Anti-Sats poem goes viral on Twitter

Poem highlighting the valuable qualities that primary school Sats tests do not measure causes a stir on social media
1st May 2019, 3:48pm


Anti-Sats poem goes viral on Twitter
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A poem attacking Sats for failing to measure the full worth of a child has gone viral on Twitter.

The poem, by an unknown author, lists qualities that the primary tests do not look at, such as sporting ability, musicality and the kindness in someone’s heart.

It ends with an exhortation to pupils to “remember Sats aren’t who you are, remember you’re the best”.

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The poem has been shared and retweeted multiple times, by parents and teachers, who have often added comments of approval: 


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Many wanted to point out that they, as teachers, were interested in more than mere exam results: 

Others speculated on the poem’s authorship: 

Some Twitter users, however, were less impressed by the poem, suggesting that its author might have benefited from some spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons: 

Meanwhile, Mark Lehain, chair of the campaign group Parents and Teachers for Excellence, countered the original poem with his own, pro-Sats version: 

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