Agencies fear permit change will choke supply

9th November 2001, 12:00am


Agencies fear permit change will choke supply
The supply of overseas teachers could be cut off by work-permit rule changes, according to a supply agency which is considering legal action against the Government.

The Home Office is piloting a scheme under which all agencies can issue work permits. But, as of this week, only three could do so, under an agreed exemption - TimePlan, Dream and Protocol.

However, the Home Office is only issuing permits up to August 31. TimePlan says this will make it impossible to recruit for next September, because it will be unable to guarantee a year’s work.

“How do we persuade a guy from New Zealand to sell his car and rent the house out to come over here just for a few months?” said Ian Penman, chairman of TimePlan.

David Hart, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said: “It sounds like a typical lack of joined-up thinking. I suggest the Home Secretary David Blunkett - who ought to know a bit about education issues - speak to the Education Secretary.”

However, a Department for Education and Skills spokeswoman said a decision on whether to continue the pilot and extend the permit time limit would be taken in March.

The number of overseas teachers working in the UK quadrupled in the first eight months of 2001, with 3,700 permits issued - up from 1,405 for the whole of last year.

Karen Thornton

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