‘Biased’ GTC chair is removed

21st November 2008, 12:00am


‘Biased’ GTC chair is removed


A teacher member of the British National Party has won his battle to have the chair of the General Teaching Council (GTC) removed from a disciplinary hearing.

Adam Walker, who could become the first teacher in the UK to be struck off for religious intolerance, said Judy Moorhouse would fail to conduct a fair investigation because she is biased. He said she is an open critic of the BNP.

Mr Walker, 39, who resigned from Houghton Kepier Sports College, near Sunderland, last year, is accused of unacceptable professional conduct for using a school laptop to post racist and anti-Muslim comments on a website. He is the president of Solidarity, a trade union closely associated with the BNP, and stood as a candidate for the party in last year’s local council elections.

Mr Walker has previously admitted posting criticisms of immigrants and Muslims, but claims he has been victimised because of his political views. He claims other teachers’ internet activity was not monitored in the same way.

In a statement following Mr Walker’s appearance on Monday, the GTC conceded that it was “not appropriate” to include Ms Moorhouse.

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