile learning environment enhancing both the content and delivery of lessons. A must for any multimedia, computer network!

Imperata 4.0 Tutor

Price: pound;274, single-user

Imperata 4.0 Client

Price: pound;25, single-user

Imperata 4.0 Classroom

Price: pound;861 for classroom licence (1 Tutor + 25 Clients) All from Teleste Educational UK

BETT stand: M20


Suitibility for purpose ***** Ease of use ***** Value for money *****

We all need help with network management - even with Windows 2000 most operations are beyond most teachers due to the complexities of the operating system and the lack of time to sit down and learn them! Enter ClassLink 2000, Viglen’s latest development in its award-winning ClassLink management software.

By building on the established ClassLink software suite and Windows 2000 7technology, Viglen may be providing a Godsend to ICT co-ordinators and network managers alike for whom Windows 2000, in its raw form, is often more difficult for schools to manage. The ClassLink 2000 administrator interface certainly simplifies those everyday tasks, making Windows more accessible for schools and making the network more manageable, productive and easy to use.

Like its predecessor (ClassLink v3), ClassLink 2000 still contains all the modules in the standard ClassLink management and classroom control, but now utilises a Web browser interface and incorporates a raft of new features. For example, administration can be conducted from any server or workstation on the network using the intuitive browser. Many procedures, such as setting up home directories or adding users, are automated in the background.

Another feature I like in Classlink 2000 is that much of the structure has been done for you, pre-set with a typical school structure which is easy to alter and amend. Similarly, the security control, which is easy to administer with predefined access rights, avoids the need for administrators to learn the complicated policy structure of Windows 2000. Navigation is also improved with the network structure being displayed graphically so the administrator is clear where she is working. A fast search function has also been incorporated enabling any resource to be located with ease. Another welcome feature is that ClassLink 2000 is self-diagnostic and can therefore report and repair faults to parts of the system without intervention by the administrator.

Classlink 2000 is impressive. Being based on a modern operating system, it offers huge improvements in control and management and a comprehensive solution to a school’s ICT needs.

Classlink 2000

ClassLink 2000 from Viglen

Price: pound;2,495 + extra for user-licences

BETT stand: F60

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