Coronavirus: What to do if a student tests positive

The government has published guidance on what colleges should do if a student contracts the coronavirus
7th September 2020, 5:37pm


Coronavirus: What to do if a student tests positive
Coronavirus: The Dfe Has Published New Guidance On What A College Should Do When A Student Tests Positive

Colleges have taken a range of measures to make sure that staff and students are safe while on site – but what steps should be taken after a student has tested positive for Covid-19? Today, the Department for Education published new guidance on this, and here is what it says.

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If a college student displays coronavirus symptoms:

  • In case of an emergency, 999 should be called, instead of visiting the GP, pharmacy, urgent care centre or a hospital. Where this applies, parents or legal guardians should be called to collect the student and take them home – and they should be advised that all household members will need to isolate.
  • While the student is waiting to be collected by a member of their household, they should be moved to an isolated room and a window should be opened for ventilation. “If it is not possible to isolate them, move them to an area which is at least two metres away from other people”.
  • Staff caring for a student while they are awaiting collection should maintain two-metre distancing or wear suitable personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • If the student needs to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected, they should use a separate bathroom if possible, and the bathroom should be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.
  • Anyone who had contact with the symptomatic student must wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds.
  • The student should be advised to get tested and notify the college of the results. “A small number of testing kits are being provided to you. Consider providing a home-testing kit, in line with the guidance on use, where you think providing one will significantly increase the likelihood of them getting tested.”
  • Once the student has left the premises, all surfaces they came in contact with should be thoroughly disinfect and cleaned 

If a student tests positive:

  • The local health protection team (HPT) should be informed immediately. The HPT will work with you to carry out a rapid risk assessment and identify appropriate next steps. “Inform the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) of HPT advice either direct or via the DfE Helpline 0800 046 8687”.
  • With HPT advice, close contacts of the symptomatic individual need to be identified, and contact tracers will inform them that they need to self-isolate for 14 days.
  • For students who are isolating, remote access to learning should be ensured.
  • “A template letter will be provided to you, on the advice of the health protection team, to send to students, parents, carers and staff if needed.”
  • The government stresses that settings must not share the names of people with Covid-19 unless essential to protect others.

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