‘Extremely vulnerable’ teachers expected back in school

Shielding staff can return, with risks to ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ mitigated, says DfE on September school openings
2nd July 2020, 11:46am


‘Extremely vulnerable’ teachers expected back in school

School Opening Supplies

New government guidance for September school reopenings allows for even “extremely clinically vulnerable” teachers and other staff to return to school.

The Department for Education document says that where schools follow other measures to reduce transmission, “the risks to all staff will be mitigated significantly, including those who are extremely clinically vulnerable and clinically vulnerable”.

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“We expect this will allow most staff to return to the workplace, although we advise those in the most at-risk categories to take particular care while community transmission rates continue to fall,” it adds.

Staff who received a letter advising them to shield are also now advised that they can return to work from 1 August provided they maintain social distancing.

However, the guidance adds that “school leaders should be flexible in how those members of staff are deployed to enable them to work remotely where possible or in roles in school where it is possible to maintain social distancing”.

It says that people who live with others who are clinically vulnerable can also return to the workplace. 

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